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    quick pvp guide


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    quick pvp guide Empty quick pvp guide

    Post by Havel_The_Rock Wed Jul 10, 2013 6:34 pm

    this quick guide has absolutely nothing on the main guide within this part of the forum. That guide is incredibly in depth and detailed,this is just quick(ish).standard pvp level is 120, but some people go higher as you can invade a lower level with the use of the rss. Its all about the summoner when you use the rss and not about you.
    the most common thing that pvp people do is use save editors (in all fairness though not everybody uses these, many people play through the game a few times then decide they want more of a challenge) to get say 99 souls of a great hero, this lets them level up fast and doesn't interfere with the way other people want to play. They aren't nodding any of there stats, its just as if they farmed souls for a very long time without actually wasting all that time. The same goes for common pvp items such as green blossom. Its not cheap and you can either farm it or buy it in the dlc. So they use a save editor removing the hassle. Most of the time all of these mods cause no harm whatsoever, it just makes the journey a little easier. They tend to be specific pvp builds and will have gotten to a certain stage in the game to have decent weapons and magic.
    regarding a good build for pvp id suggest sticking to a certain weight limit that you are used to. If you normally fast roll then make sure your build can accomodate that. There is no point changing the way you play best because someone says its better that way. You may want to look into buffs such as crystal magic weapon or pine resins, other alternatives are sunlight blade and dsrkmoon blade. The weapons you choose should fit your playstyle. For example if you are good with heavy hitting poise demolishing ultra greatswords then use those alternatively if you prefer rapid attacking rapiers then by all means choose those. It depends entirely on what you are most comfortable with. Every now and then you may want to switch it up a bit and if so then do it as you might discover that you are better at fighting in that way rather than the other.
    whatever you chose to do enjoy pvp and enjoy dark souls

    the last thing i will say is to just jump in. No amount of research can prepare you for the experience of fighting another living human. You can look up stuff as much as you want but the real deal is the best experience there is.
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    quick pvp guide Empty Re: quick pvp guide

    Post by Animaaal Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:49 pm

    Some of those tips are great. But, I disagree with the "muling/se does no harm what-so-ever".

    I've never held it against anyone for speed running pvp builds this way, but it DOES take away from co-op.

    The common co-op ranges are all haywire right now. I've seen waaaay more action in Anor at sl 20 than sl 40 for instance.

    Other than that, great advice. thumbs up 

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    quick pvp guide Empty Re: quick pvp guide

    Post by Leet Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:27 pm

    Animaaal wrote:Some of those tips are great.  But, I disagree with the "muling/se does no harm what-so-ever".

    I've never held it against anyone for speed running pvp builds this way, but it DOES take away from co-op.

    The common co-op ranges are all haywire right now.  I've seen waaaay more action in Anor at sl 20 than sl 40 for instance.

    Other than that, great advice. thumbs up 


    I've never even thought about that. 

    Most likely because i can run through the game alone and stopped co-oping after my umpteenth playthrough.

    But good point.
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    quick pvp guide Empty Re: quick pvp guide

    Post by Animaaal Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:34 pm

    The way I understand the mule (ps3), is that they still have to go through most things anyway ie ringing the bells, lordvessel, etcetcetc.

    But if you're not on a NG cycle or anything, I see little point in co-oping when, like you said, its easy to speed run certain things when the pve experience becomes familiar.

    I just like co-op, there's still some pretty cool people coming into the fray.

    Also, @Havel

    The last sentence is golden man, just gold. star star star 

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    quick pvp guide Empty Re: quick pvp guide

    Post by Laveidem Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:58 pm

    No point doing co-op if you can beat Quelaag before anything else.

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    quick pvp guide Empty Re: quick pvp guide

    Post by Havel_The_Rock Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:59 am

    Much appreciated thanks 

    I never did think about co op as I tend to go through things solo but now that you mention it I can see your point

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    quick pvp guide Empty Re: quick pvp guide

    Post by Leet Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:31 am

    Laveidem wrote:No point doing co-op if you can beat Quelaag before anything else.

    What does that have to do with anything?

    You still have to ring both bells to open Sen's.

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    quick pvp guide Empty Re: quick pvp guide

    Post by Laveidem Thu Jul 11, 2013 7:56 am


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    quick pvp guide Empty Re: quick pvp guide

    Post by TheMeInTeam Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:26 am

    Fastest way to improve is a combination of reading up on the mechanics and then playing with them in mind.  After that you can note mistakes, read up on mechanics, and play more.

    Doing only one or the other will fall behind.

    For example using the wiki you can read which weapons break what amount of poise 1h or 2h.  If you read through that a few times now and then you can have a working knowledge of it *much* faster than learning the hard way and getting stunned out of hits and out-dps'd.  On the flip side, mechanical knowledge doesn't help you see how people react to certain things or read into patterns/vary your own.  The game requires both pure knowledge (fastest to attain with some reading) and pure skill (can only be attained with experience) to do well.

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