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    This is How Weapons Work


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    This is How Weapons Work Empty This is How Weapons Work

    Post by ChizFreak Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:15 pm

    This is a self-quote:

    bloodpixel wrote:
    Tolvo wrote:When I two hand my Chaos Murakumo it
    deals more damage, more damage on BS as well, but that's because it is
    multiplying already increased damage.
    It never increased damage for me. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention or my memory just sucks.

    I will explain it again:

    2 handing affects your STR scaling on your current weapon as long you current weapon has at least an E in STR scaling.

    When 2 hand a weapon that has STR scaling, you do more damage, because
    it would be like you have 47% (aprox.) more STR. That's why once you
    have 68 STR, when you 2-hand weapons you have the maximum damage. But
    you would have to raise STR to 99 if you want to do the max damage while

    Elemental weapons doesn't get bonus from 2handing because elemental
    weapons doesn't have any scaling (neither STR, DEX, INT, or FTH). That's
    why most people use them at low levels, they have high damage output regardless of your stats.

    Any weapon without STR scaling will not get a bonus from 2 handing.

    Besides that 2 handing increase your STR for 47% (aprox.), that's why
    you can use weapons that require more than your actual STR while

    For example when you have 34 STR you can 2hand weapons that require 50 STR because:


    Hope you got it this time.

    Another quote:

    Well, last 2 are half true.

    No, it's impossible to parry while 2
    handing, but yes it's possible to RIPOSTE while 2 handing. Some people
    parry, and then quickly switch to 2handed and press R1.

    Yes, 2 handing adds damage as long as the weapon has a STR scaling. It adds damage ALWAYS. Even if it's a backstab or a riposte.

    Note: 47% rule rounds up if decimals come in the way. Like 25,52 means 26.

    Question: Does this needs to be a sticky? I don't know if it's important/helpful enough.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    This is How Weapons Work Empty Re: This is How Weapons Work

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:22 pm

    This has always confused me because my pyro does more damage 2 handing his +10 fire gargoyle axe than he does 1 handing it.

    Also can i ask why is this in the archives and not in general discussion or player help? Wouldnt it be seen by more people who need it if it was in those sections?

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    This is How Weapons Work Empty Re: This is How Weapons Work

    Post by ChizFreak Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:02 pm

    DoughGuy wrote:This has always confused me because my pyro does more damage 2 handing his +10 fire gargoyle axe than he does 1 handing it.

    Also can i ask why is this in the archives and not in general discussion or player help? Wouldnt it be seen by more people who need it if it was in those sections?

    To be honest, I'm not quite sure what section this topic belongs to. A mod could move it if it's necessary?

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    This is How Weapons Work Empty Re: This is How Weapons Work

    Post by Railage Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:48 pm

    How weapons really work:

    You pick them up and hit things with them.

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    This is How Weapons Work Empty Re: This is How Weapons Work

    Post by TheTruth Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:46 pm

    i knew that 2handing added more dmg, i didnt know about the added 47% when u 2hand though and that u only need 68Str for max dmg and 99Str for 1handing. thanks for the post!

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    This is How Weapons Work Empty Re: This is How Weapons Work

    Post by ErrJon6661 Sat Apr 07, 2012 6:33 pm

    I notice that elemental weapons do roughly 10-20 more damage when two handed, not really enough to be significant. BUT the different movesets often do more/less poise damage so two handing elemental/non str scaling weapons CAN be more effective.

    Yes, chiz I feel this should be stickied. I feel like a lot of people don't understand exactly how two handing works. Maybe add a subpage about twohanding on the stats page on the wiki. If you'd like help doing that you can message one of the mods about where to place it and such.

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    This is How Weapons Work Empty Re: This is How Weapons Work

    Post by ChizFreak Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:05 pm

    ErrJon6661 wrote:I notice that elemental weapons do roughly 10-20 more damage when two handed, not really enough to be significant. BUT the different movesets often do more/less poise damage so two handing elemental/non str scaling weapons CAN be more effective.

    Yes, chiz I feel this should be stickied. I feel like a lot of people don't understand exactly how two handing works. Maybe add a subpage about twohanding on the stats page on the wiki. If you'd like help doing that you can message one of the mods about where to place it and such.

    You think? Okay, then I officially request a sticky please. (Turns tribal fires on)

    If they "sticky" it, I will edit to make it more easy to read and all that.

    Who I should message? I don't know who is in charge of that kind of things...

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    This is How Weapons Work Empty Re: This is How Weapons Work

    Post by ErrJon6661 Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:21 pm

    Any of the mods or admins should be able to take care of it for you.

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