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Soris Ice Goldwing
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    A message to all Dark Souls fans.....


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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by ResIsBestStat Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:12 am

    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Tumblr_mp1zaty8uH1sql2n0o1_500
    I'm sorry but it's true.
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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by Dibsville Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:15 am

    Why do people even bring this up anymore.
    She's dead, Jim.

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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by Laveidem Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:16 am

    Well now I don't know what to think.

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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by TheMeInTeam Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:25 am

    Dibsville wrote:Why do people even bring this up anymore.
    She's dead, Jim.

    No way.

    Excessive annoyance is a key facet to trolling.

    Besides, I made such a build just to try it out lol.  Only I dropped mask of father + endurance to 40 and will run ring of steel protection + full set instead because I'm a good person.  Well, I'm not sure about dropping father mask.  I think I'd have to fatroll with zwei if I did that, but it might be worth it just to be super obnoxiously tanky vs the lighter weapons with even more poise (enough to r2 someone right through a great fireball, tank 3 2h r1 spear pokes, or IIRC even 2 2H R1 clubbings).

    It's a bit odd to be the invader with such a setup though, and I'm almost always an invader.

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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by StiffNipples Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:44 am

    My last build on PS3 before I transitioned to PC was as a fat rolling Tarkus.

    When you're that tanky you don't need to roll winking
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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by Sentiel Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:10 pm

    Except for a few gankers I met only two, maybe three guys in Giantdads. All of them SUCKED. Not being elitist here, but using Zwei locked on is just that, bad. One of these guy made my night by sending me a message I could hardly decipher, but it contained a lot of MLG, so I replied MLG my Rapier and proceeded to roll bs him a few times. He tried to heal, so I showed him that the current Giantsdad doesn't use Zwei, but Gold Tracer instead and why. Well What is it

    Still, these sissies have NOTHING on the legend. Where you literally met only these guys everywhere. Whenever you got invaded, you had a 3/4 chance it's gonna be ninja flippin Giantsdad with Lightning Zwei.

    It's now only a forgotten part of the game, that vets laugh at and noobs join, because they wanna be cool and wanna laugh at the joke (like in shcool? O_o), while they don't understand the point of the said anecdote at all.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:52 pm

    Dibsville wrote:Why do people even bring this up anymore.
    She's dead, Jim.

    Dead and done as a meme, and never funny and now just stupid.
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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by Encore Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:57 pm

    So, I was lucky never having to notice this meme?

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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by TheMeInTeam Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:42 pm

    You can still ninjaflip the Giantdad though, although you'd need to use something other than the Zwei.  Really the issue was more the OP value of DWGR allowing flips at midroll.

    My last build on PS3 before I transitioned to PC was as a fat rolling Tarkus.

    When you're that tanky you don't need to roll

    That's why I'm seriously leaning towards dropping mask of father, dropping Havel's, and running full giants +5 (helmet included) with ring of steel protection on.  Only criticals and the biggest weapons would want to deal with that nonsense.  I fear dead-angle WoG and Dark Magic that way though; you can fight unlocked to deal with roll BS but to beat WoG you really need to roll through it.  It also makes it very difficult/impossible to tickstab people with any consistency, which is pretty doable on midroll and fearsome with UGS.

    I wonder if I dropped RoFaP and instead wore the anti magic stoneplate ring in full giants if I'd mitigate enough dmg from dark magic if blocking...asuming I don't walk right into max beads?  Best I could use is crest +5 though.  WoG remains a problem, though I suppose it doesn't outrange Zwei TOO hard.

    I just can't think of a way to counter dead-angling WoG without a timed-roll...but fat rolls are so slow.  Maybe I could fatroll through it and poke them with the rolling attack?

    Using big weapons it's true you absolutely HAVE to fight unlocked.  I'm frankly amazed at how many UGS users don't do that.  Fighting locked takes away its utility almost completely.


    Something along these lines:
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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by Animaaal Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:54 pm

    1)  Why is this a message to all Dark Souls fans???

    2)  I ran into this dink in tha Burg.  He doesn't even wear Giants anymore, he wears Havels with the MoM.  I think he's trying to create the "Giant Mom" because his fame is dying.

    He jumped my red soap stone too btw, then fisted me while I mock emoted him.

    If it was him, I have zero respect for him. He has 9 trophies (no bells rung) and I was level 47.   So not only is he "one of those...he's ONE OF  THOOOOOSE."

    Nothing major league about it.  Very semi-pro stuff imo.


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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by LunarFog Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:16 pm

    I think people are overreacting to it.  The Giant Dad thing is nothing and is already passing into obscurity.  In fact, I'm sure most people who read this have forgotten about Giant Dad until they were reminded of it just now.

    If you hate something, don't talk about it.  Making posts about it only brings attention to it and benefits it.  so GG for directly benefiting the thing that you apparently hate so much OP/person who made the picture.

    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... 3u0wr4


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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by Slarg232 Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:20 pm

    I suppose this is a bad time to bring up the fact that I have a SL 55 Giantdad I was going to use next Forum Event, huh?

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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by TheMeInTeam Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:24 pm

    Slarg232 wrote:I suppose this is a bad time to bring up the fact that I have a SL 55 Giantdad I was going to use next Forum Event, huh?

    They're pretty fun to use in that level range as mid rollers.  40 END, 30 VIT or so.  You can either use the last 4 points to pick up 2 attunement slots, 1 slot + force, or just dump 4 into VIT.

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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by Slarg232 Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:28 pm

    TheMeInTeam wrote:
    Slarg232 wrote:I suppose this is a bad time to bring up the fact that I have a SL 55 Giantdad I was going to use next Forum Event, huh?

    They're pretty fun to use in that level range as mid rollers.  40 END, 30 VIT or so.  You can either use the last 4 points to pick up 2 attunement slots, 1 slot + force, or just dump 4 into VIT.

    No, a Light Rolling Zwei Giant Dad.
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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Thu Jun 27, 2013 6:11 pm

    eh, I have a lvl 100 dex giant dad I use for duels, because I don't mock my opponents they don't care, its a good 77 poise setup without the wolf ring, I've even been complimented on my good attitude while wearing that getup, its all in the behavior really, even if assholes didn't have giantdad as a uniform they'd still be assholes and then it'd be harder to tell when your target is going to be an outright ****.
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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by Animaaal Thu Jun 27, 2013 6:36 pm

    sparkly-twinkly-lizard wrote:eh, I have a lvl 100 dex giant dad I use for duels, because I don't mock my opponents they don't care, its a good 77 poise setup without the wolf ring, I've even been complimented on my good attitude while wearing that getup, its all in the behavior really, even if assholes didn't have giantdad as a uniform they'd still be assholes and then it'd be harder to tell when your target is going to be an outright ****.


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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by Exequim Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:06 pm

    I only saw that video as a joke, I have never taken them seriously as players. Most of them aren't even good, and one mess up and they pretty much are dead. I find the Zweihander and any other Ultra Greatsword to be the most inefficient weapon to use in pvp, and those who use it are "tryhards" trying to make the build work.

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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by TheMeInTeam Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:41 pm

    If something isn't particularly effective at the competitive level, someone isn't a tryhard for using it lol.  You don't become a tryhard for copying a joke video.  You become a tryhard if you see what a good youtuber is using and winning duels with and copy it exactly, or only use the strongest metagame stuff you can find.

    For example, copying oorobo's "quest for hate mail" build with his multiple buff option falchion + WoG setup.

    Really, though, the term has long crossed into the "overused" realm.  So much so that everyone could run nothing but giantdad until DS2 comes out and giantdad STILL wouldn't be as overused as that term :p.

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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by ResIsBestStat Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:49 pm

    Guys, I'm basically saying that Giant Dad is overused now and that thousand people copy this build now for some reason, even OnlyAfro got sick now.
    Every time you make a Giant Dad build, a fairy dies.

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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by Slarg232 Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:12 pm

    ResIsBestStat wrote:Guys, I'm basically saying that Giant Dad is overused now and that thousand people copy this build now for some reason, even OnlyAfro got sick now.
    Every time you make a Giant Dad build, a fairy dies.

    Meh, who cares about Fairies anyway.....
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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:11 pm

    Slarg232 wrote:Meh, who cares about Fairies anyway.....
    Ouch. But yeah it used to death nowadays and I find them easy to kill.
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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:48 pm

    yeah since flipping with 2000+ hp and a buff isn't possible in the pvp soul levels anymore the giant dad is just a decently mobile tank with limited weaponry or less health than is best for a tank.

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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by StiffNipples Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:14 am

    TheMeInTeam wrote:You can still ninjaflip the Giantdad though, although you'd need to use something other than the Zwei.  Really the issue was more the OP value of DWGR allowing flips at midroll.

    My last build on PS3 before I transitioned to PC was as a fat rolling Tarkus.

    When you're that tanky you don't need to roll

    That's why I'm seriously leaning towards dropping mask of father, dropping Havel's, and running full giants +5 (helmet included) with ring of steel protection on.  Only criticals and the biggest weapons would want to deal with that nonsense.  I fear dead-angle WoG and Dark Magic that way though; you can fight unlocked to deal with roll BS but to beat WoG you really need to roll through it.  It also makes it very difficult/impossible to tickstab people with any consistency, which is pretty doable on midroll and fearsome with UGS.

    I wonder if I dropped RoFaP and instead wore the anti magic stoneplate ring in full giants if I'd mitigate enough dmg from dark magic if blocking...asuming I don't walk right into max beads?  Best I could use is crest +5 though.  WoG remains a problem, though I suppose it doesn't outrange Zwei TOO hard.

    I just can't think of a way to counter dead-angling WoG without a timed-roll...but fat rolls are so slow.  Maybe I could fatroll through it and poke them with the rolling attack?


    Something along these lines:

    I used something pretty close to this for my build:

    I usually manged to roll through WotG, if you time the first roll right you can roll through all three if you have the stamina. Dark Bead was usually a death sentance though, as even blocking it with full stamina it would one shot me. I should try to roll through it as well, but I'm not as good with the timing, and the punishment to missing a roll is far, far worse than missing a WotG roll.

    I found it best for co-op actually, had lots of fun in the Forest with just a host, taking it in turns to fight invaders, a few hosts even dressed up as Ricard happy

    I know the Giants Halberd isn't the best, but if it was me I'd go a Giant Sentinal cosplay, rather than using the Zwei. Like this:

    Sentiel wrote:Except for a few gankers I met only two, maybe three guys in Giantdads. All of them SUCKED.

    It's now only a forgotten part of the game, that vets laugh at and noobs join, because they wanna be cool and wanna laugh at the joke (like in shcool? O_o), while they don't understand the point of the said anecdote at all.

    +1, 100% agree.

    It's sad really, it's the mentality of "we have to laugh at this because everyone else is so it must be funny", then it becomes "lets make one of those them Giant Derd builds so we can be funny too".  
    When really it's now, "we're laughing at you, not with you."

    Exequim wrote:and those who use it are "tryhards" trying to make the build work.

    I wouldn't say they're tryhards, just that they're unoriginal and are copying a build to get in a joke that they don't understand so they can be like all the other cool kids, when really they just come across as sad, shallow and stupid.

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    A message to all Dark Souls fans..... Empty Re: A message to all Dark Souls fans.....

    Post by TheMeInTeam Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:27 am

    I tried out regular Giant's helm and steel protection in the forest today.  I was using the SL10 guy that I'll be using in the lowbie event, but obviously not with that gear.

    It's actually really solid; a LOT of non-buffed weapons are pretty weaksauce against max physical D.  Roll R1 on Zwei is pretty good vs WoG spam when you land it, unless they're running 76+ poise (not usually).  Most of the time I died it was to someone ~10x my level because I ran out of stamina with my 17 endurance lol.  Killed a lot of 55+ too though, including a couple gank squads.  I thought the zwei would be awful vs gank squads but when you use it unlocked what frequently happens is:

    1.  They charge you, and you dead-angle one of them
    2.  The other one tries to hit you, but you poise through it and hit them back because you're unlocked
    3.  The guy who took the hit will almost always back off, leaving his teammate in a stunlock lol.

    When I get the stamina for 5 zwei swings, people are going to need to toggle escape and avoid reactive BS or they're going to die a lot.  I had so many times where I had people for 700-1200+ damage and would easily have killed them with 40 end ^_^.

    Dark bead does indeed appear to be the snag.  Other than fatroll + r1 thrusting on them I don't have much.

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    Post by StiffNipples Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:26 am

    Yeah that's pretty much what I found with my Tarkus RP as well, some gank squads you'd get all 3 stunlocked at once, which was awesome fun, but mages were usually a struggle.

    The Greatsword also has that big thrust R2 attack, which if you unlock and manually aim it you can obliterate some people with it.

    I think the funniest thing I did though was a running R1 slam against someone who was running away to heal, unlocked, flanked them from the side, just came sprinting out of the trees and BAM.  
    They never saw me coming haha, landed the hit about a body length in front of them (because crazy lag) and just flattened them.

    Another good thing with the Greatsword is you can swap out the Steel ring for the Leo ring and get some massive damage from counter trusts, which are surprisingly easy to land as you have lots of poise.

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