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    What is the proper way 2 use Lifehuntscythe


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    What is the proper way 2 use Lifehuntscythe Empty What is the proper way 2 use Lifehuntscythe

    Post by shadowzninjaz Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:00 pm

    Hey question what is the proper way to use the Lifehunt with style.
    also would loved if u help out with armor my end is only 20 using fap ring
    n i dont care about poise.

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    What is the proper way 2 use Lifehuntscythe Empty Re: What is the proper way 2 use Lifehuntscythe

    Post by Coryf2209 Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:44 am

    How to use LHS? Equip blood shield and R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R2, dodge for a bit, rinse and repeat.
    (bring on the neg reps! silly)
    Dark Spirit EliteBiker20
    Dark Spirit EliteBiker20

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    What is the proper way 2 use Lifehuntscythe Empty Re: What is the proper way 2 use Lifehuntscythe

    Post by Dark Spirit EliteBiker20 Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:46 am

    Use Blood Shield with Bloodbite Ring and a reasonably lightweight armor. Just roll towards the enemy, attack, and role back. The Shield and ring will keep you from getting bloodloss. If you are worried about poise, you could wear heavier armor, such as iron armor, with the wolf ring, but you would lose your ability to roll in and out quickly. Hope this helped.

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