Souls Series Wiki Forums

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    Forum Guidelines


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    Forum Guidelines Empty Forum Guidelines

    Post by Emergence Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:46 pm


    We are going to keep this short and sweet! We have a few simple rules in place to maintain a constructive community; these rules are easy to grasp and are in place to ensure that everyone who posts does so comfortably. We believe you are all sharp individuals, so let us continue building this special community.

    The most important component we have in a self regulating community is reporting. Keep in mind that this is a volunteer site and while we do the best we can to sort things out, we cannot see every single post. If you see anything on these forums that violates any of these rules, please report it to the mods. This is the only way we can ensure things are fair.  Refer to this thread on how to report posts:

    1. No flaming. Debates and disagreements are fine and even encouraged, but incendiary comments and insulting posts are not.  This also extends to abusive and offensive language, and circumventing the language filter.

    2. No trolling. Bait threads and posts, etc. will be removed.

    3. No thread derailing/hijacking. Stay on topic. If you have no interest in the topic, don't post in it. An anecdote or quip here or there is fine, but don't go overboard. Posts should further the conversations of topics and topics should be sensible subjects that promote interesting and open discourse and sharing.

    4. No racial, cultural, lifestyle comments/slurs. Period.  Remember that this is a mixed community with diverse people.

    5. Keep the thread topics related to Dark Souls. We appreciate off the beaten path content, so do so in the Official Off Topic Threads.

    6. Don't single out game ID's (PSN, XBL, GFWL, etc.) to slander.  

    7. Don't post how to glitch or hack the game.  This extends into trading of hacked items.  Item and character modification gives an unfair advantage and diminishes the integrity of the game.  Texture and cosmetic mod discussion as is common in PC is allowed.

    8. No solicitation; financial or otherwise.


    Have fun talking about the game or anything you want to share. Please keep it clean and keep it friendly, we all want a happy and welcoming community!

    IMPORTANT: To avoid useless clutter in the chatroom, please refer to this wiki's other pages before asking any question about the game's content and mechanics. This chatroom isn't intended to be an interactive search.

    All forum guidelines above also apply in the chatbox

    1. No flaming, no cursing (at least not too much), no insulting, absolutely no homophobia, sexism, or racism and their associated slurs.

    2. No stupid names.

    3. No pornography, no links to pornography, obsence or nude images including hentai and cartoons/animations. This applies to profile images as well.

    4. No console wars.

    5. Be friendly, be helpful, Be gentle . Be civil and respectful. This is a game chat, not an AOL singles meetup, keep the overt and drawn out sexual tones out of the convo and be mindful of the mixed community here. Everyone should feel comfortable to come here and chat.

    6. Dont spam either text or links or anything, this includes links to other chatrooms.

    7. No obnoxious or illegible colors,no giant emoticons or gifs or excessive caps.  Please no custom fonts other than the default chat font, as other fonts may interfere with the operation of other users' chatboxes.

    8. No discussion on how to or promotion of glitches, hacks, save edits. This chat is to ensure the integrity of the game remains by discouraging actions that provide unfair advantages through modification.

    9. Last but not least: always listen to moderators! When a moderator tells you to stop doing something in the chat, or to do something such as change your username color, this is them utilizing their discretion to apply the rules and as such their say becomes the rules. Arguing with the moderators will be counter productive and get you nowhere. If you encounter a situation where you feel that a moderator has abused his/her power, you can contact FexDS* or EmergenceDS*, please provide screenshots or chatlogs if possible and always contact the moderators yourself, second party requests will not be accepted.

    That's it folks. A pretty painless set of guidelines, however failure to comply will result in warnings and bans and not necessarily in that order.

    Last edited by Emergence on Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:10 pm; edited 5 times in total

    Posts : 4226
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    Age : 110
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    Forum Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Guidelines

    Post by Emergence Mon May 20, 2013 6:09 pm

    Chatroom rules added.

    Posts : 4226
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    Age : 110
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    Forum Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Guidelines

    Post by Emergence Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:51 pm

    Guidelines updated. Clarified proper posting and topic creating procedure and added rule against any font other than the default font in chatbox, as it may interfere with the operation of other users' chatboxes.

    Posts : 4226
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    Join date : 2012-01-16
    Age : 110
    Location : Jupiter

    Forum Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Guidelines

    Post by Emergence Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:35 pm

    OP edited with steps on how to report posts, format cleanup, and extra added love.

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    Forum Guidelines Empty Re: Forum Guidelines

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