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    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka


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    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka Empty Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka

    Post by Squashy_Avocado Tue May 07, 2013 12:56 am

    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka Chronometer_as_study_in_the_mechanics_of_time_by_21stcenturydamocles-d5kn273

    The Dark Souls community is littered with "PvP Guides". Yet simply reading, without deliberate practice, will get you nowhere fast.

    As a musician, I believe in the 10,000 hour rule.
    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka 396218_488882174466424_1036129639_n

    The 10,000 hour rule states: to be an expert in your field requires a devotion to one’s craft for at least 10,000 hours of deliberate practice.


    1. An association of people for mutual aid or a common goal

    First things first, we are a guild not a covenant. As a guild, our services simply compliment those of your covenant. Our mission is to serve as a training ground for those worthy enough to serve under Velka, The Goddess of Sin. (Non-Messengers are welcome..continue reading)

    The Guildsman's Oath
    I do hereby swear, by the power of Velka, Goddess of Sin, to continue in the pursuit of refined combat skills. And to respect the rites and traditions of The Messengers of Velka. Should these ancient ties be broken, may Velka have mercy upon my soul

    Welcome to The Guild fellow traveler! Come to seek further training in the art of Combat, right? If not, then be gone with you! You'll spoil our focus.

    In The Guild we have one goal: to better prepare ourselves for battle. We search for and practice combat techniques both new and old. Jolly Co-operation, as some would say. However, it's not that simple. Guildsmen join for life: once a Guildsman, always a Guildsman. Leave now if you are unwilling to take the oath.

    Messengers: All Messengers are automatically admitted to The Guild and may take the oath if they wish.

    Non-Messengers: Non-Messengers are welcome to join, but cannot take the oath and must pay an in-game fee of 10 Humanity per month. All fees will benefit The Messengers of Velka, The Guild's sponsor.

    Note: The month of May will be free for all. A sort of grand opening promotion.

    Each Monday and Tuesday, Guildsmen may recommend a PvP mechanic to learn. On Wednesday, The Messengers will decide, based on the recommendations, what the subject will be. The subject will be announced on the first page of this thread with links or videos demonstrating the use and execution of said subject. The terms by which the practice will take place will also be posted.

    "Subterfuge Sundays"
    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka 02.05.07.shark.subterfuge
    /subter fyooj/

    1. Deceit used in order to achieve one's goals

    Each Sunday, from 1:00AM - 4:00AM GMT (GMT Monday) , The Guild will meet to learn and practice the decided upon PvP mechanic(s). Each Guildsman is awarded one point for participation. (side note: there is also a possibility that we could have a second meeting, also on sunday, for people in difficult timezones. just let me know, and I'd be glad to work something out)

    "Subterfuge Sunday" Chat<< you must post here if you want to receive credit for your attendance.

    Member - 0 points
    White Belt - 5 Points
    Red Belt - 10 Points
    Yellow Belt - 20 points
    Orange Belt - 40 points
    Green Belt - 80 points
    Blue Belt - 160 points
    Brown Belt - 320 points
    Black Belt - 640 points

    One point is awarded for each Sunday attended. It may seem like a lot, but I plan on continuing this into Dks II
    All Guildsmen, regardless of skill or past participation in forum events, start as a Member. This Guild is built specifically to enhance the community experience. Ranking up in The Guild is based solely on a member's attendance.
    Socrates wrote:The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing.

    Disclaimer: I want to make this as easy to participate in as possible. If you are interested in joining, then just post and offer your suggestions for subjects. I realize that several PvP guides already exist. This is not a guide. This is an effort to improve our skills as a community. I feel that with the flickering glitch back, the community is coming on hard, inactive times. This is a way for anyone who is tired of the flickering to freshen up their PvP experience.

    Last edited by Squashy_Avocado on Sun May 12, 2013 12:12 pm; edited 9 times in total

    Posts : 68
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    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka

    Post by Squashy_Avocado Tue May 07, 2013 12:56 am

    Ahhotep1(PSN) - Member 0

    Squashy__Avocado(PSN) - Member 0
    Luvz2fight2(PSN) - Member 0
    HughGJohnson(PSN) - Member 0
    sure-magicians(PSN) - Member 0

    Last edited by Squashy_Avocado on Wed May 08, 2013 6:46 pm; edited 8 times in total

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    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka

    Post by Squashy_Avocado Tue May 07, 2013 12:56 am

    Sunday, May 12, 2013 - "Subterfuge Sunday" Topics: (we'll keep it simple for the first time) Counter BS and Ravioli Stepping

    The Ravioli Step

    Counter BS (you may have already seen it, but it's still a great video)

    Shoutout to the makers of these videos: Orosgoodarm and PhantomEWGF

    The Terms: We will meet in The Giant Rat Room. Put WSS/RSS in middle of room. Fists only. For Ravioli step, take turns rolling into each other and Ravioli stepping through. << this will be demonstrated in the video.

    Last edited by Squashy_Avocado on Tue May 07, 2013 6:40 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka

    Post by Squashy_Avocado Tue May 07, 2013 12:57 am

    Misconception that should be cleared up:

    SirArchMage wrote:I just enjoy the challenge and chance for originality. Much better to know every way to *** up than the one way to do it right.

    ^ I completely agree with your opinion, however..

    Dalai Lama XIV wrote:Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively.

    I'm not saying the methods we will cover in The Guild are "The Rules of Dark Souls PvP". I'm saying that in order to truly be effectively original, one must have mastered what has come before them.

    The Guild doesn't advocate conformity to set PvP mechanics. We teach them so that our Members can have a better understanding of the Mechanics of Dark Souls. In the hopes that, with this better understanding, our members will develop a play style that they enjoy, unique or not.

    Last edited by Squashy_Avocado on Tue May 07, 2013 10:28 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka

    Post by Squashy_Avocado Tue May 07, 2013 1:07 am

    Start Posting! Be sure to let me know if you're interested in joining. if you can host that wold be great.

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    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka

    Post by Paragon Tue May 07, 2013 1:10 am

    GREAT JOB Squash! this looks fantastic.

    Ive been receiving training recently from some of the more talented players on the forums and I would luvz to volunteer to teach what ive learned

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    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka

    Post by Squashy_Avocado Tue May 07, 2013 1:12 am

    Thanks a lot..still workin out the kinkss..damn BB code. would you be able to host? also, let those guys know they're more than welcome!

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    Post by Paragon Tue May 07, 2013 1:14 am

    yeah I can host. Ill ask them if they wanna help out

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    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka

    Post by Hugh_G_Johnson Tue May 07, 2013 1:46 am

    In b4 the sinners! silly J/K Great stuff, Squash. Well done! I look forward to this. I can host, if need be.

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    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka

    Post by Squashy_Avocado Tue May 07, 2013 2:02 am

    Lol. Thanks! Updated. Be sure to spread the word. The more, the merrier.

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    Post by Paragon Tue May 07, 2013 2:21 am

    lol! hugh you can teach people how to spew that pathetic blue crap of yours around silly. Meanwhile Ill be teaching real techniques to the non mages 8)

    Laik a baus!!!
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    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka

    Post by Ahhotep1 Tue May 07, 2013 1:43 pm

    Very star NICE star job on the thread. And such a fantastic idea! Well done Squashy!!!! cheers

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    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka

    Post by Emergence Tue May 07, 2013 2:16 pm

    Nice idea, I'd recommend proselytizing over in PvP for more attendance, especially in the fight club thread.

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    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka

    Post by Squashy_Avocado Tue May 07, 2013 6:00 pm

    Ahhotep1 wrote:Very star NICE star job on the thread. And such a fantastic idea! Well done Squashy!!!! cheers

    So, are you interesting in joining up?

    Emergence wrote:Nice idea, I'd recommend proselytizing over in PvP for more attendance, especially in the fight club thread.

    I was planning on doing this. I just got tired of dealing with BB code last night.

    Would you grace our guild with your membership?

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    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka

    Post by Saturday-Saint Tue May 07, 2013 8:21 pm

    Cool idea, but why do you need an in-game fee?

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    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka

    Post by BeeSeaEss Tue May 07, 2013 8:56 pm

    The thread looks nice Squashy! +1

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    Post by Squashy_Avocado Tue May 07, 2013 9:26 pm

    Saturday-Saint wrote:Cool idea, but why do you need an in-game fee?

    Well this is, afterall, the Covenant forums. The fee is simply an added RP element for members who are really into the RP aspect. I just felt that since The Messengers look down on "sinners", Non-members should have to pay a fee. Thinking about it now, once a week is a bit much. I'll change the fee to 10 humanity per month. That way people will get the RP they're looking for, and it won't be too much of a hassle for the "only PvP players".

    Sound better? And would you be interested in joining? We'd love to have you aboard!


    Thanks Bees! Are you interested in signing up?

    Last edited by Squashy_Avocado on Wed May 08, 2013 12:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Mechanics Guild -- Messengers of Velka

    Post by Ahhotep1 Wed May 08, 2013 11:15 am

    Squashy_Avocado wrote:
    Ahhotep1 wrote:Very star NICE star job on the thread. And such a fantastic idea! Well done Squashy!!!! cheers

    So, are you interesting in joining up?

    Emergence wrote:Nice idea, I'd recommend proselytizing over in PvP for more attendance, especially in the fight club thread.

    I was planning on doing this. I just got tired of dealing with BB code last night.

    Would you grace our guild with your membership?

    Yep! Sign me up Squashy. I am always willing to help a good cove/guild idea grow. I think I have room left on my "proverbial" plate. winking

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    Post by Squashy_Avocado Wed May 08, 2013 12:07 pm

    Thanks. I'll put you under the Phantoms for now. Let me know if you want to host.
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    Post by Ahhotep1 Wed May 08, 2013 5:46 pm

    Squashy_Avocado wrote:Thanks. I'll put you under the Phantoms for now. Let me know if you want to host.

    Put me where ever you need someone...I'm flexible. Just give me a heads up happy

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    Post by sure-magicians Wed May 08, 2013 6:24 pm

    Always interested to improve my skills, can host ïf need be and I'm on Euro timezone...

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    Post by Squashy_Avocado Wed May 08, 2013 6:41 pm

    Great to have you aboard! Let me know what times GMT would be best for you. If you know any other euro players, then get them to join. That way it would be more than just me and you playing.

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    Post by Squashy_Avocado Wed May 08, 2013 6:44 pm

    Ahhotep1(PSN) - Member 0

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    Post by Squashy_Avocado Wed May 08, 2013 6:45 pm

    Whoops.. Should have clicked the edit button Look Skyward
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    Post by Ahhotep1 Fri May 10, 2013 11:25 am

    Just a heads up! I am sending some new recruits your way. They should chime in soon. happy

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