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ZikoLogiKa NL
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    who do you hate more


    who do you hate more

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    Post by sonofartorias Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:15 pm

    gotta go with hacker's

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    Post by oregonav8r Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:20 pm

    Just curious, how do you differentiate between glitchers and hackers? I don't have very much PvP experience yet, so I probably haven't encountered them yet (or if I did perhaps I didn't even realize it).

    I would definitely vote for any kind of cheater over a ganker...gankers are cheap and annoying but someone who actually goes to extra steps in order to cheat ranks higher on the scale of trash in my book.

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    Post by ICEFANG Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:55 pm

    Glitchers are people who abuse something in game to ruin happiness, like the dragon head stone glitch or the spell swap glitch. All of use (as long as you have the stats and items) can do it if you know how. Its easier to do, but can be considered the light version of hacking. I can glitch to become nearly indestructible, and force enemies back constantly, but can't attack or defend myself (in the cases of something that can hit me) with the dragon head stone glitch, giving me infinite dragon roar. Glitchers should be temp banned most of the time, but its much harder to prove something like that over hacking.

    Hackers are by far the worst, they can do (in theory) anything, but also in theory, they should be picked up and banned from PSN/Windows Live/Xbox Live, so in a way (assuming it works, as I never see it do), you have little to worry about with hackers, one and done. I lack any knowledge of hacking, and so do many people, so its much less common, but what you want to change in game you can. Think of swinging your greatsword at the speed of a dagger (which there is a glitch for that, of which I know nothing else on), and you have unlimited HP and Stamina. That's a hacker.

    Gankers are people who intentionally harvest invaders for the lulz/souls/humanity. I find nothing wrong with gankers to be honest, as I take the risk when I invade. It does suck when you can't invade another person whatsoever though. Technically there is nothing wrong with ganking, but its frowned on by many people. I don't partake in the gank, but sometimes help others learn in a safer environment (as in, be there to give them advice and step in before they die to show some pointers), which some view as ganking. Like many things, ganking can be viewed incorrectly by the invader, like if the host and friend are just trying to beat the game, and use the dried finger by accident, that can happen. Gankers, in general, have a bad streak. They usually use silly advantages (like 2/3v1, using Divine Blessings, trying to backstab you on entry), and are known for those evil actions.

    Hackers by far, if they and glitchers got banned and temp banned, I would have no problem with all three, the pyro that burns the brightest also burns the shortest and all that.
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    Post by JoeBroski09 Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:00 pm

    Don't hate sad You don't want to put that out into the world.

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    Post by Phantasmio Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:02 pm

    I've never dealt with hackers in this game yet, nor do I know what they can do or how they can even hack the game with the xbox version. Glitchers are what I hate more, like lag stabbers (kind of a glitch) and things like that.

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    Post by DeCeleRator93 Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:06 pm

    Definitely hackers....glitchers you still have the chance to beat although it might take a little bit. Hackers though can make it to where their invincible or have tons of health. Gankers i dont have a problem with cuz you usually get hate mail when you beat them and i always love that winking
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    Post by Forum Pirate Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:07 pm

    I hate none of them. Its their choice to do whatever they want, they have to deal with the consequences.

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    Post by WyrmHero Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:27 pm

    GANKERSSSSS!!!!!! I hate them so much that I love killing them.

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    Post by FruitPunchNinja Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:27 pm

    Namco Bandai should be on this list -_-

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    Post by ICEFANG Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:28 pm

    I vote for them too, in my Dark Souls videos on youtube, I praise the game and suggest you buy it like crazy, and they are like, whoa you're breaking a copyright...
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    Post by JoeBroski09 Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:48 pm

    Yeah. The song and/or gameplay I have in my Lore Video just got a warning but nothing was changed in my rights as an uploader.

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    Post by Frostacar Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:57 pm

    Wheres the 'Everyone' option? Shrug

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    Post by Bamjam Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:06 pm

    I chose hackers.

    Gankers suck but are usualy easy to kill.
    Glitchers suck also but are alot harder to kill.

    Hackers suck the most of them all but i just cant seem to kill them...

    Yesterday i was solo hosting a bit in the forest and was in beastmode, i just killed one after the other forest hunters that invaded me and got to like 23kills without a death and this hacker dude invades me. I tried all the tricks i knew, like the katana bleed, bs of a cliff, kick of a cliff and even pulled out my dragon head and tried to glitch him but after a while i ran out of estus and he killed me. These guys are the biggest scum in the game and the guy even thought he was so cool to taunt me afterwards...
    Needless to say he got some nice hatemail from me and i reported him and asked some friends who where online at the time to do the same.
    I hope he got banned from XBL lol.

    /End rant

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    Post by IV_Mark_VI Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:41 pm

    Has anyone ever gotten banned from XBL? I've reported a whack of people for glitching/hacking, but nothing seems to get done.
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    Post by Tolvo Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:44 pm

    No one is probably going to admit to getting banned haha.

    By the way just remember, they're people too. Maybe hate isn't the right word. I do dislike hackers, glitchers, and gankers. But I don't think they should be hurt genuinely or anything. I'd say it jokingly like, "These guys should be stuck on an island together full of sharks! I mean sure, the sharks are dead because they're on land, but it would certainly smell bad!"

    Just remember they are people, and they have the rights of people. Now, I don't like what they do and I wish they wouldn't do what they do.

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    Post by IV_Mark_VI Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:58 pm

    Well, they have to abide by the license agreements of the relevant system they're playing on. I haven't read it, but I would wager not modifying the system falls into that agreement.

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    Post by Zechk Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:46 pm

    It's these sorts of threads, full of light and positivity, which brighten up my day no end. Hate leads to suffering /greenmuppet etc
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    Post by JoeBroski09 Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:32 pm

    ^Ha! Star Wars reference.

    And, guys, an eye for an eye leaves the world blind. Love, don't hate.

    Smiles and hugs
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    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:16 am

    IV_Mark_VI wrote:Has anyone ever gotten banned from XBL? I've reported a whack of people for glitching/hacking, but nothing seems to get done.

    Microsoft only cares for tampering in games of their most profitable franchises.

    We've had dozens of hackers and modders on the Split Second leaderboards whom never got the banhamer. I can assure you they've been reported numerous times.

    The same goes for Dark Souls ,

    unfortunately for players to actually get banned , MS needs ''proof'' of them having cheated..

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    Post by Rona Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:42 am

    Since I'm on PS3 I hate BB glitchers more.

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    Post by EasilyDelighted Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:52 am

    I'll go for gankers.
    Usually when I invade or get invaded and there's multiple enemies I like to go 1 on 1s even when i myself have a phantom with me, and if two are fighting I try to let them finish, and even wait till host heals, but no, they decided to gang on me. Shrug

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    Post by WandererReece Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:51 pm

    If you hate hackers, then move to PS3. I think it has the least amount of them.

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    Post by o_spork_o Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:18 pm

    for me its a tie between gankers and dragon torso glitchers

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    Post by Pandamage22 Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:56 pm

    I gotta go with gankers. As a beginner at pvp, gankers are the bane of my existence. Along with that, they're extremely common.

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    Post by lordgodofhell Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:34 pm

    You shouldn't hate any of the three. Why you ask?

    There's this little concept called blocking a user. Don't like someones tactics? Dont' wanna see them ever again? Block them! problem solved.

    You might encounter them one more time depending on what stage in the invasion process you block, but in my and many others on this forums experience, you will never encounter them again.

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