Summoned a Sunbro last night to help with the Ornstein & Smough fight. Made our way to the top of the stairs and I helped him sort out all the giant guards between us and the fog door (I used my Divine Avelyn + 10 because after being backstabbed several times here I decided to keep my distance). Anyways he ran up the stairs on the left to finish off the archer and then he just stood there. I gestured him to come down, then we were invaded and he just quit. Why would he do that? Maybe he didn't want to help fight the invader but I was very disappointed because he wasn't exactly underpowered. He was wearing Smough's armour and toting his hammer too.
Like my post says, I thought the whole point of being a Sunbro was to help other players in sticky situations. Seems I was wrong. Oh and I got backstabbed to death again. Looks like I'll be fighting Orny and Smough single handed again. Sigh.
Like my post says, I thought the whole point of being a Sunbro was to help other players in sticky situations. Seems I was wrong. Oh and I got backstabbed to death again. Looks like I'll be fighting Orny and Smough single handed again. Sigh.