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    UX suggestion


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    UX suggestion Empty UX suggestion

    Post by Cserbahn Mon Aug 19, 2013 6:40 am

    Hi, sorry if this was mentioned before, I looked around a bit and didn't find it.
    Working as a front end dev, it keeps annoying me that the icons for AP/DR/Req etc. don't have nice "title" attributes happy
    I know that anyone playing the game will easily recognize them, but for a beginner like me it took a while until I could easily read the specs for gear.
    For anyone not having HTML knowledge, the "title" is the text that appears when you hover over an image. For example, go to any gear page and if you hover the top-left icon under Attack Power, you'll get a tooltip saying "icon_dmg_phy.png".
    Wouldn't it be so much nicer if this said "Physical Damage"? happy

    Anyway, thanks
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    UX suggestion Empty Re: UX suggestion

    Post by Serious_Much Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:54 am

    Front end dev? What do you develop?

    I'll contact the admins and let them know about this, we'll see what they say happy

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    UX suggestion Empty Re: UX suggestion

    Post by Cserbahn Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:32 am

    Cool, thanks happy
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    UX suggestion Empty Re: UX suggestion

    Post by dalsio Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:01 pm

    From what I understand this is a wikispaces issue. Wikispaces is the website that basically designs and manages the wikipedia-mechanics, and sites like the dark souls wiki basically "plug in" to the parent site and use it like a template. I don't believe there is an option for hover-over titles in wiki-page creation, and I don't know how much control the site admins have over that template, if any. If they don't, then it's up to wikispaces themselves to put that in.

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    UX suggestion Empty Re: UX suggestion

    Post by Cserbahn Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:30 pm

    Ah, too bad. I guess wikispaces support wouldn't be bothered with such a minor request, I'll just have to take it like a man.

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    UX suggestion Empty Re: UX suggestion

    Post by dalsio Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:13 pm

    I'm sure wikispaces has a suggestion board/forum you can post in to suggest the idea, if it hasn't been asked already. I wouldn't say it's a terribly unreasonable request. I'm an experienced dark souls wiki viewer and I still hover over the icons as if they will tell me what they mean. I hate remembering stuff.

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    UX suggestion Empty Re: UX suggestion

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