Is the damage you get from an effectively forty str handaxe worth the 27 str investment?
Edit* I was trying to make a cookie cutter build a while back, and was struggling to make it really truly over powered. We all know that the weapon buffs are a big part of what makes a faith build viable, so I figured I would try to find a way to incorporate them. What I ended up with was a buffing build with a reduced cost to reaching weapon efficiency (Handaxe is a fairly fast weapon, and needing, when two handed, only 27 strength to give it viable damage only improves on that.) What I'm concerned about is if handaxe will be worth the investment of 27 strength, or if I should drop the incorporation of buffs for more weapon versatility and spell slots.
My alt. build would be something like this.
Is the damage you get from an effectively forty str handaxe worth the 27 str investment?
Edit* I was trying to make a cookie cutter build a while back, and was struggling to make it really truly over powered. We all know that the weapon buffs are a big part of what makes a faith build viable, so I figured I would try to find a way to incorporate them. What I ended up with was a buffing build with a reduced cost to reaching weapon efficiency (Handaxe is a fairly fast weapon, and needing, when two handed, only 27 strength to give it viable damage only improves on that.) What I'm concerned about is if handaxe will be worth the investment of 27 strength, or if I should drop the incorporation of buffs for more weapon versatility and spell slots.
My alt. build would be something like this.
Last edited by kazumoshi on Fri Apr 12, 2013 2:49 am; edited 2 times in total