Abel Marius and Kharn looked out at the moonlight shining through the twilight city of New londo "The seat of the Gods has been hit once, It has had time to recover" Abels glance was met by Marius "Send word to every covenant in this land The Darkstalkers shall rise again, and it starts With Anor Londo......"
Been a long time coming but the Next official Darkstalker Event shall take place in the seat of the gods throne itself Anor Londo On the 26th of April. 9pm GMT till 28th of april 9pm GMT
This is a 48 hour event so everyone no matter your time zone may take part.
Scoring system
Host - 1point
Phantom- 2 Points
Guardian 5-points
Covenant Leader 10 Points
The Fallen
Host- 1 point
Phantom- 1 point
Guardian- 4 points
Covenant Leader- 5 points
Anor londo's Guardians
Billy-bayonet -10Points
Council member- 5 points
Darkstalker - 3 points
Darkwraith/Spirit of vengence- 2 points
1) Darkstalkers must follow the Code set by Kaathe and kill without Mercy, Points are earned through blood.SL55 Max
2) Anor londo's Guardians Maybe any non Darkstalker member from any Covenant Your job is to host be it by yourself or in a 3v1 And defend the City from our assault. SL100 max
Highest scoring Darkstalker will earn title and rank up and Highest Scoring Guardian will earn a place in hall of hatred
REMEMBER! the Darkstalker do not follow any code of honour we hunt we kill, We will bath in your blood and revel in your tears So no whining about tactics being Cheap as you are given forewarning oh and most important! HAVE FUN!
Billy_bayonet PSN -Billy-bayonet/Abel-DS/DarskstalkerAbel/DarkstalkerBilly
TehinfamousAmos PSN- TehinfamousAmos
Phoenix Rising XBL- I Aim v Here I
Reim PSN -Reim0027_5
The Letter X XBL
Ghadis_god PSN
Grin twist PSN
Jovias-86 PSN
DanCash1808 XBL
DarkW17 PSN
ThatPerson PSN
Spurgun PSN
ShadowzNinjaz PSN
Anor londo's Guardians
Roanispe PSN
Finpeku PSN FinPeku
Soris ice Goldwing XBL
Ahhotep1 PSN
Luvz2Fight ?
murkulanvippi PSN
SwordIris PSN Amadeous313
BunnyWink PSN
BeeSeaEss PSN
Jansports PSN
eclipse prince XBL
Emergence PSN EmergenceDS
Vmatrix XBL - Skippy471
CarphilBR PSN
TwilightWarwolf PSN
Seth winternight XBL
Rifter7 PSN
Forum Pirate PSN
Befowler PSN
Kirk-Barb PSN- Kirk-Barb
vatar5 psn
Zodiaxel PSN
inchymo psn
Here are the results for the Event
Despair leader board
1)Billy-bayonet Points-504/ Time played- 28 hours/ 18 Pph
2)Shadowz_ninjaz Points- 503/ Time played- 28 /17.94 pph
3)tehinfamousamos points 313/ time played 13 hours /24.07 PPH
4)Demon slayer points 300/ time played 30 hours/ 10 PPH
5)Ghadis_god points 171/ time played- 8 hours /21.37 PPH
6)Jovias Points 165/ time played 8 hours /20.62 PPH
7)ThatPersona points -110/ time played 14 hours/ 7.85 PPH
8)reim points- 78/ Time played 6 0 hours / 13 PPH
9)glatts17 points 78/ time played- 9 hours /8.666 PHH
1)VmatrixX points 560/ Time played- 25 hours /22.4 PPH
2)Twilightwarwolf points-400 /Time played- 46 hours /8.695 PPH
3)HughGjohnson points 298 time played - 18 hours /16.555 PPH
4)BeeSeaEes Points 275/ Time played- 13 hours /21.15 PPH
5)LuvzToFight points 196/ time played - 12 hours /16.333 PPH
6)HughGjohnson points 298 time played - 18 hours /16.555 PPH
7)Squashy_avocado 193 points Time played 9 hours/ 21.444 PPH
7)Zodiaxel points 142/ time played- 15 hours /9.4666 PPH
8)Kirk-Barb points- 92/time played- 8hours /11.5 PPH
9)Bunnywink 60 points- 3 hours /20 PPH
10)Rifter7 60 points- 3 hours /20 PPH
11)finPeku points- 36/ Time played- 2 hours /18 PPH
Last edited by billy_bayonet on Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:17 pm; edited 35 times in total