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    Messengers of Velka


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    Messengers of Velka Empty Messengers of Velka

    Post by swordiris Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:48 pm

    Lore (special thanks to Doughguy)

    Amadeous knelt in prayer; the ruins of his mother’s church
    lay around him. Centuries of neglect and
    abandonment had worn down the building to a ruin of what it once was. But he did not care for appearances; he was
    here for more than the shallow meaning of looks. He did not pray to his mother, goddess she
    was, nor did he pray to himself as a demigod.
    No god received his prayers for he served a higher being, an ideal, a faultless
    and perfect ideal. He prayed that
    justice may be delivered to this cursed land, no matter the cost. That the guilty would pay by any means
    necessary. And he prayed that those who
    were here already would not be stupid enough to cross his path, for he had no
    wish to spill the blood of the misguided when the blood could belong to
    He stood from prayer, realising the urge was growing. His prayer had been answered; the need for
    justice was growing within him. He must
    spill the blood of sinner’s by his own hand to satisfy justice.

    Messengers of Velka 73312v

    We are the messengers of Velka Goddess of Sin. Our message is to incite fear into anyone who thinks of attempting a sin and destroy them at any cost. Velka has sent us to work with her ally Gwyndolin in purging sinners.

    We are different than other darkmoons because we show no mercy, sinners deserve no honor. These people have sin in their hearts and we must make them tremble before their crimes.

    1. must be a member of darkmoon covenant
    2. Do not bow to sinners (unless bowed to first then you have the option), scum like them deserve no respect.
    3. Win no matter what, there is no "honor code" dealing with them.
    4. You may join as a sinner, however if you are invaded by a darkmoon you must contiuously use the pray gesture and take your beating, we call this "purging".
    5. You must always indict, indictments are from the goddess Velka and should always be used.
    6. Wear the mask of Velka to prove you are a Messenger (if you are female you do not have to but you must wear something that doesn't look stupid).
    7. If you are sent hate mail, send back a message saying "the guilty pay the price" with no response after.


    Rank 1- Scout of Velka. Will be sent by Amadeous Eladsyrd, Son of Velka (Amadeous313) or a commanding officer to purge sinners in the area of our choice (one of the areas that isn't a 2+ location). AS a scout we may move you to another location if we find more danger there.

    Rank 2- Bishop of Velka. The hardest sinners to purge are found in certain areas of he world, these areas are covered in sin. The forest and the Kiln are two new areas accessible for rank two messengers. Feel free to use any means necessary to win an invasion.

    Rank 3- Knight of Velka/Mage of Velka/Priest of Velka. (depending on gear or build. As a knight, a wizard, or priest you have higher political standing as a member of our covenant. This include's access to the Bank of the Messengers. The Bank of the Messengers will be a covenant supply of items accessible to Ranks 3+. Need humanity? done. Any farmable item you request. We will also group with you to farm pvpers in the forest. (no ganking 3 v 1 is acceptable however, remember no killing DM's we take those beatings

    Rank 4- Captain of Velka/Wizard of Velka/Pope of Velka. This is the officer rank. Anyone in this rank has command over the lower levels and helps to plan wars, and events.

    Rank 5- Amadeous Eladsyrd, son of Velka. (my personal Rank. Creator of the covenant) As he boss I will declare Wars against all the enemies of light. Note that rank 4's will have some pull on my decisions.

    Messengers of Velka 2q3nngg

    How to Rank up.

    rank 1-2. To advance from rank 1 to rank too you must have shown true skill in battle in the places you were assigned. You must collect ten souvenirs in a day at 7 separate occasions. Each occasion will be in a separate location of our choice.

    rank 2-3. To advance to rank 3 you must prove even more skill in battle. 30 souvenirs from the forest and 30 from the kiln. After you have gotten these I will assign you to face an officer using a red sign soapstone in a location that we will agree on. This match will be no holds bared. If you win 3 out of 5 then you get the rank. If you fail, you will get another opportunity after ten souvenirs from the Kiln or forest (any combination of the locations will work)

    rank 3-4. to advance to an officer rank you will have to show brave heroism in battle. taking down target enemy figure in wars and impressing me will get you the rank. I will inform you if you earned a promotion. After a promotion, it is customary to have a duel with me. Whether you win or lose will not affect your promotion. It is just a rite of passage.


    Note: we do not endorse ganking nor hacking nor ragequitting, It has been decided that these methods are cheating. A 2 or 3 v 1 where the majority are invaders is not a gank.
    You will however find things endorsed in our covenant that is unique such as healing in invasions and Sen's fortress trap trolling.


    Amadeous313 (forum name swordiris)
    xzDennizx (forum name same)
    TheGrungeMan (forum name Umbasa Zealot)
    Nicky1990 (forum name Darkmoon)

    Ser Issac (forum name same)

    Last edited by swordiris on Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:24 am; edited 19 times in total
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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by Serious_Much Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:06 pm

    It's pretty funny, I have to say. "Purging" I like that lol! It seems to be a DM equivalent of the darkstalkers with the kill however you must etc methods of fighting.

    Have you thought of any classes or weapon/armour restrictions yet?
    Chosen Undead
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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by dancash1808 Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:10 pm

    Your... banning bowing 0.o okay silly

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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by swordiris Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:32 pm

    I'm not wanting to make armor restrictions, Every player has the freedom to kill guilty however they please They can spam wrath of gods by the archers in Anor Londo with full havel gear as long as they get the kill.

    Bowing is allowed only in co-op and a Sanctioned duel with a member of this covenant and allied ones.

    One more rule, If you manage to lose to an invader you are to always indict. The indictment slip is related with velka and it is blasphemous to not use it.

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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by swordiris Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:33 pm

    sorry for double post.

    To raise awareness for Velka's cause We need to set an example.

    It has come to my attention that the darkstalkers are invading the catacombs Saturday. I also understand as a Darkmoon I can invade lower levels. Sounds Like the perfect time to punish Velka's oppressors.

    Anyone else in, first five to join will become officers and can help plan raiding those that sin.
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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by dancash1808 Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:45 pm

    *coughs loudly* Must I be there on a high level account with lots of sin to flypaper you all?
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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:52 pm

    I know you're new here and all, so I don't want it to look as though I'm ****-t-ing on your idea, but I have to ask: what exactly is the draw of your covenant?

    So you invade the worlds of guilty players, don't bow to them, and go out and kill them by any means possible. Seems like a flimsy idea to me. A lot of players already do these things naturally without being part of a user-made covenant. I think this idea needs some sprucing up, because, as it stands, I just don't see the need for it.
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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by Serious_Much Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:59 pm

    Pendant, it's exactly the same principle as the darkstalkers and they're popular!

    Look swordiris, if you want this to go well, you need to think up some lore or something, come up with some kind of armour thing that your guys can be identified with and come up with a ranking system. That's pretty much it silly

    Have fun!
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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by dancash1808 Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:02 pm

    Well, if this gets going and you do come along tomorrow ... best of luck twisted

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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by WyrmHero Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:09 pm

    You may as well ally with the Darkstalkers. They have the same ideals of dishonor and ****.
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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by dancash1808 Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:11 pm

    Oi, lack of of rule enforced honor does not equal dishonor. >.> plus these guys seem to want to try rushing our event.
    (was there not a time when the lifehunters were considered dishonorable for allowing backstabs ? silly )

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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by WyrmHero Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:16 pm

    BS is not dishonorable. Even though we have the "must do whatever it takes to stop them" rule, I consider the LH as an honorable "bad guys" covenant.
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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by dancash1808 Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:22 pm

    Of course you do, that is the concept you had in mind. anyway I was not suggesting you were not merely asking if that was the case at one point.
    Darkstalkers have no honor code because it would be silly and does not fit, however correct me if I am wrong but do our members not play fair ?

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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by swordiris Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:22 pm

    For Armor sets I'm considering the black set, mask of velka is a must at least.

    For body armor our theme is the color black, Stuff like Elite knight, Gold hemmed, and Black Machete are all possibilities.

    However Mask of velka is a must.

    Oswald for example is wearing MoV gear.
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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by dancash1808 Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:24 pm

    Mask of velka sounds good, visible and not commonly used.
    you may want to split it into faith builds and int builds considering that your thematic spells are split between the two casting options.

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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by swordiris Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:40 pm

    I will try to look into that. My only toon right now has a dex/faith build so I don't have much experience with intellect. I think the witches cloak would work for int builds since it is black.

    Also The only black gear that is banned is the dark set, We hate dark wraiths because it stands for everything we go against.
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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by dancash1808 Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:43 pm

    >.> ....
    <.< darkwraiths have feelings too you know! *runs off and cries in the corner of the abyss*

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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by WyrmHero Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:43 pm

    dancash1808 wrote:Of course you do, that is the concept you had in mind. anyway I was not suggesting you were not merely asking if that was the case at one point.
    Darkstalkers have no honor code because it would be silly and does not fit, however correct me if I am wrong but do our members not play fair ?

    In the war most DWs were fine dueling me fair, but others used chain BS and other dishonorable and sometimes "cheap" tactics, but well as you have said it fits your bad guys theme perfectly.
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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by dancash1808 Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:44 pm

    Indeed it does. however were any of them members of the forum covenant as opposed to just darkwraiths ? silly cause there are an awful lot of asses in PvP no matter what side you are on...

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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by WyrmHero Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:47 pm

    Oh they were pure Darkstalkers from the forum.

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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by swordiris Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:50 pm

    We are sort of Darkmoon versions of the darkstalkers.

    We are still good guys though because we are hitting people who are on the guilty list. We are sort of like antiheroes pretty much.

    It's want Velka wants- The guilty to get screwed over in the cheapest way possible silly
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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by dancash1808 Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:56 pm

    :roll: "He who fights with monsters...."
    regardless best of luck sir winking
    and ouch wyrm sad that sucks.

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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by swordiris Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:01 pm

    Best of luck to you all too. Wish I knew how to put stuff on youtube. I'm assuming you darkstalkers will put it on youtube probably, maybe I will get lucky and invade in part of the video.

    Also on the off chance that a darkstalker and I both invade someone simultaneously, I'm going after the wraith first.
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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by dancash1808 Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:11 pm

    Oh yeah I forgot to ask this, SL and system ? silly
    (some of us can put stuff up online some of us cant afford capture cards lol! )
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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

    Post by billy_bayonet Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:54 pm

    Hmm interesting, oh to address the darkstalker ways, we arent bound by rules or honour, doesnt mean we dont follow honour,

    i like the idea of the covenant if you can get a decent lore section wrote, id recommend speaking toViral, Dough or forum pirate

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    Messengers of Velka Empty Re: Messengers of Velka

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