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    < RESOLVED> question about crystal weapons


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    < RESOLVED> question about crystal weapons Empty < RESOLVED> question about crystal weapons

    Post by DarcusKnight Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:00 pm

    in the description of crystal weapon upgrades it says "Cannot repair weapon (except through reinforcement)."

    does this mean it can be repaired but only by using the item u need to upgrade it, e.g. titanite shard etc...?

    Last edited by DarcusKnight on Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    < RESOLVED> question about crystal weapons Empty Re: < RESOLVED> question about crystal weapons

    Post by Latitoast Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:48 pm

    Please don't use black, it's hard to read.

    And you can only repair a crystal weapon by upgrading it to the next level.

    For example, turning a +0 Crystal weapon into a +1 will restore it's durability.

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    < RESOLVED> question about crystal weapons Empty Re: < RESOLVED> question about crystal weapons

    Post by DarcusKnight Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:57 pm

    apologies for the colour - i did a copy/paste and that must've turned the rest of the post black! 

    so if have upgraded to a +5 crystal weapon and the durability starts to decline it means i cant repair it as it's fully upgraded?

    (i did a preview this time.....)
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    < RESOLVED> question about crystal weapons Empty Re: < RESOLVED> question about crystal weapons

    Post by Serious_Much Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:06 pm

    Yeah you can't repair it once it's +5. I feel sorry for you that you used a slab on a crystal weapon silly

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    < RESOLVED> question about crystal weapons Empty Re: < RESOLVED> question about crystal weapons

    Post by DarcusKnight Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:31 pm

    I didn't use a slab on it for that very reason. Kinda pointless in a way. I'll stick to Basic. 

    I have yet use a RAW weapon, not sure I really see the point there either. Do they have any advantage over normal path?
     e.g Basic:
    Demon's Greataxe +15285/0/0/0S/-/-/-
    whereas Raw:
    Raw Demon's Greataxe +5262/0/0/0A/-/-/-
    To me that says go for BASIC every time. Am I missing something ?

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