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    Dishonored (New Bethesda Game)


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    Dishonored (New Bethesda Game) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dishonored (New Bethesda Game)

    Post by Imarreteet23 Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:00 pm

    Really, you liked Bioshock 2's ending? I thought I was the only one! My brother hated it, and thought it was stupid. But I personally thought it was great.

    And on a related note, do you guys think that Bioshock Infinite and Dishonered are going to become the next MW3 and BF3 flamewar? They are both scheduled for similar release dates, have similar motifs (distopia), and both feature similar gameplay (superpowers, etc.).
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    Dishonored (New Bethesda Game) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dishonored (New Bethesda Game)

    Post by Serious_Much Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:03 pm

    Imarreteet23 wrote:
    And on a related note, do you guys think that Bioshock Infinite and Dishonered are going to become the next MW3 and BF3 flamewar? They are both scheduled for similar release dates, have similar motifs (distopia), and both feature similar gameplay (superpowers, etc.).

    there are flamewars between fans of those? I thought we all unanimously agreed they're ****? happy

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    Dishonored (New Bethesda Game) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dishonored (New Bethesda Game)

    Post by Imarreteet23 Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:07 pm

    Lol, before they were both released, the fans of both were literally having gang fights in the streets. (no offense to Berkut if you're reading this)

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    Dishonored (New Bethesda Game) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dishonored (New Bethesda Game)

    Post by Darkson Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:15 pm

    You mean conceited lifeless douches vs. fat little spoiled kids? lol!
    Blade of The Sun
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    Dishonored (New Bethesda Game) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dishonored (New Bethesda Game)

    Post by Blade of The Sun Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:38 pm

    I'm pretty skeptical of this game. I saw a few screenshots of gameplay footage and thought "eh, generic" but I try to check back in every once in awhile to see if they could do some justice for the ip. Hopefully it doesn't turn out like BRINk or demons Forge(can't remember that one dungeon crawler they had that flopped).

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    Dishonored (New Bethesda Game) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dishonored (New Bethesda Game)

    Post by TheGoddessSendell Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:47 pm

    Imarreteet23 - yeah, I mean, I think there were criticisms that could be made of the story. I feel like they went a bit too far with some of the Sophia Lamb dialogue. That said, I dunno, maybe it's just me but I did find the end moving. It's been a long time since I played it, but I remember really loving it at the time. I mean, I know a lot of people prefer the first game but the 'good' ending of the first game was pretty cheesy though, anyone would say that surely? I've only seen the good ending (which I assumed you're talking about) on B2 once or twice... :oops: but I thought it was really sad. I kinda liked the bad ending too. They had built up the relationship between the protagonist and Eleanor well so.. Oh though I always wished they've made more of Mark Meltzer's story considering the build up to it... All in all I thought the atmosphere of the game was spot on, and the gameplay was so refined from before (though don't get me wrong, I loved the first game)

    As for Bioshock vs Dishonored... hard to say, but is there enough of a diverse fanbase (and by diverse I mean do they have enough of a mass appeal to attract enough small-minded idiots who would actually engage in such petty rivalry)? Although I suppose there are always going to be people like that, regardless of the size of the fanbase lol...
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    Dishonored (New Bethesda Game) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dishonored (New Bethesda Game)

    Post by DoughGuy Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:54 pm

    Unfortunately if the majority of gamers simply want goo graphics we cant blame game designers for focusing on that. However when you look at Heavy rain you can see its not entirely the case. That was meant to take off and yes it did well, but nowhere near as well as predicted.

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    Dishonored (New Bethesda Game) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dishonored (New Bethesda Game)

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