by ExplodingPenguin Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:42 am
I really want another Dragon Covenant. I love being a miniature dragon, running around and mauling people with my bare claws. Wouldn't mind some people commenting on it though, as it is. Or getting a better looking dragon head. Drinking Estus through your throat is kinda weird.
The Online aspect of that Covenant is kinda lame as well- you very very rarely ever fight another Dragon for scales. And I utter hate Drake farming. Ugh. Maybe they should have it that you can Invade people with scales or those who have killed Dragons to avenge your masters. When I'm being a Dragonbro I always leave Kalameet and Gaping alone.
So I wouldn't mind another Dragon Covenant, as long as they fix the online aspect. Also maybe have it so Dragons in DS2 leave you alone if you're a Dragon Bro? I was upset when Kalameet attacked me when I was a little miniature dragon.
Oh and I would love something like the Forest Hunters again- I joined that with one of my new characters and I love it even though I get killed more often than not. Also, you can avoid the Forest area where they spawn, so if you hate getting mobbed by Hunters, you just go the back route to kill Sif. Also more ninja-flip rings.