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    Can someone help me get the monk's head collar?


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    Can someone help me get the monk's head collar? Empty Can someone help me get the monk's head collar?

    Post by Shakie666 Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:20 am

    Apparently no-one does the old monk online anymore, so i'd like someone to help me get head collar. If anyone is about to fight him, i've got toons at SL447, 286, 124 and 41 (i think, not sure about the sl on the last one). Preferably i would like to get it for my sl286 toon since its my main mage toon, but i'd be happy to have it on any of them.

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    Can someone help me get the monk's head collar? Empty Re: Can someone help me get the monk's head collar?

    Post by Green__Eagle Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:00 am

    We can help each other!

    My first character, now SL292, is the only one I have that doesn't have the Monk's Wrap. This is the guy I made before I had internet access.

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    Can someone help me get the monk's head collar? Empty Re: Can someone help me get the monk's head collar?

    Post by Shakie666 Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:58 am

    YAY! Thing is I can't go on right now, i'll have to wait for another 3 hours, got exam revision to do. Actually, will it work? Because you'll be on the US server but i'll be on the EU server (I live in the UK). Hopefully i'm wrong.

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    Can someone help me get the monk's head collar? Empty Re: Can someone help me get the monk's head collar?

    Post by Green__Eagle Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:34 am

    Ah, we're on different servers; we cannot meet for Demon's Souls.

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    Can someone help me get the monk's head collar? Empty Re: Can someone help me get the monk's head collar?

    Post by Shakie666 Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:29 am

    What they should really do is, when they switch off the demon's souls servers, make it so the online works how it does in Dark Souls.

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    Can someone help me get the monk's head collar? Empty Re: Can someone help me get the monk's head collar?

    Post by Shakie666 Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:48 pm

    Bumpity bump, maybe someone in Europe can help me get it?

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    Can someone help me get the monk's head collar? Empty Re: Can someone help me get the monk's head collar?

    Post by WarriorOfSunlight Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:51 pm

    Europe server will remain up (Namco Bandai.) I would help you but my main is only SL 130, and I'm busy co-op with a friend atm.

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    Can someone help me get the monk's head collar? Empty Re: Can someone help me get the monk's head collar?

    Post by Shakie666 Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:00 pm

    Oh, so they're only taking down the american server? Seems a bit harsh, but i guess its up to whoever runs it.

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    Can someone help me get the monk's head collar? Empty Re: Can someone help me get the monk's head collar?

    Post by WarriorOfSunlight Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:20 pm

    Yeah Atlus were shafted on Dark Souls, so I guess sales of more Demon's Souls games in the US were no longer covering the cost. Sony runs the Japanese server (won't drop an exclusive) and Namco Europe(rolling in money from Dark Souls) they will probably be keeping it up until I guess the next gen cycle.

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