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    How to access Dark Souls save from the cloud on a new HDD???


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    How to access Dark Souls save from the cloud on a new HDD???  Empty How to access Dark Souls save from the cloud on a new HDD???

    Post by butternut86 Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:26 pm

    So I upgraded my 120gb PS3 slim to a 500gb.  I have PS Plus, and it gives away so many free games that I needed to upgrade my hdd to fit them all. I backed up all of my saves to the cloud.  While I was able to access most of my saves and continue my progress, Dark Souls prompted me to start a new game.  I think it's because it is a copy prohibited save file.  Is there a way to access it?  Because I have hundreds of hours on those saves and I'd like to continue my progress on it. 

    If I can't access those saves, I guess I'll have to pop in my old HDD to continue the progress??

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    How to access Dark Souls save from the cloud on a new HDD???  Empty Re: How to access Dark Souls save from the cloud on a new HDD???

    Post by Walter_White Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:35 pm

    oh...never tested it, but cloud backup of my DS savegames was the main reason for me to buy ps+
    you downloaded it to your new ps3 and see it in your savegames on the ps3, but it isn't working?

    Then try the network way with a crossover cable between the two ps3, that worked for me. Disk Backup isn't working.
    oh Boy i hops my ps3 never dies...
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    How to access Dark Souls save from the cloud on a new HDD???  Empty Re: How to access Dark Souls save from the cloud on a new HDD???

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:09 pm

    My PS3 died last year October and I was able to recover my saves for both Souls games. I don't remember what I had to do and I'm not at home to take a look (the Vita is easier to back up data and I could walk you through that no problem but alas...)

    If you haven't figured it out by tonight (like ten hours from now) I can jump on and see what's what.
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    How to access Dark Souls save from the cloud on a new HDD???  Empty Re: How to access Dark Souls save from the cloud on a new HDD???

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu Nov 14, 2013 1:18 am

    So it looks like you go to the "Saved Data Utility" under the Game column in the XMB.

    There should be a folder named "Online Storage" with the Plus logo. Once you're in there you select the game you want the data for and hit triangle, then copy and it should do it for you.

    If the game data isn't in the folder it likely wasn't backed up

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    How to access Dark Souls save from the cloud on a new HDD???  Empty Re: How to access Dark Souls save from the cloud on a new HDD???

    Post by butternut86 Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:50 am

    Thanks everyone.

    I got my old save file.  Someone told me that Copy Prohibited files take 24 hours to be transferable.  So after I waited, I was able to copy that file again from the Cloud and it worked. Praise the sun!   I had two characters, one was level 177, the other was level 80.  Let's just say I put a lot of hours into both of them.   It would have sucked to lose em!

    Thanks tho.

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    How to access Dark Souls save from the cloud on a new HDD???  Empty Re: How to access Dark Souls save from the cloud on a new HDD???

    Post by reim0027 Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:22 pm

    We've moved. butternut86, can you make a duplicate thread here:

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    How to access Dark Souls save from the cloud on a new HDD???  Empty Re: How to access Dark Souls save from the cloud on a new HDD???

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