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    How did he kill me?


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    How did he kill me? Empty How did he kill me?

    Post by sandoval Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:26 am

    Hi all

    I'm a total PvP-noob so I decided to let players invade me in the area before the Gargoyles to get a bit of practice.
    There was a guy with a long Katana. We were facing each other in a corridor, he was somewhat away from me, out of reach of my spear. I was blocking.

    Suddenly I heard the tsschling-sound and I was dead. The other guy didn't move at all.

    What was that? Can anyone enlighten me?
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    How did he kill me? Empty Re: How did he kill me?

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:29 am

    We need more specifics.. Did he kneel down? Did he cast something?

    It's possible he did something like a turn around WoG or a hacked TWoP that does damage but due to lag the animation didn't show on your screen

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    How did he kill me? Empty Re: How did he kill me?

    Post by sandoval Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:36 am

    I'm  sure he didn't cast anything, because I didn't see him doing anything and because of that typical sound.

    He was two-handing the katana, stood there. Then I got killed and he made that "Point-  to floor" animation.
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    How did he kill me? Empty Re: How did he kill me?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:43 am

    Around the 2:20 mark maybe?


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    How did he kill me? Empty Re: How did he kill me?

    Post by sandoval Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:08 am

    hm... similar. Maybe he changed from the katana to a catalist and I didn't notice. But I'm sure I heard the slicing-sound.
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    How did he kill me? Empty Re: How did he kill me?

    Post by Tolvo Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:31 am

    He might have used the Invisible Crystal Soulmass Glitch.  That would have been the sounds, them hitting your shield and killing you through it.

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    How did he kill me? Empty Re: How did he kill me?

    Post by Xero Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:31 am

    Sounds like bleed to me.
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    How did he kill me? Empty Re: How did he kill me?

    Post by Tolvo Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:34 am

    It is also possible there was just incredible lag, when lagging a person can run up and hit you a bunch, and as soon as the connection catches up you take all of the hits.  They could have lagged, run up and hit you three times quickly possibly bleeding you, then suddenly you'd die from all the hits.

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    How did he kill me? Empty Re: How did he kill me?

    Post by Pilgrim34 Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:43 am

    I agree with Tolvo, lag can cause many strange things to happen. My connection at home isn't all that stable and I often find myself falling victim to lag hits during encounters.

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    How did he kill me? Empty Re: How did he kill me?

    Post by sandoval Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:11 pm

    so it was probably lag then...I still have my doubts, but whatever.

    btw. now I got cursed by a player. He hit me, i got immobilized in a glue-mass like from these blobs in New Londo, and then cursed. It gets better and better.

    Luckily I have heaps of purging stones.

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    How did he kill me? Empty Re: How did he kill me?

    Post by Aigaios Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:25 pm

    Erm... I think the hackers are getting more and more creative.
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    How did he kill me? Empty Re: How did he kill me?

    Post by Tolvo Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:36 pm

    I've never even heard of that happening on PC.

    What system are you playing on?

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    How did he kill me? Empty Re: How did he kill me?

    Post by sandoval Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:48 pm

    I'm on pc.

    stock up on purging stones folks! He's coming for you too.

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    How did he kill me? Empty Re: How did he kill me?

    Post by Xero Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:04 pm

    Thats a pretty old hack. You can use CE to add all sorts of effects to your weapon.

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    How did he kill me? Empty Re: How did he kill me?

    Post by Ba22crow Mon Aug 19, 2013 6:33 pm

    Thats pretty confusing, but likely lag honestly. The other day I found a hack guy, I invaded him and was hitting him for 56 damage using a weapon at 403 physical atack and using power within. He procceeded to kill me in one hit through my 380 armor and 900+ hp. I invaded him 2 seconds later I presume he used the dry finger, and he had adjusted his stats, he was wearing and using the same equiptment, and I now beat him silly hitting for 300 a pop and when he did connect he only took a quarter of my life.

     I knocked him around a good bit, and he ran after one of my swings clipped shield but left me hanging. He dashed about 10 foot and stopped to pop an estus flask, I being used to this rushed up behind him for the backstab and as he chugged the estus flask and it made the gulp sound I died in unison with him gaining hp. You can't tell me it was lag damage, we only exchanged a few blows before he ran, and he ran for 5 or 6 seconds, far long enough for any lag damage to kick in from a swing that was never animated. The bastard had his estus flask deal area of effect damage in addition to healing him.

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