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    Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread

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    Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread

    Post by Tolvo Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:11 am

    Seriously *** George Lucas.

    I just found out that, the dumb *** storyline about Darth Maul surviving and trying to form his own Sith Order has gotten to the point where Darth Maul has become Mandalore.

    What the flying ***.
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    Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread

    Post by GrinTwist Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:14 am

    Darth Maul? Alive?

    Funny last time I checked it's not exactly easy living after being bisected and surviving a fall that not even Mario would be able to make.
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    Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread

    Post by Tolvo Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:18 am

    In the Clone Wars series by George Lucas and on Cartoon Network, Darth Maul fell and landed in a vent, he then crawled into a container and passed out. He woke up on a garbage planet and saved a man from being attacked by a giant robot for no reason then passed out. The man then nursed him to health and gave him robot spider legs. Eventually his brother, SAVAGE OPRESS( Do they try with the names anymore? ) came and found him, brought him back to Dathomir and started to work with the Nightsisters. They tried to form their own Sith cult and Opress even fought Ventress and Dooku, he won.

    Note, Dooku is nearly on par with Master Yoda in the force and had backup. With this in mind that Yoda was only a bit weaker than the Emperor when they fought, Savage Opress could have possibly killed the Emperor with even Ventress' help.

    Maul is much more powerful than Ventress and was a warrior, Savage's focus is on melee combat yet he is extremely powerful in the force.

    They challenged the emperor and lost in ten seconds.

    Darth Maul survive the encounter and decided, what the hell, I'll go kill Mandalore and become Mandalore.
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    Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread

    Post by GrinTwist Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:25 am

    Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread - Page 3 2707236321Obviously, it was that type of bisection that doesn't cause you to lose a lot of blood. Sounds like the series has a lot of aggravating plot holes in it too.

    You know how Star Wars has loose ties to asian culture? I always thought of Darth Maul of being that exceptionally skilled warrior but his impatience got to him. Like in his last fight, instead of meditating he paced around eagerly waiting to finish off his opponent. Obviously I was wrong.
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    Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread

    Post by Tolvo Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:29 am

    Well of course, Star Wars is partially based off of classic Samurai films George Lucas watched as a kid. The Force and Jedi borrow a lot from eastern mysticism.

    Well basically Obi-Wan got pissed and Maul underestimated him. While in the series they always say the light side leads to victory, often when characters get angry they win. Anakin can attribute a lot of victories to getting pissed. Obi-Wan beat Maul only after getting pissed off. Luke only beat Vader when he gave into his anger.

    Essentially with every episode of Clone Wars Retcons are added, it's so crazy they did literally say after Clone Wars is done they will Retcon all of Star Wars to fit everything in Clone Wars.

    Did I already bring up how they wrote in gods of the Force?
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    Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread

    Post by GrinTwist Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:34 am

    Gods of the Force?

    It's best if you don't tell me, I'll probably burst a lung in anger.

    I do find that funny though, how everyone that gets angry wins in a battle. Maybe the force is a mixture of both control and anger? Maybe it's just badly written?
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    Post by Tolvo Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:36 am

    The issue is that you get more powerful when you give into your emotions, but it becomes harder to control yourself. It means that you'll possibly get addicted to giving in to your emotions and lash out at those closest to you.

    It is the classic idea that you get stronger at the cost of hurting others, while the light side focuses on helping others though generally it is weaker.

    Darth Bane for instance as a child got so angry at his father he gave him a heart attack in his sleep. Imagine getting really angry at your father one day and killing him while you slept, because you thought bad thoughts about him as you slept. You'd wake up and probably hate yourself or be too far gone to care.

    It's a very slippery slope.
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    Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread

    Post by GrinTwist Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:40 am

    Ah, ok thanks for the explanation on the force. I don't pay the greatest amount of attention to the lore and mythos of Star Wars compared to other fans.

    I'd imagine if I had the power of the force no one would be in much pain, I've already been able to contain my emotions pretty well. Now of course if I got this at a young age when I was deep into politics I would say the GOP would be a lost relic of the past.
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    Post by Tolvo Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:48 am

    There is also the concept of power corrupting, which when you boil down to it the Force is power flat out.

    Resisting the urge to read a person's emotion or mind, resisting the urge to try and influence them when you think you know what's right for them, these are all issues in Star Wars.

    Jorus C'boath is a prime example of that. He was technically an evil Light Side Jedi.

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    Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Star Wars Fanboy Argument Thread

    Post by AnCapaillMor Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:51 am

    C'boath was a clone and was just plain insane, force or not. Ulic Qel Droma is where it's at, when talking about darkside corruption.
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    Post by Tolvo Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:53 am

    You are talking about the clone of C'boath whom which was a Dark Jedi. The real Jorus was a Jedi and believed that the Jedi were basically gods and that everyone should bow to them since the Jedi know best. He felt they were beyond corruption and knew everything that was right for the galaxy and the Force, and as such they should rule.

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    Post by AnCapaillMor Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:00 am

    From outbound flight? Never touched that, read pretty much everything else up to the Abeloth crap.
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    Post by Tolvo Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:10 am

    Yeah Outbound flight, which was decent. The Involvement of Thrawn definitely helped.

    I never got around to Abeloth since it sounded really retarded.

    I'm guessing it was retarded?

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    Post by AnCapaillMor Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:16 am

    There was some good bits, Ben's pretty cool in it, but yeah it was pretty bad plus add in the fact that the books were hardcover and ridiculously over priced for kindle. And they overhauled the whole force idea again. Never liked the idea of the force as an entity.
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    Post by Tolvo Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:21 am

    I sort of like aspects of it being an entity, but one that has no concept of morality. And one that isn't actually intelligent. Just the idea that it is a living thing beyond understand which doesn't have a real mind and is more so just used.

    What I really hate though is the concept that the Force is really god.

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    Post by AnCapaillMor Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:26 am

    The force as it was after the NJO was perfect, then pretty much the first book in legacy goes oops we were wrong on the darkside bit then clone wars introudces the gods. Dunno why i kept reading on in that series. Almost put the book down when i saw Vergere was a sith lord.
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    Post by Tolvo Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:27 am

    It's always hard to remember what the current view of the Force is. Which one was in NJO? Was that Unifying Force as the focus?

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    Post by AnCapaillMor Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:37 am

    New jedi order in all. Basically the force had no gods and going dark was down to the person(legacy with cade seem to go with the same idea). Now it's i dunno what it is. Abeloth if i remember correctly was the mother of the 2 gods, i may be getting that mixed up with another book series.
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    Post by Tolvo Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:42 am

    Oh, Potentium then yeah. Yeah I always prefer that view, the Force as sort of a tool. Perhaps a biological one since it is established life is involved in some way with the force. However as I said I prefer it to be non-sentient, without a care about morals itself, or any influence itself. Sort of like everyone is a conduit of it and how you channel it decides what effects there are rather than the "Force" wanting to corrupt you.

    Well now due to Clone Wars, the Force Gods have all been killed and they held the balance themselves, so now the Force will no longer be balanced or something.

    It's really hard to understand, not because it's cerebral but because it's just so *** stupid.

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    Post by AnCapaillMor Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:53 am

    I think Luke and Ben bumped into those dudes in 1 of the books, first few books have luke and ben travelling around following Jacens path trying to find what corrupted him.

    This is what gets me, where have the vong gone, 3 series and no mention. they were pretty integral in legacy which was set in the future.
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    Post by Tolvo Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:55 am

    To my knowledge the other Authors didn't like the Vong and some fans didn't either, so they just wanted nothing to do with them.

    I always feel like I'm one of the only people that really liked the Vong.

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    Post by AnCapaillMor Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:58 am

    Vong were bloody awesome, very unique idea and it really breathed life into the franchise. why the hell do a 15 book series on them if they were hated.
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    Post by Tolvo Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:02 pm

    A lot of fans just consider them to not be in line with Star Wars, they also dislike how the Vong put the Jedi in their place mostly.

    I don't want it to be as nutty as Karen Traviss with her Super Mandalorians that can beat everyone cause they're the bestest, but the Force users really needed to be taken down a peg if you ask me. The Vong did just that. Plus how they *** up the galaxy forever I love, things like that should happen more often so the universe is changing.

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    Post by AnCapaillMor Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:08 pm

    Always hoped they'd do a follow up that the vong were running from something, basically the opposite, a mainly tech based species.

    Agree the on the jedi needed to be taken down a peg or 2 and i didn't like any of traviss's books although most clone wars books were bad except for the graphic novells.
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    Post by Tolvo Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:16 pm

    Apparently the Clone Wars also has ageless angels that are literally called angels.

    Star Wars, why do you have to have so much **** in you?

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