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    Retro City Rampage - Didn't you hear of it yet?


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    Age : 30

    Retro City Rampage - Didn't you hear of it yet? Empty Retro City Rampage - Didn't you hear of it yet?

    Post by Darkson Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:11 pm

    Just stumbled over this upcoming indie game and wanted to bring it to your attention, because this... aww this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! ❤

    This is going to be so AWESOME AND GENIUS AND EVERYTHING!!!

    Just check out their site:

    Please! Anyone here getting excited too? big grin

    It looks like a retro GTA filled up with tons of references and such and more. I love it, it already has cult status if you ask me. I'm so looking forward to this...
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    Retro City Rampage - Didn't you hear of it yet? Empty Re: Retro City Rampage - Didn't you hear of it yet?

    Post by Serious_Much Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:04 pm

    Or I'll just keep playing my old copies of GTA silly

    Posts : 1182
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    Age : 30

    Retro City Rampage - Didn't you hear of it yet? Empty Re: Retro City Rampage - Didn't you hear of it yet?

    Post by Darkson Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:28 pm

    You're so ignorant, watch these videos how can you not excite up on excitement?!?!?

    Retro City Rampage - Didn't you hear of it yet? 3207319737

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    Retro City Rampage - Didn't you hear of it yet? Empty Re: Retro City Rampage - Didn't you hear of it yet?

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