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    A weakness becomes Strength


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    A weakness becomes Strength Empty A weakness becomes Strength

    Post by kazumoshi Sat May 11, 2013 10:32 pm

    On my quality build, I've been trying out a lucerne/leo combo lately, and it's unexpectedly good. Lucerne's awkward and slow attacks give it a critical advantage against muscle memory players who think it's like any other halberd. The attacks will often catch them as they go in for a punishing strike, or at the end of their rolls. It can stunlock, surprisingly enough, and I've reached upwards of 500 to 700 damage on players who are by no means lightly armored.

    TL;DR Lucerne is good because it's "bad". Here's the build if anyone's interested.

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    A weakness becomes Strength Empty Re: A weakness becomes Strength

    Post by SadPanda Sat May 11, 2013 11:16 pm

    I think that's the wrong link.
    Plus, here's mine:

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    A weakness becomes Strength Empty Re: A weakness becomes Strength

    Post by Sneezer Sun May 12, 2013 1:27 am

    I will never understand the weird obsession people have with trying to find something good out of Lucerne. Ah well, more power to you I guess.

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    A weakness becomes Strength Empty Re: A weakness becomes Strength

    Post by Brigade Sun May 12, 2013 3:39 am

    Sneezer wrote:I will never understand the weird obsession people have with trying to find something good out of Lucerne. Ah well, more power to you I guess.

    Apparently Leo ring has become the new claymore. Every straight pvp player and their damned uncle is praising it harder than an uneducated, redneck baptist.

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    A weakness becomes Strength Empty Re: A weakness becomes Strength

    Post by Jansports Sun May 12, 2013 4:09 am

    Leo has always been good, and the Lucerne has always done amazing damage with it. But so does the Halberd and most people tend to favor the latters moveset, which sort of makes the lucerne stand out because it feels so unwieldly basically no one uses it regularly.

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    A weakness becomes Strength Empty Re: A weakness becomes Strength

    Post by kazumoshi Sun May 12, 2013 4:21 pm

    SadPanda wrote:I think that's the wrong link.
    Plus, here's mine:

    Whoops. Right build. Wrong setup. There we go.

    Also, (in regards to brigade) the lucerne is definitely not my go to weapon for most fights. I generally use it against people who are either doing something creative themselves, or strength builds that aren't constantly looking for backstabs. It definitely holds its own in or out of those situations though.
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    A weakness becomes Strength Empty Re: A weakness becomes Strength

    Post by Animaaal Sun May 12, 2013 4:52 pm

    The Lucerne's movesets are not horrible, they just require a little more patience imo.

    They also benefit from all attacks recieveing the leo bonus, which includes: jumping attacks, roll attacks, etc.

    Also, regarding build, I'd switch the pyrohand and bow to the other hands. I believe a Black Flame --> 1HR1 could be devastating...haven't tried the combo myself though. Lucerne might be too slow for that combo?

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    A weakness becomes Strength Empty Re: A weakness becomes Strength

    Post by kazumoshi Sun May 12, 2013 5:20 pm

    Animaaal wrote:The Lucerne's movesets are not horrible, they just require a little more patience imo.

    They also benefit from all attacks recieveing the leo bonus, which includes: jumping attacks, roll attacks, etc.

    Also, regarding build, I'd switch the pyrohand and bow to the other hands. I believe a Black Flame --> 1HR1 could be devastating...haven't tried the combo myself though. Lucerne might be too slow for that combo?

    Lucerne is sadly too slow for that. However, goading people to roll with fire surge and following up with a well aimed lucerne hit can almost garuntee a counter hit. It's hard to pull off though.
    Actually, my favourite matchup is fire surge and a poison arrows combo'd with either the DWGR or the Leo depending on the situation.

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    A weakness becomes Strength Empty Re: A weakness becomes Strength

    Post by inksoldier Mon May 13, 2013 3:55 pm

    I always enjoy duels with uncommon weapons like lucerne and claws because I get exposed to the moveset and tactics a player would use with these kinds of weapons.

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    A weakness becomes Strength Empty Re: A weakness becomes Strength

    Post by CephGabriel Tue May 14, 2013 6:39 am

    This is kind of similar with the Chaos blade's R2 attacks, which have like a three second charge up time. I'll start it and they'll dodge backwards, then get confused and run back towards me, only to be hit in the face with a full force two handed Chaos blade attack that knocks them to the ground.

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    A weakness becomes Strength Empty Re: A weakness becomes Strength

    Post by befowler Tue May 14, 2013 11:44 am

    I like the lucerne, the 2-hd R1 chops are quite fast and are easy to use without lockon, and it has some nice horizontal sweeps. Plus you do tend to get a bonus from how few folks have used or faced it before. The titanite catchpole can be effective for similar reasons, saw a guy absolutely go to town with it a few days ago.

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