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    Cute Pics and other adorable things.

    Chosen Undead
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    Cute Pics and other adorable things.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Cute Pics and other adorable things.

    Post by Latitoast Tue Oct 15, 2013 1:40 pm

    Can you define suggestive :l
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    Cute Pics and other adorable things.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Cute Pics and other adorable things.

    Post by Marino. Tue Oct 15, 2013 1:43 pm

    Latitoast wrote:Can you define suggestive :l
    Is it really that hard ?
    Look at the examples in my other Post .

    Maybe Serious can help you out a bit .
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    Cute Pics and other adorable things.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Cute Pics and other adorable things.

    Post by Serious_Much Tue Oct 15, 2013 1:45 pm

    Well anything where the girl looks vulnerable, i sprawled on a bed, is dressed up in a typical 'sexy costume' typ thing, positioned suggestively etc.. It's just common sense really..

    That one I objected to is a perfect example of what I mean by suggestive. The girl's dressed up as a maid, is making some kinda vulnerable, suggestive face and there's a flash of underwear in there too. That's something that's completely over the line.

    I dunno how I can describe it more, I don't particularly wish to post examples seeing as that would be rule breaking, and honestly I sigh whenever I see stuff like that in cartoons.. They're not meant for that where I come from
    Chosen Undead
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    Cute Pics and other adorable things.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Cute Pics and other adorable things.

    Post by Latitoast Tue Oct 15, 2013 1:49 pm

    So no K-ON! pictures then

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    Cute Pics and other adorable things.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Cute Pics and other adorable things.

    Post by Marino. Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:03 pm

    Serious, i seriously don't envy you .
    First you had to endure the Pony War and now you have to deal with half naked Anime Girls sucking on a Banana .

    Sucks to be you lol

    I know, I know Off Topic whatcha gonna do about it ?
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    Cute Pics and other adorable things.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Cute Pics and other adorable things.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:04 pm

    Serious_Much wrote:Having that picture on this forum does not sit well with me.
    Is it one specific picture that is causing you bother?
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    Cute Pics and other adorable things.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Cute Pics and other adorable things.

    Post by Serious_Much Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:08 pm

    Generally pendant, there's been a few I've thought were iffy, but the particular one I pointed out was the thing that broke the dam and other's have said to me that they feel similarly about some of the things posted in here so it was an appropriate time for me to speak up and ask to refrain from posting images that are inappropriate and suggestive.

    In fact, looking back I'm finding even more stuff which I'm finding at the same level which I missed, which sadly mean's I should have intervened earlier, but alas I can't see everything
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    Cute Pics and other adorable things.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Cute Pics and other adorable things.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:13 pm




    Plus a Pony:

    I... I-i'm... not helping.... ( ._.)
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    Cute Pics and other adorable things.  - Page 7 Empty Re: Cute Pics and other adorable things.

    Post by Serious_Much Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:17 pm

    Well, I think that's the post that crosses the line for me. I asked nicely, but since you guys didn't wish to listen I'm locking this thread.

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