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    The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath?


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    The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath? Empty The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath?

    Post by Odinbear Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:08 pm

    That Anor Londo rotating platform is just plain bugged.
    Got stuck IN IT yesterday, screwing around near the lever while host was pushing it. Had to message host to go back up, so I could get unstuck( after he fought the gargoyle)

    Today, summoned into a game, watched the platform go up, so I message host "INVADER?", no answer, he summons another phantom. They take off and run through mid air, like the platform was down. I stood there, knowing that when I stepped I would likely die. I stepped. YOU DIED!

    freakink thing is haunted.
    Am I the only one who sees these things?
    Let's hear some other stories of your mishaps there.
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath? Empty Re: The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath?

    Post by User1 Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:11 pm

    It's been the same case to me, yet this happened yesterday, and it was the only time it happened to me. That platform is cursed and tainted, I tell you.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath? Empty Re: The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath?

    Post by GrinTwist Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:12 pm

    I've never had to deal with that, thank hell.

    Does that bug happen a lot in Anor Londo? I sometimes PVP there and this has never happened to me before.
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath? Empty Re: The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath?

    Post by User1 Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:12 pm

    It seems to be restricted to that platform. But, I have never heard of another case of this, so, probably not.

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    The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath? Empty Re: The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath?

    Post by Djem Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:21 pm

    Never happened to me, but I saw it happen to Rosie in one of her videos on youtube.

    Though on that video she bugged the game to make super Smough chase her out of the fog gate, so it might have something to do with that...

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    Location : Sitting here in limbo, but I know it won't be long. Sitting here in limbo, like a bird without a song. Well they're putting up resistance, but I know that my faith will lead me on. Sitting here in limbo, waiting for the dice to roll.

    The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath? Empty Re: The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath?

    Post by Odinbear Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:54 pm

    Move around( actually I was running towards the lever as host was pushing it.). Only happens first time it is being activated. ( cut scene )

    I've also, DIED just standing in certain places , as soon as cut scene ends, looks like I'm plunging to my death , like I fell off. First time was near edge where it completes path to AL, thought I was too close to the edge. Couple times now near center. Pillars. Etc.

    Buggy as hell, or it's a lag issue?
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath? Empty Re: The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath?

    Post by User1 Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:57 pm

    Could be both. You've had lag issues in Anor Londo before.

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    The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath? Empty Re: The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath?

    Post by befowler Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:05 pm

    Happens to me all the time -- getting stuck, having the stairs be "up" for one summon but down for the host and other summon, etc. My favorite is when someone invades and everyone seems to be on different versions of the stairs in their own worlds. I've had fights with DWs where both of us where running on different invisible stairways way up in the sky and you sometimes can't hit each other even if you're standing right next to each other.

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    The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath? Empty Re: The Anor Londo platform , have u felt it's wrath?

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