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    Is it normal to get that much souls is pvp?


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    Is it normal to get that much souls is pvp? Empty Is it normal to get that much souls is pvp?

    Post by Moalover Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:15 am

    Hello, well today i was doing some pvp in the forest (first time btw, i usually invade as DW devil ) with my SL 83 mage, eventually there was one fight, when as soon as i joined this guy's world he was being killed by a red phantom, i'm pretty sure i didn't even touched the guy, althoug one of my pursueres may have hit him, anyway, when the fight is over i get the  usual trespasser banished message and boom! 800k+ souls in an instant =/, it got me from SL 83 to SL 101 in 5 minutes. So i'm gessing it's not normal, as DW i got about 5~10k per victory.

    Bottom line, if that happens often then i just found an even better way to farm souls than my previous method (1shotting big guys in anor londo, 9k souls per minute or so).

    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Is it normal to get that much souls is pvp? Empty Re: Is it normal to get that much souls is pvp?

    Post by GrinTwist Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:23 am

    Well that depends on if you were invading as a forest hunter. From what I've seen forest hunters can invade any level upward. So the chances are (with the amount of battles you won) you may have invaded a player with a higher level than you.

    I'm no expert with PVP myself but I've heard that some players that are hosting at high levels in the forest can drop a large quantity of souls when killed. I've gotten one that dropped around 200k souls when I was forest hunting myself.

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    Is it normal to get that much souls is pvp? Empty Re: Is it normal to get that much souls is pvp?

    Post by SirArchmage Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:40 am

    Darkwraiths and forest hunters both invade any level higher then them with no difference in the amount of souls gained. You get 10% of the souls it takes for that person to level up, so if you look at the levels in Mugen Monkey (which I cannot check right now) you can go check what level he was. I once got nearly two million from an invasion once.

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    Is it normal to get that much souls is pvp? Empty Re: Is it normal to get that much souls is pvp?

    Post by Moalover Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:16 am

    Ohh well then i guess it was pure luck then, that player should've destroyed me sick  anyway it saved me from grinding to 100 before NG+ as i was planning to do, thanks!.cheers

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    Is it normal to get that much souls is pvp? Empty Re: Is it normal to get that much souls is pvp?

    Post by ScottyDoesKnow Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:36 pm

    Over 800k souls means around max level, which is pretty much impossible to do legit.

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    Is it normal to get that much souls is pvp? Empty Re: Is it normal to get that much souls is pvp?

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