He was unmatched with a greatsword.
Let's take a look at Pure Artorias.
Now the lore is bent a little bit and conflicts with the DLC lore so bare with me.
Artorias had the ultimate weapons of killing the creatures of the abyss.
His greatsword, and His Silver Pendant.
His shield was also known for repelling the abyss, as it saved Sif from the Chasm's power.
Take a look at the cover art for the DkS game case.
One of FromSoft's workers said that it was Artorias entering the abyss. (It could just be random junk made by fromsoft, but it does look similar)
He has his weapon in his left hand. His shield in his right.
Look at the DLC Artorias, he has his weapon in his right hand, is missing his shield, his armour is corroded, and his left arm is crippled.
Not to mention he is possessed by the abyss.
Let's look at the pro's and cons of each version of artorias.
Pure Artorias
1. He has all of his gear, in top notch condition.
2. He is not injured.
3. His weapons are made for defeating creatures of the abyss.
4. He most likely, has more discipline and control of his fighting.
5. He has the wolf ring in his possession, he will not be toppled easily.
6. His shield can block and repel the abyss.
1. He is not human, and any humanity that breaches his armour will be lethal.
2. His armour does not have true defense against the abyss, it may actually be helpless against it. His shield seems the be the only defense against the abyss.
Abyss Artorias:
1. The abyss makes him stronger, he can charge it and he becomes insanely strong.
2. He most likely has humanity serving as armour, where he real armour lacks.
3. His sword is powered by humanity, and he seems to have alot of it.
1. He is possesed by the abyss, and is most likely lacking proper fighting techniques, while he does remain using certain moves, and tricks, it's pretty sloppy.
2. His armour is corroded.
3. His sword is almost useless without humanity, but he seems to have alot of it so this might not even be a problem.
4. He is left-handed, and is using his shield in his right hand. (Speculation based off the person on the cover of dark souls, it was said somewhere that it was Artorias entering the abyss. But it could just be random crap made by fromsoft.)
5. He is missing his shield, and his wolf ring, as he does not drop it when you kill him.
So who would win in a fight? Go ahead and vote and discuss! Keep it clean guys.
REMEMBER: Sif would not accompany either of them. And Artorias would be using the Uncursed version of his sword.
Last edited by Wilkinson3424 on Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:43 pm; edited 1 time in total