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    Tips to help me use my great hammer in PvP?


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    Tips to help me use my great hammer in PvP? Empty Tips to help me use my great hammer in PvP?

    Post by Dutchy Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:43 am

    As the title says, i'm somewhat terrible with my great hammer. I always swing to far away, get backstabbed, and nearly always die (Which reminds me of another topic). Any tips?

    Posts : 27
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    Join date : 2013-03-12

    Tips to help me use my great hammer in PvP? Empty Re: Tips to help me use my great hammer in PvP?

    Post by Rumeye Mon Apr 01, 2013 3:02 am

    If you’re gonna use very large weapons like the DGH then you should calculate your swings very carefully, because if you miss its more than likely that you will get roll BS’d.

    Not much to say really, just try to swing in dead angels to throw them off and use the "Roll R1/RB" attack very wisely because its the best move these kind of weapons have and it hits for high damage. With more time with the weapon you’ll get good with it you just need patience.

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    Age : 30

    Tips to help me use my great hammer in PvP? Empty Re: Tips to help me use my great hammer in PvP?

    Post by GenericUsername Mon Apr 01, 2013 4:10 am

    I've gone up against a number of people who tried to use great hammer normal attacks and I'll tell you they've never beaten me with them. I guess the PvP " standard " would be to roll R1 spam, hornet backstab and parry fish with great hammers.

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    Tips to help me use my great hammer in PvP? Empty Re: Tips to help me use my great hammer in PvP?

    Post by Stonedtrooper Mon Apr 01, 2013 5:19 am

    GenericUsername wrote:I've gone up against a number of people who tried to use great hammer normal attacks and I'll tell you they've never beaten me with them. I guess the PvP " standard " would be to roll R1 spam, hornet backstab and parry fish with great hammers.
    Don't forget the 0 poise dragonoid, ninja flip, red tearstone, power within, slb/dmb one hit KO build. Kinda like the glass cannon of strength builds.

    Posts : 347
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    Join date : 2013-01-15

    Tips to help me use my great hammer in PvP? Empty Re: Tips to help me use my great hammer in PvP?

    Post by xenon_nobelium Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:18 am

    i'll take this opportunity to post my large club build ^^ (x-post from another forum) this is tested and proven viable in at least 40h pvp
    always 1hand, always have ghost blade out, dark hand is against buffers/casters ONLY!
    try to always attack locked off with the club, mainly R2 and roll R1, for DA effect. lock on after the attack animation:
    -if you hit, combo to L1 for a bit more dmg
    you whiff or get blocked L1 prevents the usual BS attempt (i've
    never seen so much canceled BS animations before, period)
    ghost blade really makes this build work wonders, you'll chip that
    last few bits of health that much easier. also you have the sexy kick
    -> L1 combo. make them fear your parry , if it hits it's gg. it's basically a weaker offhand falchion, that's really good on a 9dex str build^^
    rotten pine resin and poison daggers are encouraged.
    power within is kind of a waste but i love to activate it at the end of a
    good fight when i'm behind in hp for one last desperate berserker rush.
    gotta stay in character ^^...alternatively go 50vit and 10dex for a
    little bit more weapon variety. the good thing about this loadout is
    that you swich to grass crest shield and man serpent greatsword if the
    opponent is experienced against the large club (aka perfect
    uncounterable roll Back Massage against every R2)
    on the armor combination:
    roll & 76 poise are a must, with 99humanity you also have really
    solid defenses @ 360 phys. the only real weakness i found is a good
    katana user, might want to switch to man serpent sword for that. have
    fun, i certainly have the most fun in a long time, never thought this
    guy would be such a winner.

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    Tips to help me use my great hammer in PvP? Empty Re: Tips to help me use my great hammer in PvP?

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