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    Magic VS Enchanted Weapons


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    Magic VS Enchanted Weapons Empty Magic VS Enchanted Weapons

    Post by Killamari Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:38 pm

    My new build that I'm using is stopped at 31 Intelligence and I'm using an Enchanted Whip +5. Would it be more beneficial for me to be using a Magic Whip +10 at this Intelligence level? I was just curious as to what the estimated amount of Int is when an Enchanted weapon actually becomes better than the Magic weapon. Thanks happy
    Stat Guru
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    Magic VS Enchanted Weapons Empty Re: Magic VS Enchanted Weapons

    Post by BLA1NE Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:54 pm

    I honestly don't know for sure... The wiki lists Enchanted as dealing less base damage but having better scaling. And the character editor (I never trust it 100%, but it's still a great tool) lists them as almost the same:

    So, at your Int, it's really either one. If you raise your Int more, go for Enchanted, but if you leave it there then you can keep it Magic.

    It varies per weapon, but I'd guess above 40 Int you should go for Enchanted, and bellow 30 Magic. In between, they're practically the same (there's never a big difference between the two anyways).
    Chosen Undead
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    Magic VS Enchanted Weapons Empty Re: Magic VS Enchanted Weapons

    Post by PlasticandRage Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:59 pm

    BLA1NE wrote:
    It varies per weapon, but I'd guess above 40 Int you should go for Enchanted, and bellow 30 Magic. In between, they're practically the same (there's never a big difference between the two anyways).

    This is pretty much my understanding of it also. I think Magic is more of a balance between your weapons normal scaling and the addition of slight INT scaling, while Enchanted drops your weapons normal scaling more but has a larger increase to INT scaling. So if you're not using a pure INT build you may be better off with Magic, but a build with an INT stat that's much higher than all other stats is probably better off using Enchanted. I could be wrong.
    Stat Guru
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    Magic VS Enchanted Weapons Empty Re: Magic VS Enchanted Weapons

    Post by BLA1NE Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:04 pm

    ^That's a good point. Didn't think about that because I only looked up the whip, which has the same str/ dex scaling for both magical and enchanted, but that may not be the case for all weapons. So on a weapon by weapon basis, magic may be better than enchanted depending on your str/ dex and int stats.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Magic VS Enchanted Weapons Empty Re: Magic VS Enchanted Weapons

    Post by PlasticandRage Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:15 pm

    My only real frame of reference is with katanas. I've done one INT based build and I was experimenting with the two upgrade paths. I had a Magic Uchigatana and an Enchanted Iaito that I was switching between. As I raised my INT stat towards 50 I was consistently doing more damage with my Iaito than my Uchi, despite the fact that their normal scaling is the same, and that the Uchi has slightly higher base damage.

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