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Onion Knight
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    The Dark Souls Community


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    The Dark Souls Community Empty The Dark Souls Community

    Post by Isirith Thu May 02, 2013 9:48 am

    I'm aware that this is probably dangerous ground I'm treading on. But here goes...
    I really, really! Wanna be a part of this community I wish I'd got involved sooner and could
    of gotten into streaming videos, doing FC's and generally being a massive help to the community.

    But every time I think I love this community some douchè bag/s come and ruin it.
    I know everyone isn't a sore winner/loser or that they are out purposefully to ruin the game
    for everyone else.
    But I feel as if there are too many people who feel 'entitled' to a tad too much on this game.
    Now I know this is gonna raise some hatred but the PvP side..
    They seem to think its their given right to be excluded from playing and levelling up normally
    and obviously it's 'they've levelled up once before and shouldn't have to do it again'

    I don't see how that's a viable excuse, I myself don't have all day to play Dark Souls, nor do I have time to plan a build all day.
    But I do manage to plan Cosplays (and a lot of them)
    Sure I get fed up of playing through the game over and over as well, but then I take it upon myself to skip sections I can like the basement and depths.

    And while I'm on the matter of PvP.. Does no one plan their builds carefully anymore?
    Do people just jump in with no idea and then complain about their build?
    Which then leads them to whinge and moan about the BB Glitch or this new Mega Mule ********.. -_-
    Regarding Mega Mule.. Yeah that looks good on paper.. Too bad that most people will abuse it and harass low areas. :/
    Now I'm not against low level PvP but its abit ridiculous bowling up into a level 30 area with 15+ casts of WotG no?
    Or even worse Dark Bead spammers.. -_-

    I don't mean to single anyone out, but I get abit tired of hearing people whine about how
    they have to 'play through Dark Souls again...'
    Much like some of you are probably sick of threads like this.

    I don't go round saying "I should have everything in this game cause I'm making yet another Cosplay!"
    I plan my build accordingly and get what I need myself (unless its endgame then I trade or ask friends)

    On the topic of Cosplays, you should try them.. Some of them are phenominal regarding PvP. happy
    I guess it would be nice if people just played the game for what it is and would stop actively looking for ways to cheat and glitch their way through for whatever reason.

    I haven't set out to create an argument but I am open to conversation, so if I have said something and offended you I'd rather talk it out then resort to flaming and throwing epeens around.
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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu May 02, 2013 9:57 am

    Even after all this time I still don't have a proper handle on the Dark Souls community. At times they can blow me away with their creativity and camaraderie and at times they can disgust me with their pettiness and vindictiveness.

    Best of luck to you, Isirith! Conquer this fickle community! big grin

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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by Halicarnassis Thu May 02, 2013 10:03 am

    Isirith I cannot fault your post at all. (+1 Sir)

    As someone who only gets to play a few hours every week I believe in hardwork makes you good at something not these cheats/glitches to get you the gear you want, so it does annoy me when you're PVP'ing, counting down the invaders WOGS and start to hit 11 and you're like "Woooaah! Unfair and dooshy!"

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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by Odinbear Thu May 02, 2013 10:17 am

    Some people just feel " entitled", maybe they found that hidden " cloak of entitlement" in firelink shrine that I've not found yet. I agree, but have very little insight as to "why", except to say, most who want "instant builds", fail to see that " builds" are partially created with luck in this game. DROPS are not guaranteed for your build unless you put in some time. As for "planning", wtf is that? Lol. the game is still fun for me cause I don't plan 100% of the time. BB glitch, never used it, doesn't take that long to run through the whole game, does it?

    As for those who, hack, mod, use GOD-MODE or whatever cheat you got. It's all Just "cheating", always has been. Can't beat a level or whatever in the old days, you would use the Internet ( or game guide) and input some numbers to get past, be invincible or whatever. You could CHEAT YOUR WAY THROUGH. Basically, the cheaters can't win the normal way so they cheat.

    So yes, I agree and see your points.

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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by AnCapaillMor Thu May 02, 2013 10:17 am

    People like different things, different aspects, some people absolutely love the PVE side of the game and don't mind putting 10-20 hours into a build. some like to coop\help and fart around with that, others don't feel like putting 20 odd hours on a build and use bb etc. I personally still love PVE and helping but i can understand people using the bb glitch or editor. Yes the problem is as with human nature is it can be exploited.

    You bring up a fair argument but what you get enjoyment out of doesn't neccesarilly mean others will, theres a lot here who've put in 1000's of hours and pretty much cosplayed everything and everyone and going through it again for a pvp build might not be enticing. No doubt it's going to be abused, the supermule for the ps3, editors for box and pc, most i hope will use it for builds but x amount will use them to hack and grief.

    As for douchebags, that's every game, its the reason there'll never be a proper handle on hacks, for every legit hack there's 10 idiots who can't accept they were beaten and so it was hacks that beat them(i admin'd a bf3 server and found 1 legit hacker to about 200 hack complaints). Internet & anonymity is a terrible thing.

    In my summation people need to understand a games a game, it's not life and others play differently. And maybe if they understood that, then a prominent member of the dark souls community would be still be online and uploading kickass videos.

    BTW the last bit is not aimed at you, it's a bit of rant in general.

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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by Isirith Thu May 02, 2013 11:00 am

    It's ok I understand the last bit happy
    I'm all for people enjoying only certain parts of the game. I just don't get
    where the entitlement stems from.

    And nothing gets my knickers bunched up like being beating by someone who then rubs it in only to then tell me "I didn't even work for it, I downloaded a save, lol! L2P"

    I'll learn to play you if I ever catch you! >.<'
    Although I could totally agree with a section of the game with Insta PvP builds.
    Unfortunately we don't have that.. So it'd be nice if people stopped cheating and gltiching and passing it off as 'I need it for my PvP build!'

    No.. No you don't >need< it. You are looking for an easy way out.

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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by WandererReece Thu May 02, 2013 11:43 am

    Isirith wrote:I don't mean to single anyone out, but I get abit tired of hearing people whine about how they have to 'play through Dark Souls again...'

    I agree. Honestly, if they are tired of playing the game, then they should play another game.

    Much like some of you are probably sick of threads like this.

    Actually, I don't think there are other threads like this. I think you're the first person that's brave enough to post it like it is. I see TONS of threads that claim, "We're the perfect gaming community, " Once I got tired of all the BS and finally posted something. That made this whole forum turn on me. They posted stuff like, "Well obviously you never played these games. You don't know what you're talking about."

    Once Emergence got super ticked at some fellow forum members and posted

    The souls community really needs to ask itself where we are going. People always say "we're not like such and such specific game community."

    Oh? Prove it.

    I read this and though, "YES!" The Dark Souls Community 639795459Finally someone sees it.

    I'll admit the Dark Souls community isn't completely bad. We have a nice trading and player help section here, and there are some really nice tournaments. There are also a lot of good players that help people through levels and give advice. However, it isn't the utopia that everyone claims it is.

    There are also a lot of Sunbros that hate Co-op! Yes, you read that right. They're motto is, "I'm here to fight the boss and that's it. Explore the area by yourself." Obviously there are some good helper Sunbros, but in my experiance a Sunbro is more likely to betray you then a White.

    Once I summoned a Sunbro, and he stayed behind me the whole time. I was fighting my way to the boss, and he was doing nothing but watching me. Then an invader came, and the Sunbro left me to die. Someone else posted the same thing.

    Also, there are Summoned Reds that hate duels! Again, you read that right. I summoned a Red phantom. I was the only one there at the time. When he appeared he instantly ran to the enemies. Honestly, I think if you want to play that way, then you should just invade.

    Also, no one wants to help anyone get the Avelyn. We all know this requires droping off of a rotating staircase. If you miss then you die. However, if you have a second person, then you can stand on the balcony above the Avelyn, and he can move the stairs out of your way. Literally no one is willing to do this except your friends. Once someone messaged me, "It's impossible for a phantom to help with that." Not only do they refuse to help, but then they lie about it!

    AnCapaillMor wrote:I admin'd a BF3 server and found 1 legit hacker to about 200 hack complaints.

    I'm willing to bet Dark Souls is the same way. Sometimes I get called a hacker on the PS3! My friends claim they also get called hackers even though they never hack. There are people on this forum that post the same thing. Someone posted he got called a hacker for buffing a DKGA. Another was called a hacker for wearing an Orange Chared Ring. Then they wonder why hackers don't get caught.

    The Arena just made things worse. My worst hate mail comes from there. My friends claim they get more hatemail from there then anywhere else. I've also heard the people in the Arena are "cheaper" then other people. I can actually confim this. I've gotten chain BS a lot there, but I've only been chain BS once outside of the arena.

    Where's this Dark Souls Utopia that I keep hearing about? I'm on PS3, and it's not there. I've heard it not on Xbox or PC. Where is it?

    EDIT: I almost forgot about pre 1.06!

    Litteraly every invader BB glitched, and every Dragon Body did the Dragon Torso Stone Glitch. If you saw a dragon body, then you knew it was time to disconnect.

    Last edited by WandererReece on Thu May 02, 2013 12:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by AnCapaillMor Thu May 02, 2013 12:06 pm

    What're you?, casul, i know it's a joke but that just gets my tits up.

    What really gets me and it was the same on COD, BF2, bf3 etc probably back as far as "throw stone at other caveman" is you only beat me because of noob or x cheap tactic, well if you're so pro how did you get beat by it.

    Played in alot of online stuff but souls does take the biscuit, one incident is the lowest thing i've ever seen in any gaming community actually comes close to lowest thing in general not just games. That being said there still is an amazing community out there from what i saw, you've no servers so organising fc's isn't easy and you've people busting their balls to organize them, you've people actively helping others with bosses or trades, lets not forget those people we tend to focus on the negative. For me souls goes to the extremes, you've the very best and very worst of the gaming. Must be the extreme nature of the games, souls don't do "casul".

    I'm not kissing *** or anything but seriously this forum is a breathe of fresh air, have emergence etc created an anti troll sw? seriously sell it, it would make billions. I've been on reddit\gamefaqs for other things and they're just unpleasant.

    So.. anyway what was this about again?

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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by Shindori Thu May 02, 2013 1:15 pm

    lol builds.. .all I see is giantdad gankers..
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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by Onion Knight Thu May 02, 2013 1:47 pm

    The easy solution that I have found this past year in fact is to avoid playing competitive multiplayer games.

    Saves so much hassle.

    Also yes the Dark Souls community is the same as any other in my experience, which for me was a tragic disappointment after Demon's Souls.

    Oh welp.

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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by Walter_White Thu May 02, 2013 2:34 pm

    you get a +1 for my lost dreams....1 year ago, i could have said that

    but now i dupe everything in demons and use smurfs as mule for handmande builds (well whats left for making yourself, if u get everything) and on another account even play with those smurfs (when it came out i first said i never use it, then i used it for getting the stuff, and now i'm using them direct).

    In DeS i can achieve the same with deleveling within the game mechanics and in DkS i just go through the game with low sl and get the gear - so i can achieve both with heavy time investment within the game mechanics (except the great feature of smurfs beeing able to host everywhere from the start - thats great for FCs). A time investment i have done and i'm tired of doing that again.

    When i'm tired of PvE i should simply quit playing the game? Why? Because you said so? yeah, for sure....

    I love PvP and want to spend all of my playtime doing that, and i want to try things out.

    And even though i got a legit low SL (without mule, or BBG) toon with endgame gear, i don't use it for invading pre AL. Simple rule: don't use post AL gear pre AL on toons under SL 50 (sl45 in parish MUST be ng+...if not nothing can help him, or make it worse...)

    edit: will the low sl griefer complains ever stop? deal with it, adapt, farm those low level invader while hosting in burg with a low level (around 20 is nice) toon with endgame gear, they are easy prey
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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by Animaaal Thu May 02, 2013 2:46 pm

    ^The p2p "server" system tore the souls series community apart. It was a crying shame.

    Anyone who was "life experienced" at the time of Dark Souls release knew that Namco could not advertise with a slogan "Gather Your Friends" and NOT fix a system that could not summon your friend.

    It mattered not though, the souls community was full of people saying, "I wont play this game for more than a month"...well guess what...they're still here playing.

    I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with the bb glitch or the mule glitch. However, the negatives far outweight the positives, so anyone who was/is in support of it should be able to say, "For the betterment of the should be removed".

    Life is about sacrifice, but most people playing games are young and doont understand what that means.

    The only thing I disagree with the op is this is still one of the best gaming communities out there, especially this forum. Newcomers apologize all the time because they're "not used to it".

    Other than that, I'm on the same page as the op.

    sidenote: I always find it funny when someone talks about how much better the Demon's Souls community was, seeing as how they are the ones who intentionally tried to ruin Dark Souls. I bet they play Dark Souls 2 as well.

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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by MosquitoPower Thu May 02, 2013 2:50 pm

    I personally think its impressive that Dark Souls has such a large community of mostly nice people.
    I mean its a game without voice chat and certainly does not make it easy to have planned co-op or PVP.

    These are the only other online community I have ever been a part of and how they seem to compare to Dark Souls.

    Everquest (late 90's). PVP was so complicated that it was not even worth the effort. PVE CO-OP was better but there was SOOOO much waiting around for everyone to get there stuff together for the raid =/
    At least in Dark Souls, people are (for the most part) ready for the fight before getting summoned.

    Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, MVC3: If you want to see a group with entitlement issues... wow.
    I may be crazy, but I think there is a unique sub element in Dark Souls PVP that winning is not everything.
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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by Serious_Much Thu May 02, 2013 4:53 pm

    The community is a mixed bag, every community is like that though, just gotta accept and get over it.

    Just don't get pulled down by them.. besides people always like to explain the reasons why they lost, just sp they don't lose face, it's a natural reaction, though usually I just complement and gg.. but i'm not active in the pvp part anymore silly

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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by steveswede Thu May 02, 2013 5:22 pm

    Isirith wrote:They seem to think its their given right to be excluded from playing and levelling up normally
    and obviously it's 'they've levelled up once before and shouldn't have to do it again'

    Can I ask why does it matter when it doesn't affect duels themselves? Why is it so important to you that they have to grind for it? Using the BB or DH glitch is all about removing the time grinding because grinding is boring when all you want to do is PvP. If these glitches were not in there I would have quit PvP a very long time ago because I would have got bored. Grinding is completely irrelevant to PvP yet you have to spend so much time doing it just to get the builds you want. Grinding is a single player mechanic and most PvPers are PvPing because they have sucked the life out of the single player campaign.
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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by Animaaal Thu May 02, 2013 5:37 pm

    ^There are reports of people seeing more and more hackers on ps3 because of the "blue men group".

    That really has nothing to do with peoples preferences regarding speedy pvp builds, but it is a side effect for sure.

    That and the bb glitch also slowed down low and mid level pvp, again, not really relevant to the "is the bb glitch ethical" thing.

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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by DemonOfFate Thu May 02, 2013 6:16 pm

    I don't think I've heard people argue that Dark Souls itself is a utopia, i have heard that this Forum itself is a utopia,which i consider mostly true, we're a'lot better than other forums out there. Though it wouldn't surprise me if some people have said that the Dark Souls community as a whole is a utopia, which is a flat out lie.

    On topic, i feel you OP. People are always going to look for an easy way out, and if they don't want to "Waste" their time going through the game to get their build up, then they should go get a new game as they are getting bored of Dark Souls. I make all my builds from scratch, even if that includes going into NG+.

    So when people use save edits, it annoys the hell outta me. I mean i work hard to get my builds up, and you just create a build in an instant. And i never even used the BB glitch, i knew it was there, but i never used it. Nor did i use the dragon stone glitch to level up fast. I've always done stuff the legit way, so why the hell shouldn't others?

    Edit: And regarding farming, i never farm for Slabs. That's what i hear people complain about, they want that extra 20-60 damage or something, even if it takes them 20 freaking hours. If you're willing to work for them, then you deserve them. But i always stop at +14, if its truly to much of a hassle for you, just don't freaking do it.

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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by Isirith Thu May 02, 2013 6:28 pm

    I'm not that narrow minded to say to someone "If PvE bores you piss off"
    I know there are PvE players, PvP players, Co-op crazies, Cosplay junkies and probably loads of other 'sub groups'

    Thing is these other groups aren't whining about having to play the game (agaaaain.. Ugh..)
    Atleast.. Not what I've heard or seen.

    I also wouldn't have a problem with said glitches if people weren't such douchès with them.
    And let's face it.. You'll find people being way more douchey when they are glitching.

    I like to think this community is very, very good!
    I've been proven wrong before and I can imagine some of you have aswell.

    This Forum though.. I really like.

    It's not important to me that they 'grind for it' Steve it's more the rest of the community sucks it up and plays through, why are PvPers any different?

    I like to Cosplay with all kinds of players at higher new game plus' for the challenge.
    I still have to run through, however many play throughs before I can do that.
    I don't sit and whine "oh I shouldn't have to run through again! This is ********, I wish this glitch and that glitch were around so I could totally harass people who can't fight back immediately skip to my desired play through"

    I just don't like the way people hide behind glitches..
    I can't do what I want in this game cause they patched so and so glitch...

    Yes love, yes you can..
    It's just not gonna be instant. It'll require some time and effort on your part.

    And where do people get this "20, 30 hours to make a build"
    Your doing something wrong or are really, really bad if its taking you that long.
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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by Tolvo Thu May 02, 2013 6:31 pm

    There are people who want PvE only and to do Co-Op and whine about invaders.
    There are people who want to PvP only and whine about going through the game over and over.

    The only just thing to whine about is the Bed of Chaos.

    That's a fact, no arguing. It's evil, whoever made it is evil.

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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by DemonOfFate Thu May 02, 2013 6:38 pm

    No, no. 20 hours to grind for slabs, and believe me, it takes that long. And i'm not saying that if pve bores you piss of, i should have rephrased that as "If you're to lazy to go through the game, then you should stop playing or tough it out." Or something along those lines, though i would have been more polite about it, or maybe i wouldn't have, who knows.

    I've also got no real problems with people who use glitches to get their build up in an instant. What I've got a problem with is that they come up with excuses for it, like there's no other option. Plus most people who use save edits are trolls.

    Last edited by DemonOfFate on Thu May 02, 2013 6:41 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by Isirith Thu May 02, 2013 6:38 pm

    Tolvo wrote:

    The only just thing to whine about is the Bed of Chaos.

    That's a fact, no arguing. It's evil, whoever made it is evil.

    +1 good sir!

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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by Isirith Thu May 02, 2013 6:42 pm

    Oh no Demon, I wasn't directing the 20+ hour thing to you.
    That usually comes up in a discussion regarding this type of subject.

    Also how many slabs do people need!?
    I usually end up with 5 titanite Slabs at the end of a single play through.

    There is also trading no?
    That's a helpful place to speed up the process, surely?

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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by DemonOfFate Thu May 02, 2013 6:44 pm

    Most people aren't willing to just give up their slabs in a trade. And regarding how many slabs are needed, 4 for your armor pieces (Depending on what you are wearing) Weapons, and sometimes people like to upgrade their shield.
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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by Tolvo Thu May 02, 2013 6:51 pm

    I'm glad I just +14 and +9 everything.
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    The Dark Souls Community Empty Re: The Dark Souls Community

    Post by billy_bayonet Thu May 02, 2013 6:52 pm

    i mega mule, I have played this game since release i have done way over a 1000 hours of Playtime, without any of these glitches i would have gone along time ago, i am not owed anything i just havnt got the time patience or energy to sift through this game when all i wanna do is PVP, if i feel like doing a challenge run i make a new toon But if all i wann do is PVP then i will use my mules

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