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    Disc read error


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    Disc read error Empty Disc read error

    Post by bongparty Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:36 pm

    I am wondering if anyone else has received a "disc read error" message while playing Dark Souls on xbox360. I never had until I downloaded the expansion pack a couple weeks ago. I took my character in, beat the sanctuary guardian and went through the sanctuary garden and then bam -disc read error. I had to restart the game and when I did I got the same error upon loading my character. There doesn't seem to be anything I can do to get that character to load into the game. I lost my first character to a save glitch and this is different. It doesn't freeze it just sits on the error.

    Anyway, I borrowed a friend's copy of the game since I figured it was a problem with the disc and installed that on my xbox. I made a new character and got all the way back there only for it to happen again exactly the same way. Now I've got three saves totaling over 150hrs of game play and I can't access any of them. 

    I can't seem to find a way to delete or re-download the expansion either. Is there anything I can do? I'm less upset about losing the characters. With the master key I can easily make a new one and get back there very quickly at this point. I really want to play the expansion since I absolutely love this game and it seems to be the only thing I haven't experienced. Anybody? Anything?
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    Disc read error Empty Re: Disc read error

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:02 am

    Not for me, but it sounds like a very plausible problem that others like you may also have experienced.

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    Disc read error Empty Re: Disc read error

    Post by alchemydesign Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:28 am

    Not disc read errors, but it seems like it's been glitching out a lot more lately, the disc itself is in pretty much the same condition as when I first opened it. Only recently it's began to slow in FPS and just the other day there was a huuuuuge glitch, I was running down the steps in Firelink from the Chapel shortcut past Petrus on my way to the bonfire, on the last set of steps where Petrus is I took a running jump off the steps and all the textures and everything simply vanished and I fell through the world to my death. All I could do was stare in confusion. The game restarted and everything was fine, but things like this have been happening with a greater frequency and I don't know if it's related to the DLC or not but it is definitely disconcerting.

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    Disc read error Empty Re: Disc read error

    Post by bongparty Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:16 am

    Is there a way to delete the dlc and re-download it?

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    Disc read error Empty Re: Disc read error

    Post by Odinbear Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:16 am

    Sounds to me that your Xbox is dieing.

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    Disc read error Empty Re: Disc read error

    Post by bongparty Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:29 pm

    Odinbear wrote:Sounds to me that your Xbox is dieing.
    It wouldn't surprise me at all if there were some truth in that. The thing I'm running into in my mind is why is this issue just happening with the expansion content? If it were a pure console issue I would expect to see this same error popping up in other parts of the game.

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    Disc read error Empty Re: Disc read error

    Post by bongparty Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:49 pm

    I deleted the DLC and redownloaded it. Still broken!

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    Disc read error Empty Re: Disc read error

    Post by Solid_WolF Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:13 pm

    Have you tried any of your other games to see if they are glitchy as well?

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    Disc read error Empty Re: Disc read error

    Post by bongparty Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:47 am

    Yeah after each time I lost a save file I spent some time playing another game and everythign was fine. Also just so it's clear, each time I made a new character in DS, I was able to collect all the Lord Souls without any glitches. It's JUST in this one spot in the DLC after you talk to the mushroom lady and head out that it freezes.

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    Disc read error Empty Re: Disc read error

    Post by Solid_WolF Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:53 pm

    bongparty wrote:Yeah after each time I lost a save file I spent some time playing another game and everythign was fine. Also just so it's clear, each time I made a new character in DS, I was able to collect all the Lord Souls without any glitches. It's JUST in this one spot in the DLC after you talk to the mushroom lady and head out that it freezes.
    That's strange, it might have something to do with the game data itself then. Or it might be your hard drive.

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