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    Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc)


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    Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc) Empty Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc)

    Post by CaligoIllioneus Sat Nov 02, 2013 3:40 am

    This is a short topic, I just wanted to ask if these are allowed or not. They seem...oh well. I will let you judge.

    The Dark Caster!

    "Control all Humanity, take it for the darkness.
    We are Dark Casters.
    Masters of the shadows."

    Maricle Caster

    "The idea is to harrass your enemy with Miracles, that can combo into other maricles and pyros."

    And of course this example of finesse:

    "Mega Ape S**t Killer"

    " PVP Should Be Done In The Kiln Of The First Flame, As You Can Push Opponent Towards Black Knights And The Stone Beams Should Pose A Huge Threat When Hiding Behind The Middle Pillar, If You Use Wrath Of The Gods"

    There are tons of other articles full of this drivel, is this allowed? If not, how can I remove these? While amusing to a degree, they seem to muddle the rest of the articles.
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    Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc) Empty Re: Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc)

    Post by Tolvo Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:05 am

    We actually have a section for builds, but I'm on the verge of blacking out so someone else should supply you with a link.
    Soul of Stray Demon
    Soul of Stray Demon

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    Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc) Empty Re: Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc)

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:31 am

    Tolvo wrote:We actually have a section for builds, but I'm on the verge of blacking out so someone else should supply you with a link.
    I don't think he means about the fact they are builds.. but more about how horribly those pages are written.

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    Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc) Empty Re: Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc)

    Post by CaligoIllioneus Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:46 am

    That's basically it.

    But I was also wondering if we really want build articles roaming around at all...I happened upon these by searching for other things, and most of these are awfully written. I mean, does anyone find these useful? Especially with mugenmonkey and such... It's not my call, I know, but I was wondering.
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    Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc) Empty Re: Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc)

    Post by Serious_Much Sat Nov 02, 2013 7:53 am

    Most of these were around before nugent monkey was created.

    I thought it was fun to have these on the wiki, and as they are player made I don't mind them being a bi badly written.. Though I say just reword as needed and leave them there
    Soul of Stray Demon
    Soul of Stray Demon

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    Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc) Empty Re: Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc)

    Post by Soul of Stray Demon Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:53 pm

    Couldn't we just have one page then, that allows people to put their Mugen links?

    And lack of writing doesn't seem like it should serve as an excuse..

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    Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc) Empty Re: Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc)

    Post by CaligoIllioneus Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:00 pm

    I agree they are funny, though also useless. There was this one I can't find right now that had like 58 STR... Anyways, here's the problem: they are mixed with the rest of the (legit) articles.

    For example on our wiki the Darkwraith enemy of lower New Londo is called "Darkwraith Knight", with the black knight article being "Black Knight". Then you get something like "The Iron Knight"... it sounds very similar, but then you click it and you get this.

    See what I am talking about? Searching for "Knight" even puts that troll article above the Balder Knights. This is the second result:

    A page that is completely empty except for "- Disregard everything that was previously on this page. Move to our revised forum page."

    Undead Knight. This is the page for the Balder Knight enemy. You can't tell at first glance if it's an article about the enemy in the game or if it's someone's whacky build.

    I think there should be a clear difference between proper articles about things found in the game, and build articles, player-made covenant articles, or fanfic articles. They really decrease the quality of the wiki, especially since half of them are trolls and the other half are badly written or badly made.

    Reading all of these and mocking them can be funny but try to think about someone that comes to this wiki for actual information. He will choose one of the other wikis that present the information in a clear, accessible way, instead of making them wade through all these troll articles.


    Another glaring problem. Remember how the Balder Knight article is actually called "Undead Knight?" Try searching for "Balder Knight". We get The Balder Brigade as the first result...

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    Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc) Empty Re: Player-made content articles? (build articles, etc)

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