by gocolts12 Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:29 pm
in general, once seath is unlocked, you have the choice to go to several different places. I personally finish the 4 kings of new londo first (so that I can become a darkwraith), then go to seath, then the demon ruins, i.e. ceaseless discharge and the bed of chaos, then the catacombs and tomb of the giants. Better to do the catacombs and tomg of the giants last to be sure you can be nito, who is a pain in the *******. the rite of kindling though can be very useful, but seeing as that estus isnt a big necessity in the bed of chaos fight, I choose to do the catacombs and tomb of the giants last. dont forget a divine weapon for the catacombs and T.O.T.G, or else it becomes exponentially harder. good luck!