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Saturnine Knight
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    Blighttown!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Blighttown!?

    Post by aceluby Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:26 am

    The only area I still hate is New Londo. Eff those ghosts. Blighttown is just not that difficult, especially if you have the spider shield and a bow. The first bonfire is almost too easy to get to if you don't drop down to get any of the (crappy) items. I always go the long way for power within and the eagle shield. The hardest part is the area by the firekeeper soul, but even that part is mitigated w/ the spider shield. Once you get to the 2nd bonfire it's just a hop skip and jump to the boss, you shouldn't even get poisoned.

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    Blighttown!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Blighttown!?

    Post by Zechk Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:28 am

    Yeah the levels seem small once you have everything down, but look at it the other way around. My first play through took me something like 85 hours. And that was without any help from the wiki, so you can imagine how annoyed I got at points. If the levels had been twice the size I would have given up I should think. It's the perfect size for the first play through.
    Saturnine Knight

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    Blighttown!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Blighttown!?

    Post by Saturnine Knight Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:45 am

    I'll grant you it can take quite a while when you're just starting. The slow advances, the expecting death around every corner, the impaling yourself on the enemy's weapons, the hiding behind your shield when you learn you how killable you really are. But after you have the move lists of pretty much everything down, it's a breeze.

    This is why I am longing for an expansion. More weapons, more gear, more lore, more ways to die...
    Tyler Durden
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    Blighttown!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Blighttown!?

    Post by RANT Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:03 am

    DxV04 wrote:
    RantFromRant wrote:
    DxV04 wrote:so rant you want to or you don't want to? I love it when people get BP action. hehe.

    all my builds are in the kiln and i dont wanna pvp there, i hate it. i might make a new build really soon, i really wanna fight those bp stone giants.

    That's funny that you did Btown backwards too. Hey no rush bro when ever you are ready. I have not seen them myself. What I ought to do is make a build and run over there and level up slowly to see where the majority of sl are. But I guess that also depends on the day. And some people level up quite fast. I am curious now.

    Anyway, you let me know. cheers

    i'll send you a message dude, i also did tog without the lord vessel, it was so much worse getting out of there than btown, i finally had to look it up you tube to get out of there.

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    Blighttown!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Blighttown!?

    Post by reim0027 Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:23 pm

    Oh yeah, that sucks. I've gotten out of there once. I had to have someone give me directions.

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    Blighttown!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Blighttown!?

    Post by neon__noodle Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:42 pm

    @aceluby - as a devoted Iaito user, I must take offense.

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    Blighttown!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Blighttown!?

    Post by SlakeMoth Wed Apr 04, 2012 6:47 am

    Blighttown and the Valley of Defilement have one thing in common as far as I'm concerned. I get lost A LOT! The wooden platforms are more or less the same and there's always something nasty lurking in the corners. As for the shortcut to the swamp through the Valley of the Drakes. That wheel, that b****y wheel!
    Town Crier
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    Blighttown!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Blighttown!?

    Post by Tolvo Wed Apr 04, 2012 6:49 am

    For a moment there I read that as Valley of Drakes, then asked myself.

    "Okay, I like Slake, but how dumb does one have to be to get lost in the Valley of Drakes?" silly

    I can navigate Btown upper easily, but don't ever ask me directions.

    "Okay, so you'll see a platform with a guy on it, but don't go to that one, there's another one that you follow then find a ladder, go down it then turn around there should be guys to fight. So you follow along a path on wooden planks, and bam, you're there!"

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    Blighttown!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Blighttown!?

    Post by reim0027 Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:28 am

    I used to get lost in the valley of defilement. Then, I learned how to speed run and take shortcuts. It became much better, and I wouldn't get lost. Love the speed run videos for that.

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    Blighttown!? - Page 2 Empty Re: Blighttown!?

    Post by Yukon Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:03 am

    I have be a salesman for the Darksouls game, and I had sold atleast 4 copies just through ranting and raving to friends (You are welcome FROM, now take down that wall!)

    SO I have given pretty much that exact direction to about 4 people Tolvo. I never have had difficulty with mapping out lordran in my head, after my first playthrough I had memorized pretty much every location, and the method to get to it quickly. So it would drive me crazy when I would say something like "yeah just go down to firelink run past petrus and take that elevator up to undead parish, that spot across the second bonfire is where you need to go after Blightown. You know where the clip showed after you rang the bell."

    My first response would be "Firelink? where is that?" the second would be "You didn't say anything about skeletons!" then something like "well I got to the bonfire but the dragon keeps killing me" or " so I 'accidentally' killed that bowl cut cleric, and now his friends are attacking me what should I do..?"
    And when I FINALLY got them there they would say " uh, the gate is closed." "what?" "yeah the gate is closed" .... "Didn't you ring the second bell?" "there was a bell??"

    Look Skyward

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