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    Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW?


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    Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW? Empty Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW?

    Post by ScottyDoesKnow Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:00 pm

    Looking at mugenmonkey, there's not too much of a difference, 200 bonus damage vs 250. And if you're not using other spells that need the int, that's 10 points saved (or 9 if you want dark bead).

    My question is really for anyone who's used both. I'm wondering because I've read that damage is calculated differently based on whether the damage is greater than or less than their defense. If that extra 50 damage tips the scales in a good number of matches, it would be the only reason I see to go for CMW.


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    Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW? Empty Re: Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW?

    Post by Acarnatia Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:07 pm

    If you're going for an entirely buff-focused build, the miracle weapon-buffs deal more damage, though they both require 30 faith.

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    Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW? Empty Re: Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW?

    Post by SirArchmage Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:51 pm

    Go GMW with 16 int for Dark Bead. Unless you plan on using a different catalyst, the extra 10 points is pretty much useless. Simply adding GMW to your weapon can help a lot, as with the soul arrows and dark bead you can use with it. It is better at lower levels though, when the damage will make more of a difference. Though for such a low stat investment, GMW is a great spell. Especially with 3 casts. So unless you plan on upping your catalyst to something else, go GMW instead of CMW. Might also consider 18 int for Homing Soul Mass.

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    Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW? Empty Re: Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW?

    Post by ScottyDoesKnow Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:39 am

    Basically here's the current build I've been trying out:

    GMW gives me points I don't know what to do with, more hp I guess?

    Faith I can't really fit in at SL100, would have to change the build a lot:

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    Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW? Empty Re: Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW?

    Post by SirArchmage Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:57 am This is the answer to all your problems.

    Vicious build. Can change attunement for more health, if you don't think you will use it much. I suggest the Soul Arrow because it will be a form of ranged attack that you can use, where you can cheese people from long distance. And the Dark Orb is because people don't expect it. You can hit them with it at close range, it will most definitely stun them, and you can backstab them while they are stunned.

    I pity whoever goes against this build. Oh, and level 99 because then you can do Arena without going into the higher category(like suggesting you'd ever use it, which is doubtful).

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    Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW? Empty Re: Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW?

    Post by xenon_nobelium Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:53 am may i? 45dex really pushes dark orb to its full potential. here's my unmodified oldschool build (deleted long ago to make room for something less obscene):

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    Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW? Empty Re: Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW?

    Post by ScottyDoesKnow Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:18 am

    Thanks for the tips guys, I do like the great soul arrow since I don't have a bow. Unfortunately for some of the suggestions, I do play fashion souls. Wouldn't be caught dead in a waistcloth, and even don't really like the look of the heater shield or black sorcerer pants. I do see that this is my first build where having a better shield is useful due to the rapier poke, so here's what I'm considering:

    I will miss the crystals on the weapon, but on the plus side maybe gankers will take it less seriously until I shotel 2h r1 spam them to death.

    I'd like to try out the fast cast orb as well, but I'd need to go down to 3 attunement slots which means going back to wanderer and only having 1486hp (for whatever reason, I'm really bothered by having just under 1500).

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    Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW? Empty Re: Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW?

    Post by Qyntius Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:33 pm

    SirArchmage wrote: This is the answer to all your problems.

    Vicious build. Can change attunement for more health, if you don't think you will use it much. I suggest the Soul Arrow because it will be a form of ranged attack that you can use, where you can cheese people from long distance. And the Dark Orb is because people don't expect it. You can hit them with it at close range, it will most definitely stun them, and you can backstab them while they are stunned.

    I pity whoever goes against this build. Oh, and level 99 because then you can do Arena without going into the higher category(like suggesting you'd ever use it, which is doubtful).
     I wish I didn't see that. This is exactly a build I'm using on my latest character, except it started out as a dex/pyromancy character. and now I feel ****, because if  I started sorceror I would've had way more points to spent.

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    Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW? Empty Re: Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW?

    Post by ScottyDoesKnow Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:52 pm

    OK, been tinkering a bit. Advice? - Fast Cast - Slow Cast - Giving up ring slot for faith (bit tryhard) - Giving up ring slot for TCC (bit tryhard, lower than 40 dex, bleh) - Current for comparison

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    Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW? Empty Re: Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW?

    Post by xenon_nobelium Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:22 am

    fast cast and faith variant look both very good. if you're willing to menu swap the weapons a 45dex/32int build is very doable: i know your fashion sense may not be tingling, go to a fashion show for that maybe? ^_~

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    Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW? Empty Re: Oolacile Catalyst - GMW or CMW?

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