I recently switched to DW just to find out if anything you guys say is true, that DMs are mostly cheap, save a few of us in this wiki. Not true. I got invaded by plenty of DMs, and they all behaved pretty decent. These two even backed off into a corner while I was dueling with a dark spirit. I'm sure that when people invade at the Kiln, they have some idea to what other people do there. Of course, there are those that haven't been to wikis, and have no idea about the unspoken rules, so you can't blame them all without really knowing why they did what they did. So yeah. My two copper coins.
My hate, my fellow duelists, is for the hosts. Not all. Just those that sit at the Kiln with 2 buddies and use TWoP, 80 vit, havel ring, BKGA and full giants +any mask or crown of dusk. I refuse to use giants chest armor and masks just because of that. They know people go there to duel. They know its the spot. They know how to farm. They still do it. Without shame. And all 3 taunt after killing you as if they're proud. Shameless. But I feel better knowing that they must have really miserable lives for them to do this to make themselves feel better.
So don't hate the DMs. Don't hate the DWs. If you think about it, its no different from being racist. Its not what covenant you're in. Its what you do as an individual.