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    Darkwraith Empty Darkwraith

    Post by Delvanoc Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:49 am

    Interesting in making a darkwraith toon. What is the best route to go to becoming one and still keeping an extremely low sl? Players are unable to become darkwraiths until they place the lordvessal correct?
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    Darkwraith Empty Re: Darkwraith

    Post by Tolvo Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:51 am

    You have to kill the Four kings before placing the Lordsvessel. So, a possible way is a mad run through Anor Londo at a low level, then going to the abyss after killing Sif and fighting the four kings. But I wouldn't advise doing it at a low level, because you'll just be invading new players.

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    Darkwraith Empty Re: Darkwraith

    Post by Delvanoc Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:57 am

    Two reasons why I want to remain at a lower level.
    1. I still feel extremely new to pvp and dont want to be level 60 and invading overly experienced people where I don't get to even attack before getting stomped.
    2. By keeping my sl low, I can level as my skill at pvp increases to keep competitive.

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    Darkwraith Empty Re: Darkwraith

    Post by Tolvo Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:59 am

    Ah, sounds alright then. As long as you don't stay in the lower brackets when you get better. I'd also stay out of the burg/parish, that's a bit too early to be invading people.
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    Darkwraith Empty Re: Darkwraith

    Post by Forum Pirate Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:02 am

    Ie there are very few people in those areas who can defend themselves properly.

    And you really don't want to run across the few that can

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    Darkwraith Empty Re: Darkwraith

    Post by Delvanoc Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:06 am

    Probably wont invade there. I was thinking starting around depths and on. And low level invading to me is around 20 or so. I dont want to be lumped into being a griefer. And hopefully I can add some decent, non-bs fishing, non-wog spamming pvp to other people learning to play as well.
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    Darkwraith Empty Re: Darkwraith

    Post by Tolvo Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:07 am

    Depths I can see as being in the gray area, I'd not invade in the forest though. You'll find yourself in a bit of a hellish battlefield.
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    Darkwraith Empty Re: Darkwraith

    Post by billy_bayonet Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:03 pm

    if you have the master key you can be a darkwraith second you reach lordran
    go to new londo kill ingward get his key open the seal and go to the abyss.....four kings are a pain in the *** at a low level but it can be done just roll through the attacks and leg it when they do AOE...

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    Darkwraith Empty Re: Darkwraith

    Post by Delvanoc Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:46 pm

    Thanks for the tips. A couple more questions...
    Ideas on good soul level ranges for areas concerning pvp? Or do the coop levels on the wiki summon help page still apply?
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    Darkwraith Empty Re: Darkwraith

    Post by Tolvo Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:48 pm

    Yes, sometimes things go up or down a few levels depending on the time of day, and just as people change things up a bit, but they generally stay in the same area.

    SL120 is still the main level for PVP, at that level you'll find people in practically every area in the game.

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    Darkwraith Empty Re: Darkwraith

    Post by PPG-3- Fri Apr 13, 2012 12:51 pm

    lvl60 in the demon ruins is non-stop action, fyi.

    great hot spot for pvp.
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    Darkwraith Empty Re: Darkwraith

    Post by BLA1NE Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:33 pm

    If you're gonna go low-level and your goal is to improve your PvP game, then I'd recommend sticking with Regular upgraded weapons, despite not being able to take advantage of stat scaling. For 2 reasons:

    - Will make you less of a griefer (I know it's not your intention, but it's hard for someone invading at very low levels with a 2-hit kill elemental weapon to not be considered a griefer)

    - Will lengthen fights, meaning more practice and learning.

    Keep in mind, as an invader, you have absolutely nothing to lose when you go into battle. So if you die, it's not a problem. Might as well get yourself some gear that won't make you OP, and will allow you to learn more out of every fight, then!

    I like the sound of PPG's suggestion, too. Invading in any of the beginning areas of the game will put you up against people who pretty much have no idea what to do when faced with an invader. While that may sound like what you want, reality is you probably won't learn much from fighting people like them. Example: I invade in Sen's all the time, and I actually killed someone by rolling into them yesterday... Nothing but rolling into them with Kirk's armor. I even let him heal while I was doing it. Took me 15 minutes. There's not much to be learned from fighting people like that! (Disclaimer: I felt really bad for having put the poor guy through that, I sent him a message apologizing afterward!) Going to the Demon Ruins at mid-level will probably be a much better learning experience.

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    Darkwraith Empty Re: Darkwraith

    Post by Delvanoc Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:53 pm

    The character play style I plan to do this with is going to be a vit/end/str/dex toon. So, at these lower levels, i seriously doubt any "advantage" will be in my corner. I have no plans for lightning weapons or the like and starting gear will be a nice challenge, aside from using something better than a longsword.
    Thanks for all the advice, truely is helping.
    And yes, I want to stay far from griefing. Prefer even pvp with people at the same experience level as myself. happy
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    Darkwraith Empty Re: Darkwraith

    Post by billy_bayonet Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:34 pm

    tbh if you level up the pyromancy flame you can make like bosses and stuff alot easier at lower levels just dont use it on fellow players

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