StiffNipples wrote:Backstabs shouldn't be a one hit kill at SL100 with 1500+ hp, no matter what mistake you make, be it a jumping attack or being too predictable, no one mistake deserves to be a one hit kill (that's the very definition of cheap, take BoC for example, 1 mistake and you're in a pit, there's a reason everyone calls it Bed of Bullsh*t).
Take into account how easy it is to get backstabbed and then chain stabbed or roll stabbed or lag stabbed or any other stabbed and it's just unneeded. Sure it's ok in PvE, but in PvP it's OP, and the fact that it's only downside is it take up a ring slot isn't enough to balance it.
Backstabs themselves are overpowered imo, and the Hornet Ring serves no purpose other than to make them more overpowered.
Not so much. The BOC is cheap not because it kills you if you make 1 mistake, but because of the level of absolute perfection needed to avoid making that mistake.
Its fairly easy to avoid getting bs'd, granted its also easy bs anyone who gives you the slightest opening.
I also disagree that nobody deserves to be killed in 1 hit. For the record, if you have 1500 hp and 300+defense (read: everybody) a hornet ring bs from a crystal dgm (688 ar) will still only deal like 1400 damage, meaning it won't kill you. That's a tangent though.
Anyways, any and all of the things that can kill in 1 hit are obvious (as in easy to spot) and none of them require much skill or planning to avoid and punish (with your own high damage attack.) They are the very definition of fair, because everyone has access to them or a counter to them, and these counters can be either skill or equipment based, meaning even low skill players can not only kill in 1 hit, but defeat advanced attampts to kill in one hit. One cannot get more fair than that.
The bottom line of the soul series combat though, is that it has a high damage/health ratio, and always has. The fights tend to be short and any one mistake is often fatal. That's how it works fighting everything in the game, I fail to see why this should change because you're fighting another person. You don't have to like it, but the ability to kill and be killed in 1 hit is as much a part of the soul series as the dodge roll.
Finally, I disagree that bs's are overpowered. I think their power is just fine, it rewards taking calculated risks and wrecks wreckless play that is so common is 3'rd person hack/slash games. And I just explained how the hornet ring on large weapons is a waste of space.
the problem is the relative ease of use. Compared to glass cannons or parries, bsing does almost the same damage and is much easier to pull of. That is the problem, and what I would address (with a 30% reduction in hitbox personally )
Thus the biggest benefit of the hornet ring goes to weapons like the dagger and rapier that can struggle to break 200 damage in a hit. That extra 30% shifts them from neading to land 6 hits after a bs to kill (when a single hostile spell or stuncombo will kill them) to only needing to land three, and I cannot tell you how valuable that is to such weapons.