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    Dark souls prequal (short story)

    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Dark souls prequal (short story) Empty Dark souls prequal (short story)

    Post by billy_bayonet Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:17 am

    ok this is just for fun there is no evidence to back any of this up its just fun, so posting in this make sure its of a light hearted nature happy

    The iron doors slammed open as a knight walked into the hallowed hall home to the way of the white, there sat all father lloyd and the rest of the council, "ahh Oscar you have arrived tell me how did your journey fair", Oscar looked around the room and spoke in a calm tone "The undead are getting out of hand my lord" The allfather rose his seat and walked towards the windows and beckoned oscar to follow him, "the reason you was summoned here is the bishop went to lordran to commune with Gwyn and has not been heard of for sometime i fear for his safety"

    Oscar knew the biship well his exploits steeped in the legends of the world a proud and noble man but an irrational hatred of magic, "i shall leave at once" Said oscar as he made for the door, The allfather raised his hand and said "one more thing you shall not be going alone" beckoning a figure in the dark to come over, was the great knight Black iron Tarkus, and the two set of by boat to the great land of lordran, Oscar noted that Tarkus was a very quite serious individual, a man of very few words each spoken with a calm collected nature,

    Upon arriving at fire link they made there way to Burg where they could hear the screams of Havel as what was left of his humanity was slowly slipping away, they carved a path through the burg and found havel smashing the population of the burg into a smooth paste, "Havel these people are innocent and unarmed what are you doing" said oscar in a deeply disturbed tone the bishop looked up Cracked the skulls of the last peasant with his hands and slowly rose to his feet "The dark lord is coming" is all that could be heard from the once noble man, " Tarkus looked at Havel and Assesed the situation, but without warning havel charged the pair knocking tarkus through a walkway leaving only him and oscar,

    Havel charged again with all his might Oscar side stepped him and the crazed knight ran into a wall, this only enraged him more he bashed oscar with his greatshield knocking his helmet of and making him fall to his back The dragon tooth came up again "the dark lord is coming, Gywn is a lie!" as the weapon came down tarkus grabbed it both hands stopping the blow he wrestled it from havels hands and launched him across the walkway, Havel was knocked out, Tarkus dragged his body and locked him up in a tower, "what does he mean by the dark lord is coming and Gwyn is a lie" tarkus ignored the question and kept pushing forward to sens fortress, upon reaching the great gate it was shut with no way of opening it said for ringing the bells,

    This didnt stop tarkus as he scaled the huge building rolled past the giant and dissapeared into Sens, Oscar was left outside alone thinking more and more about Havels demise and what could have happened to a once noble man, "if Gwyn is trully he a god why would he Curse humanity with this Darksign" Oscar ran back to Havel and dropped a humanity at is feet, it wouldnt be enough to bring him back but would last long enough to get his answers, "what is the dark lord Havel"

    The bishop looked up and said " he is the true path of humanity, the Age of men is coming, Gwyn feared this from day one the entire way of the white was formed to stop an undead from being able to become the Dark lord" Oscars head flung with images of the undead purges the thousands of innocent people killed on a jealous whim, Havel looked at oscar and said " the dark lord is at the northern undead asylum" and as the humanity faded he charged Oscar, but he fled and locked the door, "rest easy old freind" Oscar thought to himself about life in the world how the gods decide everything and if humanity starts to rise up anyway, the Way of the white show up and put an end to an "undead uprising" could all of this be true could the legends of the Pygmy be true, upon returning to firelink shrine,

    He saw the ancient crow, he scaled to the birds nest and curled up like a ball and was taken the Asylum, he moved through the building looking for any signs of a non holllow soul, entering the main courtyard The asylum demon waited, Oscar evaded the great beast and found the jailor dead and rotting, it was there he saw him slumped against the wall he threw the body of the jailor down into the cell and ran off, only to be greeted by the asylum demon he pounded him through the floor, into a blocked off cell, unable to reach the opening in the roof nor break through the walls he took a seat on the rubble, waiting to see if this man was the dark lord..............

    Last edited by billy_bayonet on Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:27 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Dark souls prequal (short story) Empty Re: Dark souls prequal (short story)

    Post by Eolan Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:14 am

    Break it into paragraphs and fix up the punctuation. Its a massive text wall and im guessing thats why people arent commenting.

    But all in all well done and keep writing!

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    Dark souls prequal (short story) Empty Re: Dark souls prequal (short story)

    Post by Darkson Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:19 am

    ^ Yep, haha.

    Billy, fix it please and I will give you a +1. happy
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Dark souls prequal (short story) Empty Re: Dark souls prequal (short story)

    Post by billy_bayonet Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:27 am

    i havent had a proper chance to sort the punctuation out but ive broke it down into paragraphs i just though this could be an interesting story

    Posts : 1182
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    Dark souls prequal (short story) Empty Re: Dark souls prequal (short story)

    Post by Darkson Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:26 pm

    Very good!

    Now fix the punctuation and you will get a +1! big grin (tomorrow, I can't do it anymore today)

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