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Dusk Soul
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    Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155)

    Dusk Soul
    Dusk Soul

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    Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155) Empty Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155)

    Post by Dusk Soul Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:08 am

    I hate how in most builds designed for the Abyss greatsword the int/faith points are only there in order to use the sword; but trying to include atunement slots wthin SL 125 tend leave the build far too fragile for my tastes. So I decided to try an make a slightly higher level build; but I don't have much experience with them so any feedback is highly appreciated. (And as a bonus it can use the Dragonslayer spear reasonably well too, so I will probably keep it for menu-swapping)


    The main problem I see is the mid rolling; but barring trading the cleansing greatshield (which I would prefer not to) for another shield and altering my armour set (havel's torso+eastern gloves and HSW), something I would prefer no to do, I don't see how to get fast roll and keep the 53 poise breakpoint. 

    Thanks in advance.

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    Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155) Empty Re: Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155)

    Post by Ghadis_God Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:38 am

    There's no point using a greatsword 1h, so drop Strength to 27 and get rid of that greatshield while you're at it. Midrolling with a 1h greatsword is asking to get killed. Havel's ring is mostly pointless; you have so much extra weight left in your midroll that you might as well add some defense and poise if you're going to use Havel's. Or just drop some weight and use Havel's to fastroll, which you culd probably do if you swapped to Black Knight or Silver Knight shield.

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    Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155) Empty Re: Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155)

    Post by Leet Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:12 pm

    1 handing a greatsword is good if you wanna parry. All of my builds use the target shield or dark hand for parrying and it saves weight. But seeing as you wanna use a greatshield that won't help you. Just another option.

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    Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155) Empty Re: Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155)

    Post by Bontee Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:44 pm

    Personally, I'd change out that shield for something lighter, maybe even the Gold Tracer for some variety or something to parry with, but that's just me...

    Change that and the gloves and it's an easy fast roll, but it'll drop your poise... still, even if you lose all the poise from your gloves, 25 total poise isn't horrible...

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    Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155) Empty Re: Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155)

    Post by Ghadis_God Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:25 pm

    The Gold Tracer can't parry. It has two attacks in the offhand.

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    Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155) Empty Re: Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155)

    Post by Leet Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:49 pm

    That's why he said "gold tracer for variety OR something to parry with."

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    Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155) Empty Re: Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155)

    Post by Ghadis_God Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:22 pm

    The way it's worded implies that the Gold Tracer would fulfill both the functions of variety and parrying. If he included a comma after "variety" it would be clearer what he meant, I assumed he was omitting an "as" before "something to parry with" but I don't really like debating the fine points of grammar so I'll leave it there.

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    Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155) Empty Re: Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155)

    Post by Leet Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:49 pm

    I get what you're saying man. I thought it said the same thing you did at first.

    Anyways, I'd do something like this. I have an AGS build but it's an SL200.

    AGS Build.


    Edit: Obviously with those stats you don't have to stick to pyro but that's just what i personally use.

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    Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155) Empty Re: Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155)

    Post by xenon_nobelium Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:18 am learn to play with standard capped hp and stamina, quick roll is more important, fap ring is not necessary for a successful build! 45dex dark orb is damn strong, 2x bead/wog too much imo, do you want to hit or spam 'em dead? 53poise is significantly worse than 56 or 61 on a greatsword build. balders is a good high stabily alternative to a greatshield + it can parry.
    on a personal note: lvl150 builds are useless =(

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    Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155) Empty Re: Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155)

    Post by Leet Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:08 am

    How are they useless...

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    Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155) Empty Re: Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155)

    Post by xenon_nobelium Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:53 pm

    you're out of any established pvp range, simple as that. i enjoy duelling @ lvl100 to see what other people come up with with a limited number of levels instead of just adding as many levels as you need. after lvl120 it all becomes more of the same: full potential weapon + full potential buff/spells. if you would want to gankspank exclusively you might as well add another 50 -150 levels. only ways to participate with this char in the regular pvp activity is a fightclub, joining darkmoon or hosting. every option except the fightclub puts you at a definite advantage unless you get a lucky invasion by a fellow lvl150. i rather best an overpowered (in relation to my char) opponent instead of stomping an underdeveloped (in relation to my char) opponent. that is why a pvp oriented lvl150 char is useless imo.

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    Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155) Empty Re: Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155)

    Post by SirArchmage Mon Jul 01, 2013 5:34 pm

    I made two builds for you. One thing I should say though, is that you are not going to have the perfect build for this. The Artorias swords require much investment and you will never specialize in any one thing, so taking advantage of the versatility is a must. And you will not get everything you wish without being horribly over-leveled. I have a few Abyss sword builds and Greatsword of Artorias builds and they both sacrifice some things to be effective.

    Now, here is a fast rolling build. Changed the armor a bit for poise, gave you a small shield for any parrying, and gave you an extra attunement slot for Dark Orb because it is a horribly underappreciated spell.

    Here is a mid-rolling one. Focuses more on melee with magic just being used as a back up. Also gave you a crossbow because why not. And the shield is because it is massively underappreciated as well.

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    Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155) Empty Re: Abyss Greatsword buils (SL 155)

    Post by Leet Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:54 pm

    xenon_nobelium wrote:you're out of any established pvp range, simple as that. i enjoy duelling @ lvl100 to see what other people come up with with a limited number of levels instead of just adding as many levels as you need. after lvl120 it all becomes more of the same: full potential weapon + full potential buff/spells. if you would want to gankspank exclusively you might as well add another 50 -150 levels. only ways to participate with this char in the regular pvp activity is a fightclub, joining darkmoon or hosting. every option except the fightclub puts you at a definite advantage unless you get a lucky invasion by a fellow lvl150. i rather best an overpowered (in relation to my char) opponent instead of stomping an underdeveloped (in relation to my char) opponent. that is why a pvp oriented lvl150 char is useless imo.


    Meh. It's fun nonetheless. You can't use the sword without sacrificing a lot of points. So regardless, if you wanna use the sword and not be fragile and be able to roll, you're gonna have to be at a higher level than normal. If it was a regular sword with regular requirements it wouldn't be that way but it's not. An Sl120 can womp an Sl150. I've even beat max level characters with Sl125 builds. At the same token i've lost to people that were way low levels than me. It doesn't make a huge difference. 25 levels isn't gonna drastically make your character better than an Sl125. You can have the same health, same endurance, and do just as much damage as their weapon of choice. You'll just be at a higher level because of requirements. Like how the build i posted only used the AGS, target shield, and pyro. It's not a big change from anything else.

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