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    For the Glory of Alvina


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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Brokewilly Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:55 am

    I have also seen hostile reds get summoned via RSS - a camper will do this usually as a last resort (unless the RSS is for a known friendly to the host). They are hoping praying the red will help them out. I had a camper summon 3 reds and he had to fight all three. I just sat back and watched - the camper was able kill two before he was taken down by the last red. If he had not hit the summon immediately upon my invasion he would have only had to fight me - the camper basically called in his own demise. I stayed around the corner out of sight because sometimes a red will attack you first because they want to kill the camper - but they can't attack what they don't see. Also, this was a good way to get the camper to use resources so if he was able to kill all three reds then my fight with him would have been that much easier.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by cloudyeki Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:01 am

    That is some fast acting karma broke. He seriously summoned 3 reds and they all went to town on him?! XD ahahahahaha oh man...

    I'm not always happy about red allies though, because it means I have to be careful with my hits. All's well and good till I end up forgetting that they can take damage from a missed GCF's lava

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Yog Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:42 am

    Every now ans then the blue eye makes me invade as a red... ticks me off. I have to crystal out every time it happens. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe I get booted from the DMs if I get indicted. Ah well, got my forest hunter up to snuff today so I'll be using him in the forest from now on anyways. Glory to Alvina!

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by sunbro Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:43 am

    yeah that's bad karma......
    Also I often get the same glitches sometimes I enter the forrest as a whitey or a red, everytime that happens I black crystal out
    So I can immagine that sometimes the host summons a whitey and a red appears I've seen them fight together on us hunters
    The most weird glitch I've seen is that I earned the rite of kindling
    The toon where this happend I had no rite of kindling yet but after that I could kindle the bonfire......good karma ?

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Quarik Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:38 am

    After 20 or so abysmal invasions, I dusted off the old Chaos Estoc. Damage is still pretty meh, but it's fun to mess around with. Oh man though, I've been getting the crap chainstabbed out of me. I almost ragequit, and that'd be a first for Dark Souls. Now in my inv, though, and this is pretty great, I have a grass crest +14, a great scythe +15, a bss +15, a mura +15, a chaos estoc +5, a black bow +14, and a greataxe +14. I have to take off my chest armor to use the mura/gaxe, but I can equip all the rest interchangeably and still have 77 poise! Yay! I'm currently working on boosting my end until I can hit 77 poise and use at least my great scythe and grass crest at <25%. Yay! Then I can equip rofap and still deal good damage with backstabs. Yay!

    Any tips for chainstabbing, avoiding chainstabs, and parrying? I've watched EWGF's videos but I just can't do any of the above things.

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by sunbro Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:42 am

    Quarik wrote:

    Any tips for chainstabbing, avoiding chainstabs, and parrying? I've watched EWGF's videos but I just can't do any of the above things.

    I have the same problem to
    I can see them fishing for and BAM another BS, just can't get it right
    Even from to most impossible angles I get BS'ed
    The only BS I'm doing is when they flee for some estus chugging....and I'm faster

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Brokewilly Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:00 am

    Quarik wrote:After 20 or so abysmal invasions, I dusted off the old Chaos Estoc. Damage is still pretty meh, but it's fun to mess around with. Oh man though, I've been getting the crap chainstabbed out of me. I almost ragequit, and that'd be a first for Dark Souls. Now in my inv, though, and this is pretty great, I have a grass crest +14, a great scythe +15, a bss +15, a mura +15, a chaos estoc +5, a black bow +14, and a greataxe +14. I have to take off my chest armor to use the mura/gaxe, but I can equip all the rest interchangeably and still have 77 poise! Yay! I'm currently working on boosting my end until I can hit 77 poise and use at least my great scythe and grass crest at <25%. Yay! Then I can equip rofap and still deal good damage with backstabs. Yay!

    Any tips for chainstabbing, avoiding chainstabs, and parrying? I've watched EWGF's videos but I just can't do any of the above things.

    Quarik - in regards to avoiding chainback stabbing you should either roll back in to them (but sometimes and exceptional chain BSer will shift position a bit to keep the chain going) after you are initially BS'd or stand-up and try a parry. When you are BS'd you have small window of time in which you are still invulnerable (the animation has not ended as of yet) so use that to your advantage. I have gotten pretty good at avoiding open field BSing - I have worked very hard on evaded this type of atack so I am not as fearful as I used to be.

    Parrying on the other hand is whole other animal. Basically I watch my opponent see if they appear to be parry master (carying a heater shield, parry dagger, dark hand,etc). The best you can do against a camper who is parry master is to either fight unlocked (nuff respect to Tolvo for this nugget of knowledg) with an wide arcing weapon (Mura, BSS, etc) or only attack a couple of times in a irregular manner then get out of there. In regards to unlocked fighting you can still be parried but is extremely difficult (I had campers try very hard to there detriment and one who was able to parry me while I was fighting unlocked so it can happen) for camper to pull it off. So you may get two or three partial hits while the camper is attempting the parry while you are unlocked which is ideal.

    I hope this helps.

    Last edited by Brokewilly on Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:53 pm

    I've described my mirroring method before for avoiding backstabs and it works well for me.....speaking of part of learning ever head to the kiln for the Skarekrow spacing gauntlet? Unfortunately lag will mean I get taken for a fool on occasion. Are you trying to parry or avoiding it? If you're trying I'm still learning too but when it's worked it's because I learned the person's strategy first and determined they always attack more than once. So....block first, then parry. Broke nailed avoiding parries. I use the great scythe pretty much exclusively so I rarely go on hitting sprees making it easier to make that one swipe here and there unpredictable.

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Brokewilly Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:07 pm

    skarekrow13 wrote:I've described my mirroring method before for avoiding backstabs and it works well for me.....speaking of part of learning ever head to the kiln for the Skarekrow spacing gauntlet? Unfortunately lag will mean I get taken for a fool on occasion. Are you trying to parry or avoiding it? If you're trying I'm still learning too but when it's worked it's because I learned the person's strategy first and determined they always attack more than once. So....block first, then parry. Broke nailed avoiding parries. I use the great scythe pretty much exclusively so I rarely go on hitting sprees making it easier to make that one swipe here and there unpredictable.

    Skare - not as of yet but it is on my short list of things to do. I was going to start that training right before I pushed into a new game with my FH toon. Just trying to reach some other milestones first. Have you ever heard (or seen) anyone parrying a GS? I think the GS is probably the least parried weapon in the game. Most of the time I just want to run away when I see a farmer using one. From a mental standpoint - it is very hard to work up the "minerals" to stand your ground against a GS to even attempt a parry against it.

    Yeah - trying to get a parry off is highly dependent on observing your opponent. A lot of campers have patterns so you just have to watch them in order to get a parry off. Other than a BS this could be the way to rack up some OHKs.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by cloudyeki Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:08 pm

    I've never been bothered to try parrying a gs or lifehunt. This morning I finally got to the kiln in ng++ so I figured hey why not duel a bit. I got a repeat customer SoV using lifehunt and attempting it's 2h dead angles. I used the strategy "bum rush the guy with rolls and slap him silly" I see my bleed gauge goin up but I aint losing life. It seems a bit counter productive to try to parry something you can already get free hits on. I can see if you wanna use say a rapier or bandit's knife but even then my Q's sword was more than enough to get him.

    Point is I don't think people bother to parry the gs-set because it's an avoidable, punish-able mess in the wrong hands.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:28 pm

    I think you're both right. It's so slow and drains so much stamina anyone who swings more than once without a solid hit is easy to punish. I do see a lot of campers confused or scared of it too. I haven't been parried in the woods (by a camper, the thief got me once). It's rare anyone tries even and its usually not even close.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by cloudyeki Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:44 pm

    I'd imagine they flee due to damage. That thing hits hard. I would use it if it didn't clash with my 'move around and smack them like a deranged spider monkey arsonist' style. And Skare level up more cuz I'm sitting at 209 so I can hold GSoA and Q's sword while wearing the hat and my standard gank fighting uniform! Seriously! These lackluster flipping tanks are starting to blend together like a freakshow of fat acrobatic madmen.

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Brokewilly Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:20 pm

    cloudyeki wrote:I'd imagine they flee due to damage. That thing hits hard. I would use it if it didn't clash with my 'move around and smack them like a deranged spider monkey arsonist' style. And Skare level up more cuz I'm sitting at 209 so I can hold GSoA and Q's sword while wearing the hat and my standard gank fighting uniform! Seriously! These lackluster flipping tanks are starting to blend together like a freakshow of fat acrobatic madmen.

    I heard that!!Stick to your style is what I always say. Yeah - if you can level up do it - my FH toon is solely for the forest invading so I level when I can.

    I'm tired of seeing flipping tanks myself - I'm not saying my FH toon is original looking (well maybe it is due to my mix and match armor pieces) but these havel and giant set wears are starting to all look the same - cookie cutter even. Oh well I just try to kill them as best I can.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by cloudyeki Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:40 pm

    Also F*CK YOU V****** F******. This guy is an AFK who always seems to join my hunts and his toon just stands there naked with the fog ring on. He constantly costs me my wins because the gankers know he's an AFK and know I won't be getting support. And the few times I win he profits as well. I wanna find the guy and crush his skull between a door and a cement wall.

    Wow, I am a very colorfully violent individual when I drink lots of energy drinks. Anywho I'm sick of the AFKs. They make my hunts that much more bothersome. I hope his save file gets corrupted and he steps on a Lego.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:08 pm

    Sad that I know what all the blanks are. That guy is a piece of garbage. I saw him fight a couple times though. He's more useful afk sadly. I'm at 197 thanks to that weird high level fight I talked about in the mit thread and a Japanese guy I invaded in the catacombs doing the peddler schtick. Two deaths and 1.5 million souls. Only thing ever easier was our forest event. I spawned and started running to help out a blue and he killed both campers before I had a chance to fight for 1.6 million. In the words of Swiper the Fox...."Yip yip yippee"
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by cloudyeki Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:18 pm

    Dully noted on the AFK fool. Wish time would go faster so I could get home and play more. I'm hoping to get a few duels in before I start hunting. I'm not exactly seeing alot of action in the kiln but that may be just the time+sl. If anyone has a sl200~ish that wants to fight me on psn send a request to superbia13
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:21 pm

    I'm sure we'll fight again soon

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Quarik Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:29 pm

    Yeah, as fun as killing gankers is, I've never had a real duel and I kinda want to. I'll be there soon enough for the 225 fc though.

    May have told this story already, but I spawned in by the ents, and see some damage being dealt. Then I see the host bsing a red phantom for 712 damage. The host is wearing giants and wielding an mlgs. Strange thing though, I teamed up with him. The red phant was modded and had ~150k hp, and when we'd spammed enough bs's to get him down to 2/3s he popped a humanity and fully healed and killed me. Semi-honorable forest hosts are so rare though... I met Railage once and had some good fights with him, but that was about it.

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Yog Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:26 pm

    Quarik, I have a sl 162 and a sl 70. If you've got something close to either of those I'd be happy to duel with you. If not let me know what sl toons you have and I'll get mine closer.

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by sunbro Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:32 am

    Can you guy's send me PM with you're psn so we can do some jolly hunting

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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Brokewilly Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:10 am

    Quarik wrote:Yeah, as fun as killing gankers is, I've never had a real duel and I kinda want to. I'll be there soon enough for the 225 fc though.

    May have told this story already, but I spawned in by the ents, and see some damage being dealt. Then I see the host bsing a red phantom for 712 damage. The host is wearing giants and wielding an mlgs. Strange thing though, I teamed up with him. The red phant was modded and had ~150k hp, and when we'd spammed enough bs's to get him down to 2/3s he popped a humanity and fully healed and killed me. Semi-honorable forest hosts are so rare though... I met Railage once and had some good fights with him, but that was about it.

    Quarik - Good times all around - except the toon was mod :x . Mod toons are become more and more common - which is a bad trend.

    It was a very interesting morning for me. I invaded an ex-hunter but didn't get to fight him since he was killed by SoV. The ex-hunter is a cool cat - just could not handle the constant bangs. I have always wondered why some players can hack the hunting life and some can't. Also, fought a camper using two D. hands - she had a very interesting style. Does any one know if the D. Hands have parry rate on par with heater shield or parry dagger? She was able to get a riposte and BS on me which was cool since I did not take much damage. I did make the farmer equip a weapon though - I love it when I make a farmer change up. I was victorious in this battle - pretty much played around with her to see exactly what she could do with those D. Hands.

    And the struggle continues - allies of Alvina shall always fight the good fight!!
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:07 am

    Been doing some Skyrim R&R the last couple of nights to get my mental state back in order. This weekend I'm combining all of my covenant allegiances into camper griefing. I'm planning on playing pranks on campers cosplaying as the Easter Bunny for late holiday festivities (berkut's idea). I've been sadly short on hate mail from campers despite victories against them. Hopefully this will draw some ire and frustration for our nemeses. One of my planned pranks will be to place several prism stones near the trees at the cliff and do the jump off trick. Then message them indicating that they will get a prize if they count the stones correctly. Sad for them the prize will be out of our forest. Likely by the bonfire area or possibly in the Basin. I'll be posting stories (assuming there's good one) here and in the Peddlers covenant thread. Why all this trouble? I've been seeing a fair amount of camper evolution, seemingly in response to ours. Gonna shake things up prank style
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Tolvo Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:09 am

    Hey, feeling a little bit better today. Hopefully tomorrow this bug will be fully kicked, and I'll be back to posting my ridiculous tactics in here.
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:14 am

    Use your +5 Robitussin rapier to parry that bug and riposte it's rear end to oblivion with a Vick's Vapo Katana. In other words.....get well soon man!
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    For the Glory of Alvina - Page 2 Empty Re: For the Glory of Alvina

    Post by Tolvo Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:16 am

    Thanks man. I tried to use flash sweat on it but it's still around.

    If you're a doctor you'll admit that was a very smart joke.

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