After spending about 140 hours in Demon Souls and completing it multiple times, I decided to buy Dark Souls, and I found it a lot easier. However, because I'm not a retard, I was able to realize that I only perceive Dark souls to be an easier game because I'm approaching it completely differently than I did to Demon Souls.
I didn't know what to expect from Dark Souls. The game had to teach me to be patient, careful, decisive, observant, exploratory. When I played Dark Souls, I approached it like that right from the start and had a much easier time.
The game you played first is always the one you think is the hardest, I also think this game is a good example of different strokes, different folks.
But this is also one of those games with the community that have the thought "If you suck at this game, you suck at all games." It's that e-peen circle-jerking mentality. Some games just aren't meant for certain people.
Just like people who find the secret bonus levels in the Mario Sunshine/Galaxy games hard as hell... for some reason?
The game never gets any easier. In fact, it gets harder. The only difference is that you as a player aren't YOLO'ing into every room and dying anymore. You've learned by that point how exactly you need to play a Souls game in order to succeed.
Let me hear your thoughts