I'm Bowdownbe4me, GT: Bowdownbe4me, and I'm a youtube uploader and community organizer. It's nice to meet you.
It's my hope that I may contribute here as well as on the GFaqs boards, and perhaps draw these two communities together. We've been doing a similar thing with the Reddit boards through inter-community events and competitions. It's been great fun!
Anyway, if you ever want to duel or get to know me, feel free to send me a friend request! (Xbox only, unfortunately).
Youtube: www.youtube.com/bowdownbe4me1
P.S. what's the general pvp mindset of this community? Would you say the people here are more "play for fun" or "play to win" types? (No judgment, just trying to get to know you).
-The GFaqs board is pretty split, but the most vocal members tend to be the play to win types.