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    Fire and lightening weapons??


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    Fire and lightening weapons?? Empty Fire and lightening weapons??

    Post by karchun Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:33 am

    How do i get them??? i've used my large and divine ember but they only seem to upgrade magic not fire/lightening and could someone give me an in depth info. on how to get such things and tell me more on the Param. bonus - don't have a clue at it...looks soo confusing!

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    Fire and lightening weapons?? Empty Re: Fire and lightening weapons??

    Post by mugenis4real Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:50 am

    Lightning Weapon

    1.Obtain the Large Ember from the Depths. Check.
    2.Give the Large Ember to Andre of Astora, the blacksmith. Check.
    3.Upgrade your desired weapon to +5, then +10 with the Large Ember(Andre).
    4.Gain access to Anor Londo and find the Giant Blacksmith, he will give you the option of upgrading your +10 weapon into a lightning weapon.
    5.Enjoy watching sparks fly out of your weapon as you stab Petrus to death.
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    Fire and lightening weapons?? Empty Re: Fire and lightening weapons??

    Post by Whknight Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:45 am

    For fire, you need a +5 normal and some sort of divine weapon if you have not cleared out the catacombs. Where the blacksmith resides it is sort of a secret area requiring you to drop in a certain order down a very deep hole.

    Param bonus is the weapons scaling, the extra damage it gets from drawing upon your stats. E is the worst A being second best, and a couple weapons have S which is the best.

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