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2 posters

    just been thinking


    Posts : 1093
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    just been thinking Empty just been thinking

    Post by Rin Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:21 am

    the developefs of drs said that most of drs secrets have not been found...they also said CD is an optional boss if u go to the egg head post me and some other people explain how 2 get past him...the orange ring that belonged th CD but fool that he is he dropped it so could there be a possible event related with getting the ring but not killing CD??
    Town Crier
    Town Crier

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    just been thinking Empty Re: just been thinking

    Post by Tolvo Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:05 am

    Feel free to check out these two threads and post in them, it sounds like what you are looking for. I do wish more people would check the Archives, at some times of the day it gets pretty lonely in there.

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