Because some people like other things, and there are play styles we don't enjoy?
Sure, if everyone agrees ahead of time. The problem here is that it is quite literally sheer preference, and finding large numbers of people who like and dislike precisely the same tactics is uncommon.
I don't summon people into my world when they are bragging to others and insulting people in the chat either, do I not have the right to choose who I summon or don't?
The problem with this question is that it's shifting the burden. I am saying that rules that don't exist shouldn't be enforced. If one is hosting a "fight club" with people who have agreed to participate in it and abide by the rules, then yes it is a jerk move to avoid summoning someone typically. Insults and things like hacking are clear violations.
But you already put the integrity of the FC in danger with "not summoning when they are bragging". Insulting someone is a reasonably clear line, whereas bragging is less so. One might perceive this differently, or even have meant no ill will.
There's another inconsistency in what you're saying too: if someone buffs a weapon or especially uses power within, running away to stall it is a rational decision. While a 40 minute hide and seek match goes against the "fight" part of FC, running away for an extended period of time is every bit as legit a tactic as buffs and arguably more so than glitch usage, if there is a reason to do so. However, a lot of players would perceive such running away as "cowardly" and not re-summon someone who, for all intents and purposes, was executing a rational response to a common build. Such would be an asinine and indefensible position; one could argue just as logically that the person applying the buff shouldn't be re-summoned. So what do you do? Ban both running and buffs? But if you don't, they are *equally valid* tactics.
Well, I guess it comes down to common sense.
It is a typical pattern to assert common sense when one's argumentative position isn't holding up. If it's so common, you should probably be able to justify it logically. Otherwise, replace "common sense" with "the way I want other people to play" for a more accurate statement.
When someone running an event or competition makes a "common sense" rule, it really means that they want someone's opinion to be word of law. That is the only thing that is "common" about any "common sense" rules.
In reality, asserting one strong build is skill-less while another requires skill without any valid/rational/proven basis is anything but common sense. It's a fallacy.
I think it would be easier to ban the use of Pursuers (and other potential 1-hitter-quitters if that is something the FC is looking to avoid) than to just say no "one shots."
You never know when a guy is going to come in with a 20 Vitality build.
If you can get enough people to agree to it ahead of time, you can ban anything.
However, banning pursuers is no more logically valid than banning backstabs, weapon buffs, wrath of gods tickstabs, spears/katanas, or anything else players don't like. You die very, very quickly in this game. I've seen people complaining about a 2 hit stagger --> backstab mace with sunlight blade. They themselves had DMB buff on, and were perfectly willing to toggle. Their position doesn't even make sense, but that didn't matter to that person.
There's a reason rules need a rational basis for their creation, and that reason is that without one, you lead to opinions destroying balance rather than creating it.
Also the reason Pursuers are usually banned (along with fishing and chain stabbing) is because of lag/latency.
Sillyness. If you're so far behind on lag that you're eating phantom pursuers hits, you're also going to eat phantom buff hits and get client-side stab "punished".
How do you even ban a nebulous tactic like "fishing"? You could counter-BS someone and he could claim you were fishing him, while you could claim you thought he was fishing. Does deliberately going for punishes on slower weapons constitute fishing? What about poise-stabs? Roll-BS? Stagger-stab?
I'm tempted not to even grace "chain stabbing is banned due to lag" with a response.
I'm also long-amused by FC that ban in-game tactics but permit glitches. That's always amusing. But hey it's all "for fun and common sense", amirite? Let's glitch the other guy to death while he can't use a spell to 1-shot us