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    Two new photos (at least new to me)


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    Two new photos (at least new to me) Empty Two new photos (at least new to me)

    Post by GaryBlevins Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:13 pm

    The first two pictures in the slide show are two that I have not seen so far. If these have already been posted, let me know. On to the photos.

    The first one shows what looks to me to be a new, non-boss, enemy. The enemy appears to be wielding some kind of lantern-type object. My first though is that it is very reminiscent of the lantern-weilding octopus headed sorcerers from Demons Souls. It could be a throw back to demons souls. I would say that this could be a sign that the time of DS2 is in the same time as DeS, but it has been confirmed that the worlds are completely different between these two games.

    The second photo shows what looks to be new pyromancy. It should be noted that the player is holding a catalyst in his hand which is clearly in the casting stance. I take this as a strong indication that pyromancy and sorcery have been joined into the same catagory of magic. I'm not sure what this could indicate in terms of lore. maybe someone else could take the reigns on that one. 

    Let me know your thoughts on the new photos

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    Two new photos (at least new to me) Empty Re: Two new photos (at least new to me)

    Post by StiffNipples Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:01 pm

    The Lantern guy is a mini boss kind of enemy. He's a mage that people had to fight before the Mirror Knight at the E3 Demo. There are vids with him mentioned.

    The second one is (assumed) a strong cast (L2/R2) of a fire spell. Not much has been mentioned about it, and other than that pic there isn't really any more info. I think that pic is from either the DaS2 facebook or official website.

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    Two new photos (at least new to me) Empty Re: Two new photos (at least new to me)

    Post by GaryBlevins Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:07 pm

    Are there any vids of the whole E3 demo? I mean with the mirror knight boss fight and everything before it.

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    Two new photos (at least new to me) Empty Re: Two new photos (at least new to me)

    Post by StiffNipples Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:04 pm

    Check the big Dark Souls 2 All Info So Far thread, just go to the last page and work your way back watching all the vids. There is no one vid that shows everything.
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    Two new photos (at least new to me) Empty Re: Two new photos (at least new to me)

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:07 pm

    Strange. I clicked on the link expecting Dark Souls 2, instead I got lonely housewives in my area looking to bang - no BS.

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    Two new photos (at least new to me) Empty Re: Two new photos (at least new to me)

    Post by WaffleGuy Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:31 am

    WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:Strange. I clicked on the link expecting Dark Souls 2, instead I got lonely housewives in my area looking to bang - no BS.

    What are you waiting for?:razz:

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    Two new photos (at least new to me) Empty Re: Two new photos (at least new to me)

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