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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then?


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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by EarthScraper Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:16 pm

    This has probably appeared before, but what race was Gwyn then. Kaathe said multiple times that he feared humans, but he looks like a human though. So....what race is he? His 4 knights (excluding Gough) look human, but apparently are not.

    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? 658px-DSPC_Artorias_Final

    he has clearly got a human like nose and mouth, so if he is not human, what race is he?

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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by alchemydesign Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:57 pm

    He's a God, Gods aren't human.

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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by SpecialNewb Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:06 pm

    Human = Fueled by the Dark Soul
    Gods = Fueled by Fire/Light Souls

    In terms of physiology they all started as hollows. Or at least that's how I see it.

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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by WyrmHero Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:04 am

    He's a god and I like to call his knights demigods.
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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by DoughGuy Fri Mar 15, 2013 5:59 am

    I like to think of it like this

    Gwyn of the gods got one lord soul
    Nito of the dead got one lord soul
    The Witch of the chaos got one lord soul
    And the Pygmy of the humans got one lord.

    In my mind it makes sense for Gwyn to be of the God race.

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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by LunarFog Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:37 pm

    I always assumed Gwyn and his followers were the god race and the bigger they were the more godlike they were. That's why ornstein and artorias are WAY bigger than normal humans but the dark/silver knights were only a little bit bigger.

    Gough seemed like a giant though. And Ciaran was human sized so...she was...human? Or just really really ungodly.

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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by DE5PA1R Fri Mar 15, 2013 5:51 pm

    I think we can safely assume that Gwyn and most of his Knights are of a similar but different species as humans. Gough, obviously, is a Giant.

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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by Derpwraith Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:32 am

    Honestly, I think Gwyn was born in Lordran before the first flame, during the dragons' reign. And that before he claimed his lord soul he was just a wise old coot with a large group of followers. I'm thinking when Gwyn claimed his lord soul, he became a god and his lifespan extended tremendously, and that his followers then became an army of knights when Gwyn and the other two lords agreed to challenge the dragons. (I strongly believe that the Four Knights of Gwyn are demigods)

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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by Hue Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:43 am

    LunarFog wrote:And Ciaran was human sized so...she was...human? Or just really really ungodly.

    She was an assassin, being Gwyn-sized wouldn't really help for blending in

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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by IIdoneus Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:29 pm

    Is'nt it obvious? Gwyn is Norwegian.

    Jk. But, I think Gwyn is of the gods. As for his knights, Ciaran is NOT human. If you kill her she comments on how disgusting humans are. Gough is a giant. Ornstein and Artorias are...something? And as for the lords. Nito is comprised of miasma. The Witches are probably close to humans. Just look at Queelana. Finally, the furtive pygmy are the ancestors of humans.

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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by Emergence Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:43 pm

    It's tricky. Ciaran refers to Artorias as a man. I somewhat think that everyone is the race of "man" just physiologically altered by whatever genetic differences exist in Lordran. "Humans" strike me as the runts (pygmies) of the race. A funny offshoot that seem to be lemmings to the other normals, and are special by way of harboring humanity.
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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by Jester's Tears Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:02 pm

    IIdoneus wrote:Is'nt it obvious? Gwyn is Norwegian.

    What makes him. Look like me.
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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by Tolvo Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:19 pm

    A simple way I set it up is as follows.

    Humans, Giants, God/Demi-Gods. The Demi-Gods seem to be a very similar yet different race to the humans. Giants seem to be their very own thing.

    Demi-Gods I put into their own sort of group, Gwyn's Knights, the gods, they all fall under this category in ways. As is seen in game while the design intention is to be intimidating, black knights and silver knights are clearly not human due to their size. With that idea the Dark Wraiths in New Londo may actually be of the same race as they share animations, bleed effects of black knights, and size. So they may be fallen Demi-Gods, or Knights of Gwyn. Or they just were designed to look imposing.

    More interesting however, there are the dead such as Nito and his skeletons. Their lore is incredibly ambiguous. Especially whether any of them are actually giants, or Demi-Gods. As seen in the Tomb of the Giants, the Giant Skeletons are just that. Large Skeletons, but they don't have structure that matches actual Giants.

    The races in general are hard to understand due to the lack of clarity on who is actually what race, or how many differences there are based upon castes in society.

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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by KrazykevS10 Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:03 am

    He is a really big dwarf.How else could he have such an awesome beard?
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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:07 am

    Gwyn is a god... but you guys have to remember that 'God' isn't truly a race as much as a title for the ruler of anor londo.

    I agree with E, they're falling among the giant tree of 'mankind', with giants, humans and men all falling under this, humans are just the most pathetic of these, hence why we are seen as slaves to the will of the gods- the rulers of lordran

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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by KrazykevS10 Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:10 am

    Dark Souls really isn't a game for athiests...
    I maintain that Smough is a giant golden baby and Velka is a harpy. silly

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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by Hue Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:49 am

    KrazykevS10 wrote:Dark Souls really isn't a game for athiests...
    I maintain that Smough is a giant golden baby and Velka is a harpy. silly

    You don't HAVE to believe, you just need to tell yourself that Lordran is another world, where our current rules of physics and biology don't apply

    It's rather easy when you see those knights in rotten bone plate armor kissing you to un-humanity
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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:52 am

    It was more where i saw hoards of skeletons rolling on bonewheels that made me believe it.

    Lets not forget the concept of pyromancy.. that makes me laugh.

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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by KrazykevS10 Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:07 pm

    Oh,I'm not an athiest.I was just using that comment to reinforce my dwarf idea.Though Gwyn could be a former lumberjack.... silly
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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by Dibsville Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:16 pm

    To answer this, simply look at the opening cutscene. There was only Everlasting Dragons, but then fire came, and with it, the Hollows arose, and found Lord Souls, granting them power. They started recruiting other Hollows by offering them souls, (such as the Four Kings, they obtained their Lord Soul Shard from Gwyn, as he saw them a versatile group), and through this, humans were born, (hollows who have found that humanity can "cleanse"(?) them), and the Bonfires were lit. As far as I can tell, this kind of explains what the "people" are. They are simply "hollows".

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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by KrazykevS10 Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:28 pm

    As Dibsville said,all the humanoid lords were once hollows.They just used the power to rise above the rest.Though in my opinion,they are not gods as they can die,just like any mortal.My belief is that they simply claimed godhood so it would be more simple to rule Lordran and have loyalty from thier subjects.

    I think they are now the equivalent of demons as they possess immense power but are not fully immortal and can be corrupted by chaos,as seen with the witch of Izalith and her daughters.
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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:33 pm

    Serious_Much wrote:Gwyn is a god... but you guys have to remember that 'God' isn't truly a race as much as a title for the ruler of anor londo.

    I agree with E, they're falling among the giant tree of 'mankind', with giants, humans and men all falling under this, humans are just the most pathetic of these, hence why we are seen as slaves to the will of the gods- the rulers of lordran

    beat you to it a page ago guys silly

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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by KrazykevS10 Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:35 pm

    How were we to know unless we actually read the whole page? Reading is for chumps. winking
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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:56 pm

    KrazykevS10 wrote:How were we to know unless we actually read the whole page? Reading is for chumps. winking

    You're right, the side effects list on the whiskey bottle doesn't exactly make for pleasant reading for the Irish silly

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    What race is Gwyn and his followers then? Empty Re: What race is Gwyn and his followers then?

    Post by KrazykevS10 Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:49 pm

    Damn your media stereotypes! :x

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