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    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam)


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    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Empty Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam)

    Post by raecor14 Sun May 26, 2013 4:41 am

    [17:34:37] raecor14 joined the chat on Sun May 26, 2013 5:34 pm
    [17:34:49] raecor14 : looks like its time for FUUUUN IN THE CHAT
    [17:35:16] raecor14 : there once was a young prince
    [17:35:26] raecor14 : from a far away land
    [17:35:53] raecor14 : but one day an unfortunate event took away the princes life
    [17:35:54] Latitoast joined the chat on Sun May 26, 2013 5:35 pm
    [17:36:03] raecor14 : oh gad damn it
    [17:36:06] Latitoast : How did I know this was going to happen
    [17:36:08] Latitoast : no
    [17:36:11] Latitoast : please do go on
    [17:36:14] raecor14 : its always you
    [17:36:19] Latitoast : lol
    [17:36:21] raecor14 : no n, its over now
    [17:36:28] Latitoast : no
    [17:36:30] Latitoast : I'll leave
    [17:36:33] Latitoast : bye
    [17:36:35] Latitoast has logged off the chat on Sun May 26, 2013 5:36 pm
    [17:36:52] raecor14 : he was put up north
    [17:37:00] raecor14 : and began his undead journey
    [17:37:17] raecor14 : he killed his way past the asylum demon
    [17:37:30] raecor14 : banished queelag to the farthest circle of hell
    [17:37:59] raecor14 : rung the bells of awakening
    [17:38:13] raecor14 : and went into sen's
    [17:38:28] raecor14 : he killed past the first serpants
    [17:38:35] raecor14 : and began to feel his humanity slipping
    [17:38:58] raecor14 : but he continued to his doom, knowing he must try and save humanity
    [17:39:17] raecor14 : he got through all of sens traps
    [17:39:30] raecor14 : and even made it past the fire throwing giant
    [17:39:42] raecor14 : and just as he was making his way up a side path
    [17:39:46] raecor14 : he heard a noise
    [17:39:59] raecor14 : on his way down to help the young journeyman
    [17:40:07] raecor14 : he felt a pain through his chest
    [17:40:13] raecor14 : the bastard had stabed him
    [17:40:17] raecor14 : claimed he was hollow
    [17:40:22] raecor14 : stole his gear
    [17:40:32] raecor14 : and ran off to meet his fate........

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    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Empty Re: Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam)

    Post by ResIsBestStat Sun May 26, 2013 4:48 am


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    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Empty Re: Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam)

    Post by raecor14 Sun May 26, 2013 4:50 am

    to avoid a permaban #Edontbanme XD

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    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Empty Re: Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam)

    Post by ResIsBestStat Sun May 26, 2013 4:52 am

    raecor14 wrote:to avoid a permaban #Edontbanme XD

    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Tumblr_lxtcmxI5u91r72gm7o1_400


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    Age : 28
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    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Empty Re: Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam)

    Post by raecor14 Sun May 26, 2013 4:54 am

    ResIsBestStat wrote:
    raecor14 wrote:to avoid a permaban #Edontbanme XD

    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Tumblr_lxtcmxI5u91r72gm7o1_400

    OH NO *runs to bunker*

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    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Empty Re: Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam)

    Post by ResIsBestStat Sun May 26, 2013 4:55 am

    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Tumblr_m9v7o5odqM1rc6nrho1_500

    Also that's not me talking, it's your aborted child
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    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Empty Re: Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam)

    Post by Maneater_Mildred Sun May 26, 2013 4:51 pm

    /Me is out to get everyone twisted
    Duke's Archivist
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    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Empty Re: Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam)

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun May 26, 2013 5:00 pm

    Latitoast... GTFO! Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) 3248139268
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    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Empty Re: Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam)

    Post by GrinTwist Sun May 26, 2013 5:12 pm

    Funny stuff, you should make a show out of this called: Fun in the Chat!

    Every time no one is on you make an episode and then dedicate a thread to that episode. It would be genius. Everybody would watch, the mods would love you, and eventually you make a movie off of it with Zach Galifianakis, Brad Pitt, and Jennifer Lawrence. It does well in the theaters they win oscars you win best director, I'll still be sitting here posting and eventually you move to California to become a eccentric billionare. Eventually you get bored with your life and after a year of boredom you dawn cardboard armor to become the next Iron Man!

    Thus starting the next Iron Man movie that no one asked for but we'll make anyway!

    What's this thread about again?

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    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Empty Re: Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam)

    Post by ResIsBestStat Sun May 26, 2013 5:16 pm

    GrinTwist wrote:Funny stuff, you should make a show out of this called: Fun in the Chat!

    Every time no one is on you make an episode and then dedicate a thread to that episode. It would be genius. Everybody would watch, the mods would love you, and eventually you make a movie off of it with Zach Galifianakis, Brad Pitt, and Jennifer Lawrence. It does well in the theaters they win oscars you win best director, I'll still be sitting here posting and eventually you move to California to become a eccentric billionare. Eventually you get bored with your life and after a year of boredom you dawn cardboard armor to become the next Iron Man!

    Thus starting the next Iron Man movie that no one asked for but we'll make anyway!

    What's this thread about again?

    It's about a man who discovers he has incredible resistance and can resist anything, here's a clip of the movie that will be released in 20XXX

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    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Empty Re: Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam)

    Post by Serious_Much Sun May 26, 2013 5:52 pm

    This is literally a spam thread- complete nonsense :razz:
    Hatsune Miku
    Hatsune Miku
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    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Empty Re: Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam)

    Post by Hatsune Miku Sun May 26, 2013 8:45 pm

    Are you ready for this?

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    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Empty Re: Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam)

    Post by ResIsBestStat Mon May 27, 2013 9:31 am

    Fluttershy wrote:Are you ready for this?

    .....I'M PUTTING IT IN!

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    Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam) Empty Re: Fun in the chat 3.0 (aka spam)

    Post by Sponsored content

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