Hello, well today i was doing some pvp in the forest (first time btw, i usually invade as DW ) with my SL 83 mage, eventually there was one fight, when as soon as i joined this guy's world he was being killed by a red phantom, i'm pretty sure i didn't even touched the guy, althoug one of my pursueres may have hit him, anyway, when the fight is over i get the usual trespasser banished message and boom! 800k+ souls in an instant =/, it got me from SL 83 to SL 101 in 5 minutes. So i'm gessing it's not normal, as DW i got about 5~10k per victory.
Bottom line, if that happens often then i just found an even better way to farm souls than my previous method (1shotting big guys in anor londo, 9k souls per minute or so).
Bottom line, if that happens often then i just found an even better way to farm souls than my previous method (1shotting big guys in anor londo, 9k souls per minute or so).