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The Once-Ler
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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?


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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? Empty Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?

    Post by Lutallo Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:48 am

    I've come back to Dark Souls after a good 6 months of not playing. Decided to make a standard dex build with the Chaos Blade, nothing too special or griefing. My first port of call was the forest, when I used to play I loved PvPing there. After about 3 days of PvPing there now, I've come to realise that the forest has become the ******* of the Dark Souls world. Out of the 150 invasions (about) that I had, only 2 that i can remember were proper 1v1 fights. I died well over 10 times while I was bowing. Ran into at least 15 hackers and about 90% of people had summons. What the hell happened to the Forest?

    Also, is the Burg/Kiln any good anymore?

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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? Empty Re: Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?

    Post by Cronotis Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:55 am

    I'm not sure what forrest you were invading before, but it's basically always been like that.  Hackers may be more prevalent now, but pvp in the forrest always carried a low probability for 1 v 1 scenarios.

    Burg is active, and last I heard Kiln is dead.

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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? Empty Re: Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?

    Post by divinebeanpole Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:57 am

    Go to moonpit.

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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? Empty Re: Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?

    Post by Candino Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:05 pm

    i get alot of action in kiln, mostly good/fair fights. im on ps3 tho

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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? Empty Re: Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?

    Post by BrotherBob Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:43 pm

    divinebeanpole's right. The moonpit is terrific for what I think you're looking for. And it's only a sort walk from the Forest.

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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? Empty Re: Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?

    Post by TheMeInTeam Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:53 pm

    Aside from hackers, which have no place anywhere, the Forest is the place for no rules.  Don't go bringing rules into the forest, or really any match against random players who don't agree to them!

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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? Empty Re: Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?

    Post by divinebeanpole Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:19 pm

    TheMeInTeam wrote:Aside from hackers, which have no place anywhere, the Forest is the place for no rules.  Don't go bringing rules into the forest, or really any match against random players who don't agree to them!
     So much fun to bait hatemail in the forest, for so many noobs dont realize this
    The Once-Ler
    The Once-Ler

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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? Empty Re: Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?

    Post by The Once-Ler Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:56 pm

    Cronotis wrote:I'm not sure what forrest you were invading before, but it's basically always been like that.  Hackers may be more prevalent now, but pvp in the forrest always carried a low probability for 1 v 1 scenarios.

    Burg is active, and last I heard Kiln is dead.
     Good to see you over here Cronitis!  I have been taking a break for a bit playing other things.  Last I was in the forest 3-4 weeks ago, I met way too many hackers.  I had not run into them before, but I haven't played the forest in over a year.  Players that took no damage, others that buffed dmb unlimited amts of time and others carrying a short crystal sword I have never seen before that would always one-shot you.  I asked a random I was playing with wtf was going on.  He said that many hacks allow 65,000 HP and others have hacked weapons, spells, and others.  I thought hacking on the PS3 got people banned for life.  Not so in DkS I guess.  I don't remember any of this in Demon's Souls.  Why is this one hacked and that one is not?  This random also dropped me a weapon thinking he was being helpful.  You guessed it...the short crystal sword I just described.  The weapon name in the weapon's list is ?whatweapon?.  I did not use it and I actually have not played the game since.  If we ever get another organized (active) late night fight club going I will jump back in.  If not I may jump back into DeS for my PvP fixes.

    Last edited by The Once-Ler on Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? Empty Re: Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?

    Post by TheMeInTeam Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:59 pm

    divinebeanpole wrote:
    TheMeInTeam wrote:Aside from hackers, which have no place anywhere, the Forest is the place for no rules.  Don't go bringing rules into the forest, or really any match against random players who don't agree to them!
     So much fun to bait hatemail in the forest, for so many noobs dont realize this
    I dunno, I have a pretty hard time getting hate mail there.  It seems people have become desensitized to most things.  The only fun/memorable message I got in recent memory was a guy calling me a coward/expletive for running from him + host, waiting for another invader, then joining in the 2v2 and our side winning.

    Trying to 2v1 me and lying about it (and they certainly were, the movements were so obvious before I ran) is one thing.  That's par for the course and expected behavior.  Whining because they didn't chase and then lost to me helping 2nd invader in a 2v2 because I "have no honor"?  Haha!

    But seriously, not enough of that kind of lulzy hate mail lately.  Most of the time I can SLB staggerstab someone and STILL not get any anger.  Maybe people are so fed up with the hackers (as am I) that everything else is just a drop in the bucket at this point.

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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? Empty Re: Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?

    Post by Undiscovery Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:40 pm

    v-------nuff said------v

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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? Empty Re: Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?

    Post by Lutallo Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:19 pm

    I've learnt a new little strategy for the forest - Wait for backup. Lifehunt Scythe also works miracles against hackers, never seen them backpedal quicker. I tried the Burg though and it was pretty active, which is good. Alot of people still use buffs and those dark magics are sooooo OP.

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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? Empty Re: Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?

    Post by Leet Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:57 pm

    Forest - When having a bad day, destroy gank squads in hopes of hate mail.

    Kiln - Uh, no. I'll pass.

    Burg - Mostly filled with tryhards, bs fishers, and hornet ring + buff + big weapon.

    Moonpit - Your best bet for decent matches. Or, simply set up duels with members on here.

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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? Empty Re: Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?

    Post by reim0027 Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:52 pm

    Forest = no rules. Complete and utter war. Nothing like defeating gankers, or fighting for your life only to have backup come in to the rescue and you both beat the gankers. I like it, I want it, and I hope it stays that way. Just like I hope the moonpit stays wtih honorable duels.

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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? Empty Re: Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?

    Post by LOLRagezzz Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:55 pm

    I've been back for 3 days now and have fought only in the kiln. Very active there granted I'm on my old slvl 250

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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? Empty Re: Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?

    Post by Leet Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:10 pm

    LOLRagezzz wrote:granted I'm on my old slvl 250
    granted I'm on my old slvl 250
    granted I'm on my old slvl 250
    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? C3d09811


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    Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat? Empty Re: Forest PvP. Whaaaaaat?

    Post by Undiscovery Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:44 am

    Forest has little in the way of rules.. But do not worry, it's a good ol time.twisted

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