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    Leveling up advice?


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    Leveling up advice? Empty Leveling up advice?

    Post by peaceful_sabre Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:20 pm

    I am a SL121 at the moment. i get the feeling it is close to a recomended online lv. i am thinking of leveling up ten levels at one point so i can use the WoG spell and others. what im worried about is how my online play will be affected, both summoning and invading wise.

    Can you please give me your advice on the senario

    [sorry for my bad grammer happy]

    Last edited by peaceful_sabre on Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Leveling up advice? Empty Re: Leveling up advice?

    Post by Serious_Much Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:23 pm

    Summoning wise you shouldnt have too much trouble, but if you wanna invade as a darkwraith, id have to say stay at that level. Not many people go above around SL125 and if you do you wont invade as many people.

    If you become a darkmoon and invade that way for PvP then while you wont get as many invasions, you'll still be able to invade at SL131 better than you would as a wraith.

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