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5 posters

    So in oolacile

    Kiva the wanderer
    Kiva the wanderer

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    So in oolacile Empty So in oolacile

    Post by Kiva the wanderer Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:44 am

    Im standing there, gravelording the place like a gentlemen then from out of nowhere a ninja flipping dragoon headed man in giants with no legs and duel claws ivades me spamming well what is it taunts, so i stare at him for 30 seconds, turn around, walk to the stairs slowly, i turn around, wave good bye and walk off the edge falling into the abyss.

    Such a lovely place for a holiday.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    So in oolacile Empty Re: So in oolacile

    Post by GrinTwist Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:38 am

    Sounds like a modder, at least if he doesn't have legs on his character. However duel claws isn't exactly an easy moveset to master so unless if he had more than one mod on you could have won if you were careful and didn't rush him.

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    So in oolacile Empty Re: So in oolacile

    Post by Pilgrim34 Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:21 pm

    If you are wearing the leggings of thorns as an invader it makes your legs turn invisible, so this is most likely the case here.
    Kiva the wanderer
    Kiva the wanderer

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    So in oolacile Empty Re: So in oolacile

    Post by Kiva the wanderer Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:24 pm

    Really? I've seen people invade me when they cosplay Kirk and they seemed fine.

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    So in oolacile Empty Re: So in oolacile

    Post by Pilgrim34 Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:18 am

    Hm maybe it's also in combination with the fog ring then. I have worn the fog ring with kirk's leggings as an invader (ps3) and my character's legs have been invisible.

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    So in oolacile Empty Re: So in oolacile

    Post by divinebeanpole Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:53 am

    Lolwut, invisible legs? I think Kiva was just saying he wasnt wearing armor on his legs, not that his legs were invisible hahaha
    Kiva the wanderer
    Kiva the wanderer

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    So in oolacile Empty Re: So in oolacile

    Post by Kiva the wanderer Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:04 am

    Na his legs were gone

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    So in oolacile Empty Re: So in oolacile

    Post by divinebeanpole Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:42 am

    Haha, never seen that before. DkS has been acting funny recently tho, I invaded as a red phantom several times last night while in hollow form by way of my Dragon Eye Orb haha

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    So in oolacile Empty Re: So in oolacile

    Post by The_Red_Drifter Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:33 pm

    I've seen videos of people pulling off the effect with Artorias leggings, never seen Thorns though.
    Sounds like a guy who was just fooling around.

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    So in oolacile Empty Re: So in oolacile

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